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arma 2 can anyone pointnme to a good site with a demo?

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Unity of Command is a must play and comes with a demo. I would not recommend the ArmA games. I used to be the biggest Flashpoint fanatic back in the day, but BI hasn't moved on from 2001 and the games show it. They run poor on good machines and have weak effects, AI, and user interfacing with molasses pacing in gameplay. I literally left those games for Combat Mission and haven't looked back since.

You might also try the strategy and tank sim games by Graviteam.

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And if you're into absolute hard core top of the notch modern armoured warfare simulation you might want to check out eSims' Steel Beasts Pro Personal edition. It is the most realistic tank simulator and the professional version is used in many militaries as an educational simualotr for tank crews. Graphics might not be Crysis level but what the game has going for it compensates more than enough. Price is a bit steep (about 100$) but developers offer very reasonable by the month deals (starting from 10$/month) if you are interested in trying the game out.

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That game is Microsoft Flight Sim for tanks though. Very authentic but also very niche. Unless you're absolutely sure you'd like it then yes you might not want to risk $100 on it.

Try out Rise of Flight. Game is technically F2P, the Spad XIII and Albatross D.V are free. You can then buy other airplanes in the game individually or in packs which is nice. You can select a few planes you're interested in and just fly with those rather than shelling out $50-$100 all at once.

As for FPS the market I tried out Hawken a few days ago which is F2P. So is Mechwarrior Online but honestly I thought Mechwarrior online was pretty boring. I think you're better off taking a crack at Hawken or even War Thunder.

Edited by CaptHawkeye
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I think he's sort of looking for a large scale tactical shooter, something ArmA-esque. 


The best shooter on the market right now is not on the market. It's Project Reality for BF2. Their really hasn't been anything better for the last couple of years. 

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You can download the Arma2 demos via arma2.com. I would post a direct DL link, but advertising non-BFC games is not allowed on this forum. Google for Arma 2 demo, you will find it quickly i am sure.


You could also try the tactical shooter Americas Army. It is one of the US Armys advertising platforms and it is completely free to play.




Regarding the Joystick:


I currently use a Logitech Extreme-3D-Pro. It is not the most accurate Joystick i have ever had but it' is cheap (IIRC about 30-40 USD new) and will do fine unless you are into acrobatic or formation flight. The best Joystick i have ever had was the MS Sidewinder 2 Precision, but a new one will cost about about 70 USD on amazon. I found used ones for only about 20 USD though. The Sidewinder 2 Precision is very accurate and you can easily fly in formation or do some crazy acorbatics like flying through a couple of barns while doing barrel rolls (well, the later will still require a couple of houndreds hours of training, but with the Sidewinder 2 Precision,an inaccurate Joystick wont be your problem).

Edited by agusto
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I know Capt. did not recommend ARMA but I beg to differ.  If this is the type of game you are into or looking for ARMA will be just fine.  In fact there are a couple guys over at TFGM that run scenarios almost every Sunday.  I ran once with them and it was a blast.  Problem is they are overseas and playing at 700am is not my cup of tea. 

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Yeah, If you want to play Arma, I'd suggest to join some big community. Playing organized MP games is a way to go, singleplayer sucks. There's a lot of different Arma communities out there. I was a part of one, so can recommend some others (English-native ones) that we've played against during TvT sessions - ShackTac, United Operations, Task Force Blackjack. But there's plenty others to choose from:





A2 or A3? A3 is much superior, but requires better PC.

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I can hook you up with a free copy of ARMA Cold War Assault- full game - not the demo. It is not ARMA 3 but will do you for awhile. If you are interested either shoot me your Steam name or an email address.

jeffreypclark86@yahoo.com cold war snds betta than future anyway
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Sent the gift over.  Not sure how it works but it says you will get instructions on how to install.  You might have to install Steam if you do not already have it.  Your choice.  Enjoy and look into single player scenarios as there might be some fun ones.  I know for ARMA 3 I have played a decent amount that are pretty fun.

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