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is there going to be a demo for CMBS released?


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I think the demo needs a more *official* announcement than just this threat, maybe even a sticky post. The demo scenario "Rolling Thunder" ain't for the faint of heart. Newbies better read-up on the use of AA assets and drones!  :D

Yer sic an auld wifie so ye are! ;)

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Was going to do this as an edit, but got jammed up by a phone call--timed out. I believe it might it be a good idea to tell prospective downloaders what the scenarios are, rather than merely post the DL links. I could be wrong, but I think more people will bite if they've got some idea what awaits, such as these two hypothetical scenarios:


Background for Scenario 1


Putin has finally admitted what all but the willfully blind knew for ages. He's now moved against Ukraine in a big way, saturation publicizing his attack on the "Nazi fascist" government with a view to scaring Ukraine's government into giving him what he wants (Finlandize Ukraine) and following up the threats with his best mechanized forces and CAS. This, after bouncing the Dneiper River in record time. The Russian bridgehead, so far consisting of only amphibious AFVs and Motor Rifle troops, must be contained and crushed, else the drive on Kiev will prove hard to stop. Mixed Ukraine and NATO mechanized forces rush to the scene, but are under heavy artillery fire from the far bank and harassed by increasingly strong and determined Russian CAS attacks. For now, at least, Russia controls the local airspace. The NATO forces are well and truly up against it, and their combat task may not even be doable. Yet something must be done. Immediately. 


Background for Scenario 2


Putin's troops aren't very combat motivated, though some have foolishly believed the "terrorist attack" on the Moscow Metro (done by the FSB to solidify the home front) was the work of "Ukrainian bandits," but they have to at least go through the motions, for their ranks are laden with two sets of stukachi--stool pigeons--who operate outside of the chain of command. Both are there to ensure the political reliability of the troops. Make sure they obey orders and fight. Whether they want to or not!  One bunch is from the Army's Main Political Directorate, and the other is the KGB in all but name FSB. Both are potentially lethal to "cowards, shirkers and saboteurs." Be that as it may, the attack goes forward! Will what's left of the Ukrainian defenders and their increasingly unenthusiastic allies be able hold off Putins' onslaught? Might tacair be the difference? There would be a major Russian CAS presence, had those nasty NATO birds not plucked so many from the sky, sent others fleeing, and had NATO not mounted a concerted defense suppression (SEAD) and air defense killing effort (DEAD) to make the skies relatively safe for those daring pilots, men and women alike, who time and again turned Russian AFVs into flaming charnel houses. But CAS and closely coordinated artillery fires could do only so much. The battle would be decided on the ground. Meanwhile, MANPADS whizzing through the blazing summer heat or not, the harrowing low level missions continued.




John Kettler

Edited by John Kettler
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