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bitch complain, bla bla


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Sorry steve I have to do this, to all those "people" who are complaining about graphics, bla, AI, bla, sux this game.. go find a day job will you! BTS has put alot of money and time into this game, and being it a pionier in such a ground breaking game I give "thanks you guys, I look forward to all updates and new versions you make"

If you don't like the game then sell it to someone! use it as (gasp I would never do this) as a coaster for your beer while you play those awsome first player games you are comparing CM too.

You might as well compare apples to oranges because you have to have at least brain cells to play CM, The CM community is one of the best I have seen so far as imput and ideas and support, we naturally have some bad apples that come in and causes a stir up but we get over it.

You don't like the game fine, write a nice but informativ letter to BTS, wine and bitching to us don't make a difference aside showing us "oh great another dolt". Make your own game if you have more know how.. you guys (gals?) that complain about the game and and and remind me of a starving person who bought a sandwich and complains that the mustard is to hot or my oh my white bread I wanted dark bread!

I'm asuming you looked at the website and saw the graphics and read what the game is all about, I knew what I was purchasing, and not a cat in a bag.

I'm truly sorry that this fine community of players are constantly harassed by some teenie that is not happy with some graphics, please at least be constructive with your arguments or give maybe some suggestions but posting "these graphics F***ing suck" don't hack it with me.. go back to your nintendo and play pokeman.

Thanks Steve you have one happy customer here, I look forward to all upcomming BTS products.


"one who complains never sees the trees from the forest, one who creates constructive critisism/ideas plants a tree in the forest for all of us to enjoy"


[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-20-2000).]

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mensch wrote:

> You don't like the game fine, write a nice but informativ letter to BTS, wine and bitching to us don't make a difference aside showing us "oh great another dolt".

As is plainly evident on this forum on a daily basis, the vast majority of questions can be quickly answered, the vast majority of complaints can be quickly countered, and the vast majority of suggestions can be constructively discussed (if they have not been already). I think this is the way it should be.

If we tell everyone "don't tell us, tell BTS", a problem which could be resolved in minutes becomes a huge issue which requires time to compose a letter, time for BTS to get around to reading it, and BTS's time to read and answer it. Even then, only the originator is enlightened, so ten people could be asking the same question at the same time. This is clearly a bad idea.

Your post has obviously been inspired by swamp. This ex-member had a grudge about graphic mods, which culminated in his loss of temper and a troll about a supposed deficiency in Combat Mission's graphical department. This was not a legitimate complaint, just a mindless insult from a mindless person. It is no reason to tell everybody else to keep their constructive criticism to themselves, or tie up BTS's time with it. =)



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Dave your right about that, I guess I came across wrong.. naturaly brining up ideas and problems found in to the forums naturaly enlighten us and let BTS enjoy the collective Ideas from the player group, That I have no problem with. Its the senceless bickering that not only is de-constructiv but makes my coffee turn sour and I hate sour coffee in the morning. smile.gif

I like the forum alot here... damn addictive and damn funny also informativ, but that Peng guy scares me.... biggrin.gif

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I have an even better suggestion. How about everyone stops complaining about anything? Complaining about complainers doesn't really improve the mood here.

Friendly suggestions and questions is one thing but the constant venom is tiresome. It belongs on Usenet smile.gif.


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Good response Marcusjm

I've only been around just over a week, lurking to get a feel for the community and read up on the game before it arrives, i've read most of the threads over the last 10 days and it seems evident that most of the people who post here are OK, quite witty at times and prone to a good discussion........

I suggest that if someone posts something you dont like - ignore it - posting a flaming reply just makes the antagonists worse, and makes them feel justified and they become more self righteous and eventually so rude they get barred.

Ignoring silly rude people eventually makes them just go away somewhere else where they can find a good flame war - which is what they want.

Mensch - read your own post tomorrow, sounds like a moan, whinge, gripe post to me... although I believe you posted it out of frustration and your sentiment is sound, and I agree with it.

all the best.. and I hope to meet some of you on the battlefield real soon



Don't take life too seriously - you'll never get out of it alive!

