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I am new to the forum and haven't taken the time to pore through the FAQ...yet.

So, I don't know if this has been discussed.

Has there been any thought on the creation of scouts or snipers, whom could be peeled from existing squads?

I would far rather send out one pair of eyes than risk a squad or half squad...

The descriptions of artillery paranoia in the

AAR posts is very intriuging...I almost reacted viscerally to Fionn's frank admission to his fear of the Amis "155" concentrations!

You guys really have something here...How about proximity fuses?...

Hey Steve, did that AFV Model Contest ever pan out? were you able to grab some textures?

[This message has been edited by Hieronymus (edited 09-03-99).]

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Scouts: Well, they are present as "half-squads" which you can create in-game as you feel necessary. (Tactically I doubt you would have used less than a half-squad for any activity.. Anything less than a half-squad would simply be wiped out in seconds if the enemy found it and wouldn't be able to bring much intel back.)

Snipers: CM has sharpshooters who are to most intents and purposes the same insofar as they are great shots. They just aren't hyper-specialised like real snipers were. Real snipers wouldn't be all that common on a battlefield of CM's scale anyway.. There was a big discussion of sniping a while back and I think everyone is happy with the solution.

Proximity fuses aren't in.. Or are only in for very late-war if I remember correctly since they were really uncommon in artillery units in WW2.

Artillery ! Where? Take COVER !!!

Yeah, I hate artillery now. The worst thing about it is not being able to "fight back" against it. It really is frightening because you NEVER know where or when it will hit and if it does hit it will last however long your opponent wants it to last.

It's totally out of your control or influence. PLUS its considerable more deadly in CM than in other comparable games.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

What Fionn meant was incomming artillery is out of your control. He hates artillery because his nice little Panther's can't shot it to swiss cheese like, say, a Sherman smile.gif Big artillery is controlled by FOs, smaller stuff gets to be on map (81mm or smaller that is). Your ability to fire is only restricted to the ammo load.

Hieronymus, well, the contest was a bust. Not very many people submitted stuff, even though I went out shaking the bushes at various model cub websites. We did get three texture sets from one guy though. The rest came from a model show we went to back in the Spring.


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"Proximity fuses aren't in.. Or are only in for very late-war if I remember correctly since they were really uncommon in artillery units in WW2."

Actually, proximity fuses were used in the bulge. IMO, they ought to be added, they would be similar to a tree bursts. Lethal to infantry but not to tanks. Since tree bursts are already in it shouldn't be too hard to simulate proximity fuses (I hope).

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Guest Big Time Software

Yeah, there was a big discussion about the Pozzi (did I get that right?) fuses. I think Charles said it would go in. That was some time ago, so it is either in already or on The List. Either way, it is something we are interested in simulating.


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