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you are just dodging the Kate Upton genealogy.  I won't let you bait me with that Nazi mumbo jumbo!


As to sins - Burke comes from Deburgh - a damned Norman follower of William the Bastard.  But Harald promised the throne to William, I know cause he said so and then a fabulous tapestry proved it!


By the way, why do you have a profile pic of Leonardo DeCaprio in uniform?  He needs a doody cap.  I can arrange one.....

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Absolutely!  But you have to split that 40 acres and a mule with all the generations since so that leaves you with this... uh blade of grass and a mule hair. 


Wrong. My suit, Childress vs Italy, was just successfully concluded in my favor. Thanks, Saul Goodman! You're the Man! Problem is, there's a rumor that they'll be paying me off me in denarii. Is this a joke?

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That depends. The early Empire issues were 90% pure silver. Later on they're mostly base metal, not worth the bags they come in. I'm expecting the worst from these shysters.


No complaints about my attorney, however. He was aces, I'm high on the guy, If you ever find yourself in a legal scrape better call Saul.

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Sorry, I missed the "savant". But that's too much honour, too. For a mediocre painter. Failed in Vienna, try Munich.

Hm, nicely closing the loop and coming back to the original question of this thread.

But to fire it up a little: in your discussion about natives in the US, you guys forgot incidents like the Sand Creek Massacre. Or the death camps (Sorry, Reservations, of course!) in Florida.

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Sorry, I missed the "savant". But that's too much honour, too. For a mediocre painter. Failed in Vienna, try Munich.


His paintings sell for a lot of money these days. But not as well as Churchill's, true. He did

have some talent however. The Vienna School of Arts disagreed. But can you paint this?




I can't.


But to fire it up a little: in your discussion about natives in the US, you guys forgot incidents like the Sand Creek Massacre. Or the death camps (Sorry, Reservations, of course!) in Florida.


I'd like to discuss these melancholy events with you, Stiel, but I'm a little burnt out on ethno-masochism for now. Questions:

1- Are you a college student?

2- Is one of your classes 'White Privilege'?


If that's the case, it's okay. Just askin'.

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His paintings sell for a lot of money these days. But not as well as Churchill's, true. He did

have some talent however. Can you paint this?


I'd like to discuss these sad events with you, Stiel, but I'm a little burnt out on ethno-masochism for now. Questions:

1- Are you a college student?

2- Is one of your classes 'White Privilege'?[/Quotem

Well, as for the value of the paintings: there is probably little relation between market price and artistic value. Eh, just because of the name of the painter? Noooo, certainly not...

And regarding your questions:

1) unfortunately I am some 40 years past that age. Hm, those were the days...

2) Nope. But I might call myself a "privileged white"

Not sure, if this helps the discussion, but we'll see.

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Well, as for the value of the paintings: there is probably little relation between market price and artistic value. Eh, just because of the name of the painter? 


You're absolutely right. Also Churchill.


However both men had *some* talent. That's evident. More so, arguably, Churchill than Hitler. What's interesting about the former is that he took up painting in his later years. It was a hobby and he had an impressionistic bent. Hitler took himself much more seriously as an 'artist', a self-conception that made rejection all the more crushing. His works show mechanical expertise but give off, according to experts, a certain coldness. He preferred buildings to people who often appear as afterthoughts in his paintings..


Many 20th century dictators were failed artists. Stalin as a youth in Georgia dreamed of being a poet.


Churchill's first painting after WW2:



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And Stephen Wiltshire has talent. And a genuine eidetic memory. An immigrant West Indian who only learned to talk at the age of nine, he has the ability to memorize complex patterns from a single glance. Wilthsire was appointed Member of the British Empire in  2006 and owns an art gallery in London that displays his architectural paintings and drawings. His speciality is flying briefly over a city in helicopter and then reproducing  it down to the minutest detail on canvas.

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His paintings sell for a lot of money these days. But not as well as Churchill's, true. He did

have some talent however. The Vienna School of Arts disagreed. But can you paint this?



I can't.



I'd like to discuss these melancholy events with you, Stiel, but I'm a little burnt out on ethno-masochism for now. Questions:

1- Are you a college student?

2- Is one of your classes 'White Privilege'?


If that's the case, it's okay. Just askin'.

ethno masochism... ahh okay now I get it.


You know I'll bet the Germans get tired of apologizing for the Holocaust too.  What should we call that - National Masochism?  Fascism Masochism?  hmm I'm sure we can come up with something.  Ann Coulter can probably help, this sounds right up her alley.

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ethno masochism... ahh okay now I get it.


You know I'll bet the Germans get tired of apologizing for the Holocaust too.  What should we call that - National Masochism?  Fascism Masochism?  hmm I'm sure we can come up with something.  Ann Coulter can probably help, this sounds right up her alley.


A strong degree of ethno-masochism can be necessary on the part of the ruling ethny. At least from the point of the immigrants inundating that ethny's homeland. They had it coming!




Okay, that comment wasn't funny. So sue me.


Uoahhh, this is becoming boring. Tell me when you are ready for a real discussion. 



There are plenty of other threads to which you can contribute, Stiel. If you want to post here, better make it quick. The Threadcloser man approacheth. Thanks to ****** ;)

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Okay, that comment wasn't funny. So sue me.



There are plenty of other threads to which you can contribute, Stiel. If you want to post here, better make it quick. The Threadcloser man approacheth. Thanks to ****** ;)



Nope, your lawyer is too good.


