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Last Defense V4.0 Scenario & Quick Battle Maps

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The Release version of this remake of the CMBO Beta Classic!  You Must Have the Base game along with Market Garden & Vehicle Pack Module to play.

But for those who Do Not Own the Vehicle Pack Mod I have also included a No Vehicle Pack version.  But you still need Market Garden to play.

If you Dl'd the X-Mas version you will want to overwrite it.  I have made some small but important map changes that improve game play. 

The Scenario file goes in your CMBN Game File/Scenario File.  The three QB Maps go in your CMBN Game File/Quick Battle Maps File. 

For Now this is the ONLY place you can find it.

Last Defense V4.0 Scen & QB Maps.zip

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I downloaded from the link above but found that the Last Defense v4 scenario in my folder was still later more recent.  The one above was 1/6/17. the one I already had in my folder is dated 1/7/17.  Want to double check that the link above is indeed the most recent version.

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  • 2 weeks later...


   Just finished playing out your V4.0 for this battle.  Played it on Elite.  I...er...didn't check the designer notes and played it as Allied vs. AI.  Sorry about that.  Got a major victory after the German's surrendered with around 25 minutes left to play.

   However, let me say that it was very enjoyable and I had to play smart.  There was an ebb and flow to the battle, and at several points I was not sure I'd be able to hold in some of my positions.



Some of you can mask the text for spoilers - not sure how that is done, so if you want to play it first, don't read any further.


   Mark, the difference between the original map and your 4.0 version is stunning.  After finishing the 4.0 battle, I went and looked at the first version and it looked nice...but your 4.0 map was really sharp.  During setup I kind of sat there looking at how nice the map looked for a while before figuring out where I wanted my troops.  Your map changes really enhanced the whole appearance of the battle.  Don't get me wrong - your first map was nice too, but this one was...WOW!!!

   The Allied troop mix was good.  It felt right.  I left everyone pretty much where they were on the map.  I altered the guys on the right flank a bit, but not much.  Then I started the battle.

   The AI started right out at me, in several locations.  The right flank was a problem straight away.  The enemy started cutting up my guys and I had to fall back deeper into the woods.  The Assault Gun was relentless, area firing in all sorts of possible locations, some which I had even considered putting troops in at the beginning of the battle, but had a bad feeling about and kept the men further back.  I had a bazooka team in what I thought was a good spot, but seeing the AI starting to pick and choose spots to area fire, I pulled them back fast.  Shortly after I had pulled them out of the "really good spot," the Assault Gun blew it up big time.  If I'd left them there, they would have been killed.

   The AI was aggressive, but I got the drop on them and hit them with some flanking fire.  That slowed them a lot, and they relied on the Assault Gun to keep ripping the woods up.  They made another push and this time were hit so hard that they had to pull back and this ended their attack on my right flank.  The other telling event was that the Hellcats had arrived by then, and they knocked out the two StuGs on that side, but not before one Hellcat was knocked out. 

   I used mortars to torment the old French gun halftrack until it finally moved forwards and a Hellcat torched it.

   My forward positions had been mauled a bit in the center, so there were a lot of guys running for their lives.  I took quite a few casualties to the MG in the woods. 

   The AI figured out where my mortars were and they got plastered badly. 

   An interesting gun duel took place between the two Hellcats I had in the center and right flank on the ridge.  They took on the Tiger.  I used the Hull-down command to get them up on the ridge, and the center one took a position that I could barely tell was hull-down to the Tiger - it was that good.  The Tiger missed because there was so little to shoot at, but the Hellcats kept punching rounds onto the front gun area of the Tiger.  I believe that one finally got a round through the barrel of the Tiger, but it still showed it was in action, so a penetrating round into the upper turret finally put the Tiger out of the fight.


   That was a major coup, as the Tiger was going to be able to mess up everything I had pretty handily.

   The AI pushed up the center next, and made it to some of the houses halfway to the village.  The crossfire from the MGs was so heavy that they weren't able to get any further than that.  My forward guys on the left center had been hugging the wall, hiding after being cut up a bit by halftracks aggressively attacking, but with the Tiger out of the fight, the remaining two Hellcats on the ridge were able to knock out the halftracks as they charged.  My guys behind the wall took a lot of casualties but held on, and then were able to fire into the flank of the center push, which helped to end that threat.

   On the left flank, I got sound alerts fairly early on for vehicles.  I decided to push an assault team into the woods on the left flank, hoping I could ambush some halftracks that might be coming front that area.  They rushed forward from the wall and made it to the woods just as a halftrack with a 20mm gun pushed out, attacking the guys on that forward wall.  The halftrack took so much fire that they turned and rushed into the woods for cover, coming in contact with the assault team that had pushed forwards.

   There were some grenades thrown, and casualties in the halftrack, but then the gunner swung the 20mm around and started shredding the vegetation as well as my guys.  They all went down. 

   Not being one to give up yet on a good idea - ha ha - I then rushed an AT team around to the same area, while keeping the halftrack boys ducking from MG fire way off on the right flank.  But, my AT boys only had rifle grenades.  They got off the two grenades and hit the halftrack, but didn't kill it, and the guy with the regular rifle threw all his grenades to no effect.  The damn thing was still active, but now fairly quiet.

