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Everything posted by Hieronymus

  1. Some might say, much ado about nothing...I remember how Atomic used to frame itself before the Close Combat series became the monster that it is today. It is funny how the pressures of success, and the public hunger for more and more of the same can stifle the Innovative spirit that led to success in the first place. The software industry is quickly becoming just one more realm of rampant capitolism, offering little more than "widgets" to a consumer base already pre-programmed to want the latest "widget", as quickly as they can be rushed through production... I seem to remember certain individuals at Atomic expressing a desire to explore other creative avenues. The mention of a sci-fi strategy game, prior to the release of CC2 comes to mind. There was always something about Atomic that made them seem approachable to me...Perhaps my impressions were mistaken. What a sad chapter for those of us that value originality and vision, over marketing strategy and a clutching sense of corporate propriety. How sad that a few self righteous thieves should further deepen an already gaping, nearly paranoid sensitivity for intellectual property, that will eventually choke any creative collaboration between designers and players. We can only hope that the same pressures do not mount against the people at Battlefront. Who needs Hasbro!!
  2. I am new to the forum and haven't taken the time to pore through the FAQ...yet. So, I don't know if this has been discussed. Has there been any thought on the creation of scouts or snipers, whom could be peeled from existing squads? I would far rather send out one pair of eyes than risk a squad or half squad... The descriptions of artillery paranoia in the AAR posts is very intriuging...I almost reacted viscerally to Fionn's frank admission to his fear of the Amis "155" concentrations! You guys really have something here...How about proximity fuses?... Hey Steve, did that AFV Model Contest ever pan out? were you able to grab some textures? [This message has been edited by Hieronymus (edited 09-03-99).]
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