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DAR Doc V Bud B (No peeking Bud B)


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Ok so I have already played a battle against Bud B and I lost pretty heavily.  Well, since i was the russians it would probably have been classed as light casualties, but seeing all those bodies spread across the map there is a chance that I would have been given a shot of vodka followed by a shot of lead, lol.  So we have now started another small battle with me as the Germans in a meeting engagement scenario.


I decided to do this DAR because I can now pretty much handle the AI and have got the hang of the mechanics of the game.  However playing QB's against a human player is another kettle of fish entirely so I am now going to lay out my force selection and battle plan and the experienced members can pick away at my choices and I think this will help me improve a lot faster than from just playing game after game.  Also this isnt going to be a highly detailed masterclass of a DAR LIke Bil's, Im more interested in learning how to effectively pick force selections and where Im doing things wrong.


Pointers and helpful tips can be posted in a general manner but not to in depth I dont want to be accused of having a general staff, however i will be a few turns ahead of what i post here anyway.

So onto the map.


Pretty closed in with very few longish LOS lines so this is what i have gone for.


So nearest the camera is my Panzer Support Company with a few bits and bobs stripped out and a Panzer V and and PSW 231 armoured car added.


 Behind them is a Inf. Batt with 1 Company removed.  My reasoning behind this is that i wanted two independent manoeuvre elements.


So my plan and its a VERY loose plan.


The Yellow circles are the original positions on load up but i did tinker with this for my initial troop movements.

So the RED lines denote my infantry movements, at far right the HMG section with Shreck support moves to cover the open ground in front of that copse of trees and protect my right flank.  In the centre the rest of the Panzer Supp Company is going to advance and set up a defensive line and is going to basically be noisy and try to be a nuisance.

On the left is my inf. Batt. that is moving through the woods to mass on the left flank and HOPEFULLY drive down into the town.  I picked this route because it has reasonable cover and also most of the buildings in the town face N.E. to S.E. ie there arent many windows facing my troops direction of travel.

My Panther, the Magenta circle is being held back and will react to the situation accordingly.

The long Green line is my armoured car which i am fast moving over there to try and get some eyes down that main road into the town.

Nice and simples, the right blocks, the centre disrupts and the left strikes.  The only drawback obviously is that im not exactly very mobile but i do have a reserve force tucked into those woods near the main road.


And we are off, straight off the bat my HMG team on the far right spot something nasty.


A T34/85 with tank riders.


And a nice over view.


Its ME.


and this one just because i like it.





Edited by Doc844
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You can find out what map you are using in a QB by selecting Menu | Briefing.  There is not real briefing for a QB but it will tell you the settings used to create the QB game.

it's in tthe first post u top then, that's my screen shot of the briefing.:D

Map = village-forest-meeting 008 

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  You are looking kinda grim in your Kubelwagon.  :D  Must be the news of the T-34/85 mit tank riders, Ja?  "Verdamt, Fritz, alvays mit zee negative vaves..."  Where there is one, there is more...

  Good first plan.  Be ready to adjust it according to your intel.  Since he has tanks, I'd be more cautious running the AC up.  I'd use infantry to get the first spots and then use the AC for support.  It doesn't look like the map is really large enough to warrant using the AC for far-ranging recon.  Save him to support the infantry.  My two cents...

  Thanks for posting.  Always fun to read these.



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The Halbe Kessel - 1945

Communique from Major Holliday

"ZZZZZZttttt..... Last remanants of 1st Battalion, 21st zzz.... Panzer Division....

Ammunition, food, but above all, fuel at zzzzzitical levels.

Many civilianzzzz gathered last remaining armour, zzzz.....out towards 12th Army lines.

H-Hour 06:30.

For the Fatherland her Sons will do this Last Duty".


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As Untersharfuhrer Kaumier's 8 wheeler moved at full speed towards the village the radio crackled to life.

"zzzttt, enemy armour with tank riders spotted moving into the village"

With the calm that comes from years of combat Kaumier raps out his commands.

"HALT!!!!!!!     Willi reverse up and position us behind that house before Ivan puts an 85 down our throats"





(Gotcha, just wanted to try out a classic Bud B cliffhanger.  All the way through that turn i was praying that the T34 wouldnt spot my recon, he probably got a sound contact on him but it was full reverse at the start of the next turn).

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Turn 21 - 23


Still quite quiet, we are both jockeying for position, however Bud B controls the objective completely and what I thought were 3 tank contacts.


are actually FOUR.


So my I have set my Panther to overwatch this central road and I am moving a shreck team into the woods.


So with all this armour Bud must have a very reduced infantry force, not sure what its composition will be exactly, in-experience of the points system is showing here.  To hazard a guess i would say maybe a company of tank riders.

However he is still pushing on past the objective rather than sitting on it, very gentlemanly of him because he doesnt have to obviously.

Bud B's infantry sound contacts have most of them moving towards the copse of trees in front of the row of houses that i have occupied so I am bringing in a nice little surprise for him.



Only 81mm's but they should hopefully disrupt his infantry and cause a few casualties forcing him to bring his tanks in a bit closer.  This is where breaking IanL's cardinal rule is starting to hurt.  If your going to bring a tank, always bring TWO.  Instead of that armoured car a Panzer IV would have been much better.

