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Game Movie Moments

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This thread is to honor another thread that was just locked.

So what I am looking for here is posted events during game play that just makes you go Ahhh, what a moment.

Now a few epic Movie moments from one of my recent games

Losing a PZ35 to a mine after 3 other tanks had past the location, then having one Char B-2 left that needed to pass and deciding to try and pass the same location and also getting nailed by a mine. (ouch that hurts)

Beginning the assault on the Rail Station and just managed to get a foothold into town with infantry in 3 buildings and I start moving the tanks into support and I watch a single American trooper run out in the street behind a Pz35 with Germans all around him, he hits the deck, lead flying at him from all directions. He throws a Demo Charge, it hits the back deck killing the tank. He watches his success , then a deadly round finally finds the mark , it was the last thing he saw.

With only two tanks now to help clear the town, one being a Char B-2 Flame, he becomes my only real tool to dislodge and Kill American troopers. And a excellent job he does.

But this is street fighting, and getting tanks in place to see and fire is risky. Sure enough, the moment happens. Facing down one of the small streets, a American bazooka man pops out of no where aiming right at the Char. (intermission happens- get the next wego turn programmed- movie starts. deadly shot, rounds on target, no chance to respond. Hits my tank and does Nothing. (you heard it baby, NOTHING) OK, that was cool. them Char Tanks do have some thick steel, just like I read about. Early War tank surviving late war munitions hit. Just Awesome

A American paratrooper with a bazooka holding up my assault all by himself, located where my armor could not help and he manages to kill 5 of my troops within other Buildings he targets.

This was all in just one game, all 4 of these events would make for a great portion of a movie. This game provides sub stories within a battle that no other game can in a way that seems more realistic than any other game.

So go ahead, post your Movie moments

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From my recent game against Raptorx7:




I watched a tiny drama play out near the Valley road, as one of my Grenadiers had enough and raised his hands. His buddy next to him got hit, and started bleeding out. The intrepid Grenadier put his hands down, picked up his rifle, and opened fire. Ignoring return fire, he fired off all of the rounds in his magazine, and despite enemy bullets hitting the ground all around him, he sat there calmly reloading his rifle. This man had decided, right there, right then, that if his buddy was going to die, then so was he. Another team from 3rd Platoon managed to reach him, and while he kept watch, the new arrivals worked feverishly to patch up his friend and evacuate him.



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From a game long long ago but it still sticks with me.  Two US soldiers are all that is left on the bocage line their squad mates lie around them - as causalities from the German assault.  The Germans are now running hard towards them.  Help is on the way but in a straight race the US squad coming to help will not make it before the Germans get there.  I watched at the edge of my seat as one of the remaining soldiers dropped his weapon and through up his hands.  The one remaining active US soldier kept his wits about him and kept firing.  He managed to cause a casualty and the enemy faltered some of them even turned around to run back.  His heroic action was enough to slow the Germans down so that help arrived and the Germans were pushed back.

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During fighting in a town, a Sherman pulled around a street corner onto the town’s main drag.  Located 100 yards down the street, lurking in the shadows was a StuG. The Sherman spotted the StuG , but it was too late, an AT round was already inbound. Now, the only thing the crew of the StuG must have been thinking was, who will by the beer?


Someone in the Sherman’s crew must have been living right because the AT round clipped the edge of a building, and shattered.


The Sherman reversed and roared back around the corner.


Several minutes later, a squad of troopers polished off the StuG.

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Defending a forest road, a Tank Hunter team waits in ambush for an approaching pair of Greyhounds. They both fire their Fausts at the same one from less than 10m, and it, predicably, brews up. Its mate stops and tries to reverse away, turning in a panic, off the road; the AC's commander fires his Ma Deuce and nails one of the PanzerJaeger while the other cowers. Then the PaK43 across the river opens up as the surviving Greyhound struggles backward up the hill through heavy undergrowth. And hits the wheels! The car's not going anywhere now, but it's still trying by fire to seek the life of the cowering Jaeger. Then the second round from the PaK43 screams across the valley, mangling the AA MG on the M8, and persuading the crew they should dismount their sitting duck target. Before the Amis have gotten out of sight, the surviving Jaeger has sent a couple to Hell to honour guard his dead team mate.