Hey ********** didn't bring up ethno masochism.  Still not quite sure what the point of this thread is, but if you want it to stay open, just point it in that direction.  Hitler, Stalin, Castro, ethno masochism are all not really what you were getting at I hope, why let it go down that road?

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Okay, sburke, I'll bite. Even as I hear the Threadcloser rattling the door and picking the lock.


Generally speaking Ethno-masochism is self-hatred on an ethnic basis. IIRC, the term was coined by British/American commentator and novelist, John Derbyshire. 


The basic progression:

  1. I would not like to hurt others
  2. People are equal
  3. I like different people
  4. I prefer different people
  5. I hate people who are like me

Currently this malady afflicts certain Western groups but any ethny can succumb. The founder was, arguably, the Roman historian Tacitus who's book Germania leaves the reader with the impression that that the barbarians were nobler, more courageous, and more virtuous than his own compatriots. And they may have been during his lifetime. Early Empire Romans raised decadence to impressive heights. Or Jean Jacques Rousseau who was enamored of Man in his natural, uncivilized state.


And as far as ***** is concerned, I don't care. Or ***, for that matter. A propos of *******'s hurtful remarks in this thread Saul and I are considering a defamation suit. And, yes, even his 'thoughts' are in play. ;)

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sorry Childress, not really interested in participating in that discussion.  The implications to me are to legitimize a political expression and justification (at least within US politics) that I utterly abhor.


Hope you don't mind, but that discussion would get the thread locked and wasn't anything about the initial post anyway (as much as I get anything about the initial post).

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Okay, I've been duly chastised. I'll never go off the reservation again. So... my next thread (appearing in the BN forum) will discuss: Which tank had better flotation the Panther or the Tiger? I'm taking the Tiger. But the girlfriend thinks the extra wheels on the Panther provided better stability as well as more armor protection for the thin hull sides than smaller wheels or non-interleaved wheel systems. Is she right? And where did she learn this stuff?


The post isn't finished but I want it to be sburke-proof before submitting it. Advice appreciated.

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During my time at Rockwell, I worked as a Threat Analyst on military versions of the NASP (National AeroSpace Plane) with a Cornishman who had eidetic memory. While I addressed Russian doctrinal issues, declaratory policy, defensive scheme and whatnot, he handled the nitty gritty scientific stuff on Russian Free Electron Lasers and such--while freaking out the audience by briefing with his eyes closed! He opened them only long enough to verify the right VuGraph was coming up. When he was up there it looked as though he was reading the insides of his eyelids. Gasps were frequent from the audience. 


As for certain types trauma leading to phenomenal memories, this can be and has been done deliberately in order to, inter alia, create what are known as secure couriers. Secure because they don't know themselves the carry certain information in their heads, therefore can't access it, even under torture.  In 1971, Science Digest ran a piece by a Ph.D. Rhodes Scholar named Estabooks who'd been using hypnotic techniques during WW II to create them, but he wasn't using trauma to split the personality into several,  known as alters. Anyone wanting to read about deliberately creating alters to create secure couriers and more--as detailed by the survivors of such CIA actions themselves--please PM me. I've met several such people, and it's a soul searing experience. 




John Kettler

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As for certain types trauma leading to phenomenal memories, this can be and has been done deliberately in order to, inter alia, create what are known as secure couriers. Secure because they don't know themselves the carry certain information in their heads, therefore can't access it, even under torture.

That gives of the whiff of Area 51-ish nuttiness, JK. If not one would like to shake the hand of the patriotic agent who agreed to such a procedure. Was this you? ;)

Anyway back on topic: Hitler arcana.

Did the Fuhrer, as a corporal in France during the Great War father an illegitimate child? It's alleged that he had a son, Jean-Marie Loret, with a Frenchwoman named Charlotte Lobjoie. Loret was born in 1918 and died in 1985. In the 1950s, just before her death Lobjoie told her son that at 16 she had a brief affair with Hitler. He was conceived during a 'typsy' evening in June, 1917. 

 In his book With Hitler to the End: The Memoirs of Adolf Hitler's Valet (1980), Heinz Linge states that Hitler had stated to a number of people "his belief that he had a son, born in 1918 as the result of a relationship Hitler had had with a French girl as a soldier in 1916-1917 in northern France and Belgium....".  A genetic certification of his biological inheritance, done at the University of Heidelberg, resulted in the findings that "at best, Loret could be Hitler's son", but that he need not be such.

Myth or reality? Hitler did send Lobjoie money after he became chancellor.

You make the call:

screen shot on windows

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Whiff or not, Estabrooks was hypnotizing people to create secure couriers before there was an Area 51. That was working with what he had on hand, as it were. But in 1943, he was already laying out the case on making them from scratch. This work was enthusiastically embraced and extended, as detailed in two important book reviews. Some of this surfaced during the "Church Hearings" because seven devastating boxes of MKULTRA records somehow survived the deliberate destruction of all program records by the CIA, destruction for which the Agency was excoriated. The officially published US public record of the MKULTRA joint hearings are here, courtesy of something called the New York Times!.  

Stephen Wiltshire's work is wonderful! Someone like him would make an ideal human camera for, say, MI6. Spies are trained to do things like memorize the contents of a room, but this guy could draw it all, too. Appreciate your sharing his story and art with with us. Loret looks like the real deal to me. Disturbingly so. Wonder what his childhood was like?


John Kettler

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