So the next 10 mins will see some furious action and hopefully some outstanding heroics from my Ptruppen.

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200 meters is the maximum range. Pixeltruppen fire them automatically when targets get below 180 meters or so. I would hold fire with them until the target is in the 100 - 150 m range band.

EDIT: Scoobies?

Edited by BletchleyGeek
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What @BletchleyGeek says is quite correct.  My personal SOP is to set an armour cover arc at around 120m  The difference in accuracy between taking shots at 120 is much better than 150.  Mind you if the target is 155 and there is no more cover then let them take the shot.

LOL two Panthers would be even better.  BTW I am playing a private PBEM for testing with Bud right now and I broke my own rule and bought one Strum Tiger.  It got off one shot and missed so high the round did not even land on the map and then it received a gun hit - no more working Strum Tiger.  Sigh.

BTW I recommend against a non circular cover arc - like the one you have on your Panther.  If something juicy popped out of cover on the left or the right you would be unhappy.  Make it a circular cover armour arc that covers the whole damn map.  That way no shooting at infantry and no enemy popping up just outside your arc making your Panther crew look like fools

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...  BTW I am playing a private PBEM for testing with Bud right now and I broke my own rule and bought one Strum Tiger.  It got off one shot and missed so high the round did not even land on the map and then it received a gun hit - no more working Strum Tiger.  Sigh.


it's karma for consistently misnaming it ... ;)


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So the T34/85 that poked its nose along the road seemed to get a spot on one of my Ptn Hq's whilst they were busy supplementing their rations with some cabbages.


All Dead


Worse luck though, the Stalin Ninja tank gunner spots my squad that was lying prone behind the fence.


Also over on the right that SU122 puts some area fire down




I just love the detail in this game, I mean come on just look, the commanders pistol lies just next to his blood soaked form, absolutely magnificent.  Such a shame that was one of my HMG teams that was protecting my flank.


More to come soon just waiting for some turns back from Bud B.

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  Yikes that was grim.  Nothing quite as deadly as bad cabbage, especially for others in closed confines.

  Bad deal on the MG team.  Seems the Red boys are especially observant.  Perhaps Bud has limited their usual vodka intake.

  You are right.  The details to this game are so amazing.  I spend more time on replays just taking in everything that is happening.


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200 meters is the maximum range. Pixeltruppen fire them automatically when targets get below 180 meters or so. I would hold fire with them until the target is in the 100 - 150 m range band.

EDIT: Scoobies?

Scoobies = Scooby doo = not a clue


hhm must be a Scottish expression. Use it all the time as in when asked if you know/think something -  "I've no got a scooby!" Or "Hav'na got a scoobies!"

Edited by George MC
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So time to catch up on the last few turns.  

To start with just an overview so everyone can see how I am being danced around and led by my nose lol.


I have been firmly kicked out of the woods on my right, (really should give these important tactical locations nicknames).

As everyone will recall my HMG took a 122mm to the face and the survivors got mopped up by those pesky tank riders.


and my shreck team got spotted also


However I do love the glorious bravery my troops are showing though I am very dubious about their intellect.

Ah a TC with his head sticking out the hatch,


Lets take a shot at him


"I told you that was a bloody stupid idea"


So as we move further across the field my mortar barrage came down hard, fast and heavy, I dialled this in a few turns ago when I was getting a lot of sound markers moving towards the wood line.


This is the only chap I saw running away from said woodline


Now for the left.  On the far left I had positioned one of my tank hunter teams and I tell you what, this guy must be the marksman of all shreck guys.


This is his prey, sitting just shy of 200 m away.


Its away



With the hit just below the drivers hatch the shaped charge's molten jet expands outwards killing the driver instantly and cutting the TC in half just below the waste. 


As his body slumps into the tank the rest of the crew scramble out of their dead machine.


My second tank hunter team that were hidden in a cottage take a bead on the second T34.


But he cocks it up


and earns a swift and deadly response


After their close call with the death the driver throws the tank into reverse


But also lays down suppressing fire on the adjacent building, just in case.



In the last few seconds of the turn my second mortar barrage starts to come down but I do believe his troops have already pushed on from that location but with no time to adjust I will let it fire for effect, you never know I might catch some supporting troops in there. :rolleyes:


And while all this goes on my Panther still sits at the back keeping an eye on the open field to the right where the SU122 and T34 are lurking.


He doesnt have eyes on though.

So as the battle has progressed I find myself having a difficult time coming to grips with Bud Backers troopsand my lack of armour is not helping.  I find myself constantly reacting to his moves which is,as everyone knows a recipe for defeat.  Plus I have to be very careful how I use my Panther, whichever way I move to engage he will have a very real threat of getting flanked very quickly.  Such a dilemma.

Once I get the return file from Bud I will post up an overview and show what my hopes and intentions are.  Put simply, if i can knock off a couple more pieces of armour on the left then I can use my inf. superiority their to push hard and make him switch armour from his right, giving me the opening I need for my Panther to strike.  At this time im pretty sure he doesnt know I have it.




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