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Enemy Units being revealed

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Sometimes you can get tripped up by the difference between the global view of the enemy units and the view of the enemy units for a specific unit of yours. One thing that happens is the global view shows ? contact icons right on top of some of your units. When you select that unit the ? icons go away. What that means is that your specific unit knows there are no enemy units there but one was spotted there by someone else at some point and your unit on top of the ? icon has not yet communicated the new information to the rest of the units yet. In the case of enemy units if you have one of your units selected you get to see what enemy units it can see - all other icons are hidden. If you then select that enemy unit the rest of the global picture of enemy units appears too - because you are no longer seeing what your one unit sees but the whole pictures.

Could that be what is happening here?

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Yeah, generally speaking I think this is how it works:

No units selected - you see everything that every friendly unit sees

one friendly unit selected - you see everything that only that specific unit sees

one enemy unit selected - you see everything that every friendly unit sees and the friendly units that see the selected enemy unit are highlighted.

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When I check my units individually none of them show that they see the enemy units that are being revealed when I click on the one known enemy unit. If others of my units were saying that they saw these enemy units then I would agree that it is a global view but none of them are.

Thanks for the replies.

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If you have a friendly unit which is "out of command" (panicked, or some similar state), their icon is transparent. If you select the enemy unit, and the transparent unit is the only one which has spotted that enemy unit, that transparent unit will not highlight. However, if you select the transparent unit, the known enemy unit will highlight. That's what I would think you're seeing.

Or, toss a screenshot up.

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1 hour ago, c3k said:

If you have a friendly unit which is "out of command" (panicked, or some similar state), their icon is transparent. If you select the enemy unit, and the transparent unit is the only one which has spotted that enemy unit, that transparent unit will not highlight.

Sorry for being pedantic but it actually does highlight - in the sense that it gets the orange treatment :) - but it is so faint you can hardly see it. Since you can hardly see it, it is hard to call it highlighted. So the main thrust of your point remains valid - it can be difficult to figure out which of your units can see the enemy when you have some that are in a shaken or panicked state. :D

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10 hours ago, ZOR58 said:

When I check my units individually none of them show that they see the enemy units that are being revealed when I click on the one known enemy unit. If others of my units were saying that they saw these enemy units then I would agree that it is a global view but none of them are.

Thanks for the replies.

I'm not sure that I understand what you are describing here.  Let me try and break down your sentence a bit and perhaps you can clear up any confusion that may be involved here.

"When I check my units individually" so you are clicking directly on individual friendly units?  "none of them show that they see the enemy units that are being revealed" and when you click on each individual friendly unit the enemy unit never appears?  "when I click on the one known enemy unit"  That part doesn't make sense within the context of the first two parts since you would either be selecting a friendly or enemy unit so I'm lost if that's what you are doing.

Alternative interpretation: "When I check my units individually" you have an enemy unit selected and you are examining your friendly units.  "none of them show that they see the enemy units that are being revealed" and none of the friendly units are being highlighted?  "when I click on the one known enemy unit."  So you select a known enemy unit and no friendly units are being highlighted?

"If others of my units were saying that they saw these enemy units then I would agree that it is a global view but none of them are."  I don't understand what one thing has to do with another.  What I described above is how it works.  If you have an enemy unit selected you see the global view.  Everything will look the same whether the enemy unit is selected or not.  Selecting or deselecting the enemy unit will change nothing as to what you see on the game map.  The only time something will change is if a friendly unit is selected.  So have you gone through and selected every friendly unit to see if the enemy unit you are concerned with ever appears?  Or are you saying that you selected the enemy unit and no friendly unit gets highlighted and you select every friendly unit and the enemy unit never appears - yet it appears when nobody is selected (otherwise you wouldn't be able to select it to see what it is).  Now I'm confused as to what the issue is that you are describing

"I click on an enemy unit symbol that I have LOS to and other enemy symbols come up which I do not have LOS to"

When you select an enemy unit, everything that you see on the map is seen by some friendly unit somewhere on the map.  What you see when the enemy unit is selected is the same thing that you see when the enemy unit is deselected.  Select the enemy unit and deselect the enemy unit (in other words, click on the enemy unit and then click on the map somewhere such that no unit of either side is selected) and what you see on the map will remain unchanged.  The only time it changes is if you select a friendly unit.  At that point, with the friendly unit selected you only see what that specific friendly unit sees. :unsure:


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20 hours ago, ASL Veteran said:

<Snip>  Select the enemy unit and deselect the enemy unit (in other words, click on the enemy unit and then click on the map somewhere such that no unit of either side is selected) and what you see on the map will remain unchanged.  <Snip> 

This might be where the miscommunication is.  Or maybe I'm confused.  There is a change when you select an enemy unit.  When you select the enemy unit the friendly unit(s) that see the enemy unit will remain in their normal state but all other friendly units will dim.  (Making it seem that the friendly unit(s) with LOS have highlighted)  When you deselect the enemy unit the friendly units that had dimmed will return to their normal state.

Engine manual 4.0 page 43.

This does not explain the original problem in the OP but may help with any miscommunication.  A screenshot or three would be useful.  

EDIT: And I see in a previous post (near the top of the page) that ASL had previously explained the change when you select an enemy unit.  So I added nothing to the conversation.  Sorry, I will go do some PBEM turns now ....................    

Edited by MOS:96B2P
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Ok, try again.

1) I check all of my units.

2) only one of my units has a confirmed LOS to an enemy icon.

3) when I click on the enemy icon other enemy icons that I do not have LOS to appear and I can view the units even though none of my units have LOS to the enemy units.

4) the enemy units that appear are not even on screen as ? units.

Thanks again for all of the help.

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52 minutes ago, ZOR58 said:

3) when I click on the enemy icon other enemy icons that I do not have LOS to appear and I can view the units even though none of my units have LOS to the enemy units.


What happens if you click on one of the other enemy units? Are they identified in the GUI similarly to the way friendly units are when you click on them?


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Can we get some screen shots of all this? Either this is a horrendous bug or a misunderstanding (by either you or us) and I would really like to see if we can decide between the two :D

Use camera level 3 (press the '3' key) and move the camera where you can see these units. Don't move the camera any more. Take a screen shot with nothing selected. Then start selecting units to show this strange behaviour and take screen shots of that. Also if this is a Quick battle please press the menus button and click on briefing and get a screen shot of that too.

You can use something like photo bucket to include the pictures in the post. Or you can use drop box to share them and link them. Or you can PM me and I'll give you my email and you can send them to me and I'll post them here for the discussion. Whichever is easier for you.


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