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smile.gif ya I rant sometimes, and sometimes I forget what I rant about like an old man on the porch saying to his young'ns "when I was a lad.." most people ignore me anyhow and I accept that, yup it's the frustration and most posts I see like "I hate.. bla" I dont read.. but funny how they pop up like that rash the doctor said should have gone away long ago.. and sometimes one has to scratch heh... I guess I'll never learn.

you are quite right complaining about complainers is calling a black sheep a wolf? or was that two wrongs dont make it revenge? hmmm well you see I have also have some cards missing from my deck... help daddy find his marbles will you kids.. smile.gif

mostly its my way of saying I like it here (my neighborhood) and I don't like when a crummy drug dealer moves in... yup one can ignore them but I like to stroll around the block without being harrassed (but it happens - I live with it, its life) and If we all stay silent locked up in our little homes (threads) then they have more or less won?

flaming I dont like much, feeding the troll sucks...

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-20-2000).]

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It would have simply disappeared, Flipper, if you hadn't knocked it back up to the top. It only needs to be locked if people are fighting, which isn't happening here.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

[This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 09-20-2000).]

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I agree with your take on the graphics. I like them very much as well. But I really came here to discuss this grumpy issue of yours.

My suggestions would be to go here http://www.tournamenthouse.com/ sign-up and send me an e-mail and we can arrange a PBEM game. A solid victory or a sound thrashing either way will take your mind off being grumpy for a little while.


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I think we are missing the main point here gentlemen.

I have been a follower of this forum since june and have read almost every post in that time and I believe I have seen the word 'dolt' used once only.

That was by my good self in a post referring to Mensch about our current not-so-superbowl battle.

Then lordy me, I see the word pop up in a thread started by the same Herr Mensch, well bless my cotton socks if that does not constitute plagerism in its purest form. We all know how plagerists are treated here and as such I request, nay demand, restitution for breach of copyright.

Menschy old son, you may e-mail me privately your VISA card number so that I may transfer to myself a sum yet to be ascertained as suitable compensation for your act of treachery.

(NO cash please as the Aussie $ is now worth less than the currency of the New Guinea highlands, and they trade in pebbles)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>to all those "people" who are complaining<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who are all those people? That's a broad statement. Include names. Especially if you flame about finding a day job.

There's alot of constructive criticism going on. There are some people who are insulting to BTS like...USERNAME. He could give his imput without constantly implying that BTS is not working properly.

So mensch, if you hear something you don't like. Say so right to the person's face.

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IMHO the reason these threads appear regularly is that you have all these people waiting for their PBEMs to come back from their opponents, so they surf the forum.

If there is nothing new to read, they have to create it. I know I posted some silly comments while I was bored, I'm sure most people ignore me by now.

You can cut down on boredom by playing a QB, but sometimes it's more fun to scan the forum for information and for a good laugh.

I have no complaints with BTS, quite the contrary I think their approach is well thought out, I agree with their philosophy and if there are flamers out there once in a while bored people like me can pounce on them and make them turn tail. (after a lot of flying fur and plenty of hissing, spitting and scratching)


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Guest Shatter50

Shatter here

I thought I would throw my two cents in. I'm not gonna start complaining. I just do not understand how anyone does not think CM is a great game. I have had the game about 2 months and so far I have at least tripled my time spent on the computer as well as several all nighters. 4 friends have also purchased CM. I have not found a single game before CM that all my friends with computers like to play and let alone spend all nighters on a PBEM or just playing and getting better. All this and the Scenario creator has not come into play. I have also spent countless hours creating scenarios and operations. So far I have created over 20 battles and 2 Operations. With my Grandfather being a WWII I told him about the CM he was really excited to see it. Last Thursday my Grandfather and I took a seat at my computer a created to battles over the next three days. These were made from actuall experiences he and his fellow soldiers faced in a small town as well as in a dense forest. Never before has a game been as enjoyable or had this affect on myself as well as others around me.

So all the complainers


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Guest Big Time Software

OK, now that I have stumbled upon this gem of a thread, me thinks it should fade into the sunset (er... sunrise more like it smile.gif).

Thanks for the support, but I think most whiners take care of themselves quite nicely. Some even work really hard to get banned, so cut them some slack smile.gif


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