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Buying platoons in quick battle.

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When i play quick battle and i hit suggestions i notice that the Ai are able to bring just a platoon of motorized per say instead of the whole battalion then deleting what they dont use.https://gyazo.com/64a019738c168b4439736c1d97abcf42 the link its a picture for clarification 

Edited by Mark_McLeod
messed up with image...
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3 hours ago, IanL said:

We cannot do that :(

I have no idea why.

I don't know either, but my guess is that maybe BFC didn't want to clutter up the purchase screen with an unending list of smaller subordinate units that would not be regularly present on the battlefield in independent roles. What we see in the purchase screen is how they are normally committed to battle, although in many armies an enterprising commander can shuffle the elements around and cross attach them. We can do that too to an extent, although achieving attachments is often not possible. I applaud the move in BS to include units where cross attachments have already occurred, such as the US mech rifle companies with the organic platoon of tanks. I would like to see a lot more of this kind of thing. In the German army of WW II it was standard procedure to tailor Kampfgruppen to missions, but I don't know if that is possible yet in any of the WW II titles.


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11 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

 I would like to see a lot more of this kind of thing. In the German army of WW II it was standard procedure to tailor Kampfgruppen to missions, but I don't know if that is possible yet in any of the WW II titles.


Flexible late-war American taskforces too.

I think its 'possible' but not sure if we'll see it soon; I would love to see the type of TFs and Battlegroups a la CMBS in game; with everything subordinate to a single Battalion HQ. Its definitely on my wish-list too.

Then again there is something to be said of the historical accuracy of the more eclectic way we have to do it now in the WWII titles, these taskforces always being transitory (compared now to more operational TFs).

Edited by Rinaldi
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You can still attach single vehicles and teams,, and rename them, but it messes with the command structure a bit... I tend to either buy a seperate command structure and whittle (say for the stock standard med engagement coy inf + tank platoon, I'll buy the infantry from an infantry battalion and then whittle out a platoon of tanks from a tank battalion), or build my own platoon out of single vehicles and put them directly subordinate to the highest level commander I have... though that tends to be more expensive in points :S

Being able to buy formations and intergrate under a single command structure would be cool...

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On March 2, 2017 at 7:54 PM, Artemis258 said:

...or build my own platoon out of single vehicles and put them directly subordinate to the highest level commander I have... though that tends to be more expensive in points...

It also means that there is no platoon commander, unlike if you buy a battalion of tanks and eliminate everything but one platoon. So, it's a choice whether it's more important to the player to have the tanks subordinate to one overall CO or have a local CO.


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