A few minutes later, that same Jaeger is skulking around in the woods, MP40 and Demo charges ready, and grenades hot-to-trot, when he hears rapdily, incautiously-advancing boots. A peek and a long burst from the Schmeisser, and a squad of Dogfaces is eating dirt, down a quarter of their number, while an MG team carries on running towards the flank of his position. A demo charge and a couple of grenades later, and if any doughboys made it home to mama, Jaeger didn't see them because he was busy using his last demo charge and clip of 9mm on the MG team.


That Jaeger survived the battle, having buddy aided a Shreck off a comrade and recontested the forward positions that had been cleared by the Americans.

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Two of my favorite scenes. Neither was really a critical moment in their respective battles, but they really showed off the game.

From our Hamel Vallee AAR - Hardenberger shows his stuff.


At least he hit the damned thing, unlike a certain unnamed Stug gunner.... Good shot arnold. Funny how we find

out every guy's name on this team.


Holy crap, it worked. The tank pops smoke and retreats!


Unfortunately he has friends, notice who's hands go up in the air first. Now that's a -2 leader for you


And the team is now cowering. At this point I am figuring it was a good run, but looks like their time is up


Wait, what's this? Moving? Moving where?


Edited by sburke
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OMFG talk about growing a pair, he's got a kar98 and at point blank range he is gonna take these guys on.


His buddy is hit, his team leader is waving his arms like he's gone into rapture and this guy just keeps firing


Ha! who blinked first!


I'm just waiting for the sqd leader to get hit in the crossfire


My pulse was actually racing during this scene. All the effort BFC put into this game and the TAC AI comes to life at this moment.

Charles, Steve whomever is behind this or all of you, outfriggin standing! I have completely lost control over this fight and it is the

most exciting thing going on for a full minute. To those who have nay sayed 1:1, tell me this doesn't make you think maybe just

maybe these guys are absolutely f**kin dead on.


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The American's stop to reload and our hero Hardenberger (yeah I want to know the names of all my guys, not just team leaders.

BFC fix or do sumfink!) drops to the ground and turns away. I am out of breath and figuring he's had enough and now

they are going to shoot him like a dog.


Whoa, what's that? He's got a grenade?!


JFC!!!! Who is this guy? Herr Rambo?


And another! If you look real close to the guy in the fore ground's leg you can just see the potato masher. At this point I was singing

one potato, two potato....


Bang!! Hey Euling, who the f**k are you surrendering to?


I am now out of my chair chanting Hardenberger! Hardenberger! I'm bettin Broadsword can hear me at the other end of the bay.

It's a couple guys, not even at the center of the battle and I am raving like a madman. BFC you earned every last cent and then some.

This battle has raged for an hour plus and not only am I fully engrossed, I am cheering! Games don't make me cheer, they are just

umm games... Your money's worth? LOL you're kidding right? Sorry BFC I think you sold yourselves short. The game is worth more.

Oh okay I'll buy the modules.

On a last note the very last German casualty of the game in the very last second is Euling. At least he never had to explain why he was

surrendering. No lie, check out save turn 151.

The other was the Audie Murphyesque performance of Her Probst at Bois de Baugin.


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Great replies.

Keep them coming

This is where all my CMX1 game play ended. After getting the hang of the new system and playing a few games. It was all these little side stories I was seeing during game play that was bringing the game to life. The infantry battle was now interesting to me. Just not a numbers game as it had been and something to sacrifice. They were becoming life like. One to one was really working. Plus like I have said before. More realistic than what I would see in a first person shooter.

I am playing just a couple of battles presently. but in general, I always find some interesting events in every battle.

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