   I watched as the lone rifleman fired off his last rounds and now he had no ammo, nothing.  I had him crawl up to barely 10 meters from the halftrack and strip ammo off the bodies of the first team, so now he had rifle rounds again, but still no grenades. 

   After a while, the Hellcat on the far right got the drop on the StuG supporting the push on my right, and knocked it and the supporting 20mm halftrack near the woods out.

   Now that all that distraction was over, the Hellcat in the center finally got a spot on the 20mm halftrack in the woods and punched a round through it's side, setting it on fire and ending the lone rifleman's vigil watching over it.

   The AI rushed it's last halftrack down my left flank in homage to the Last Ride of the Valkyries, took a storm of MG fire, and then started backing up only to be blown up by one of the Hellcats.  The AI then surrendered.

   I thought the battle played out very nicely, even though you didn't recommend Allies vs. AI.  My force felt a bit brittle at times, so I had to be very careful on how I used them or exposed them to enemy fire.  The AI was very good at area firing into possible locations where threats might exist.

   I'll have to try it again as Germans to see how things go, but I still had fun and things played out nicely.  The real key was my placement of the Hellcats.  That was a big factor in my being victorious.  I'll have to see how the AI uses the Hellcats when I play Axis.

  This played out very nicely, and I enjoyed it.  I'm sure Axis vs. AI will be more of a challenge, but I play for the enjoyment and don't always need a tough challenge.

   I'll reiterate just how nice your 4.0 version map was.  Amazing. 

   Thanks for all your hard work on this and for up-dating it to 4.0.  It was lots of fun.



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What a fine AR...had my heart pumping.  I always play the Allies and that is the recommended play style.  The scenario has a full set of AI orders for both sides.

Tomorrow I will Release the CMFB "Another Road To Wiltz" Scen.  The map is 2400 X 1600 and is very intricate.  I have made it a storyline game.  It is Designed for Allied Vs AI but also has Full plans for both Axis and Allied.  Here's some preview pics and text:


Armored Infantry-TF Easy - December 19th 1944 0630
"Orders is Orders", Captain U R Easy, mumbled as the Sherman Tank he was riding on hit yet another pot hole.  "Excuse me sir?", his radio man asked.  "Nothing corporal", just something my old Sergeant  Major said to me back at Fort Benning".  Captain Easy thought again about the crazy one he got handed from Regiment.
"There's a platoon of Shermans outside gassed up and ready to go.  Grab as many troopers as you can get and head down to Wiltz.  The 28th Division HQ is evacuating and your gonna block the Krauts." That was 0900 yesterday.  The Tanks were, indeed, gassed up. Just no crews and straight out of a repair depot. The rest of the day Captain Easy had hustled to corral some tankers and enough troops to ride them.  By 0400 on the 19th, the newly minted Task Force Easy was finally rolling. They hadn't been on the road ten minutes before one of the Sherman's broke down. Leaving the Sherman and riders with orders to get it running and get to Wiltz, the little column pushed on into the dead of night.  "Yep, Captain Easy thought, Orders IS Orders!"
28th ID- Diehards December 18th 1944 1730
Captain Max Dihardt had broken just about the biggest rule in the Army, he'd volunteered! He looked into haggard faces of his friends, Bull, Wild Bill, and Crazy Ed. I don't know what came over me but I had to do something! I haven't even fired my weapon since basic.  And you guys have been in it since D-Day! All I've done is push papers."
When General Cota had asked for an officer to set up road blocks around Wiltz he seemed to look directly at Max. Captain Dihardt's hand slowly rose. Now here he was, in command of a gaggle of typist, mechanics and band members watching the 28th "Bloody Bucket" heading to the rear.
Bull Shinisky spoke up. "Don't worry about it, Max.  We’re just making sure you live to pay up on the bet!"  Captain Dihardt stared quizzically.  "Bet?  What bet?"  Bull laughed, "The one you made that the war would before over by Christmas!" The others chimed in unison, "You got that right!"
Armored Engineers- December 19th 1944 0715
Pop Dixon was not called so because of his age.  No, the twenty-two year old lieutenant was the proud father of a beautiful baby girl born just before they embarked for France.  Now his small Demolition Team gathered around him.  "What's the word Pop?" Lieutenant Dixon sighed. "We got orders all right.  We're going to someplace called Wiltz and prepare a bridge for demolition. Then stand by and wait for orders."  His Sergeant stammered, "Wiltz that must be thirty miles from here."  Pop smiled. "Right, and they wanted us there yesterday!"
Cavalry Reconnaissance and Intelligence Team-December 18th, 1944
The last order Lieutenant Redmond 'Red' Bonze had received was to recon the roads East of Wiltz.  Higher command needed more information about the strength and makeup of German Forces attacking the Southern shoulder of what was fast coming to be known as 'The Bulge'. One of the Division' Intel officers also pressed him to check out a rumor that Germans were searching for our Fuel Dumps.  But right now Red had other fish to fry. Like how to get there. With the narrow Belgian roads clogged with all manner of retreating units.  Mere Lieutenants don't stand much chance of obtaining road clearance in the face of panic stricken Majors like the one waving his hands excitedly in his face right now. Looking at the confused river of humans and machines Red said, "I've got my orders, Major, now get off my road!"


Wiltz Postcard.bmp

Wiltzv4 pic1.bmp

wiltz strat map work2.bmp

Edited by MarkEzra
reads better
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