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Steve, well, it is true that an above the head view makes the head look larger in porportion. So as you say it is likely the view. I attempted to count the number of head lengths it takes to take the measure of the soldier's body. It appears about 6 and 1/2.

best I can tell which is in the ballpark. I think I recall an art teacher mentioning 7 as appropriate, but I can't be sure my memeory is correct. At any rate dirtier faces is a distinct improvement. True what you say about the eye. I had always been drawn to focus on those damned pink shining faces in an untoward and jarring manner.

About the helmets, I would suppose you guys have already worked them to a fair-the-well, so I am probably spinning wheels uselessly; could they be slightly reconfigured in their present polygons so that they would be more flattened on top and flair less at the bottoms? The US helmets had rather more vertical sides when viewed from the front. These would not be too bad for Soviet helmets. But what the hell, A good soldier can fight as well in a Soviet helmet as a US one.

Picking on cosmetics is a good sign. But, not necessarily one to be taken too seriously if it delays productivity.

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Any idea where 'Ack-pack' flamethrowers would be found in the British/Commonwealth TOE? I've got a pretty detailed book on organisation and equipment called 'The British Soldier 1944-45, Vol.2' by J. Bouchery but it doesn't indicate who used them. In fact it doesn't show an infantry div. as having any in its equipment list. Para divs are shown as having a theoretical total of 38 but no further details. I assumed engineers would be the likely candidates but the section in the book on the Royal Engineers doesn't seem to indicate any concept of 'assault engineers' apart from the specialist armour of the 79th.

Something I did find interesting was that although a para div only had about 2/3 the manpower of an inf div it had almost twice as many 2inch mortars and a far higher proportion of stens.

Will British Commando squads be in the game or is their use too limited?



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Guest Big Time Software

No British Commando units. As for flamethrowers, they are tricky. Not sure about the Brits off hand, but the German and US had lots of them. The thing is the team was not a dedicated one. In other words 2 "lucky" soles from a normal Engineer squad would be "volunteer" to use them when needed. Otherwise they walked around with a rifle instead. The problem for CM is that the 2 men have to come from somewhere, but making a partially depleted squad presented problems for us. So what we did istead was cut the number of FTs in half and gave them 4 men for "free". Seeing as it is unlikely that all FTs would be available for action at the same time, this isn't an unrealsitic compromise.


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Excellent job on those faces !! Thanks, BTS !

Next issue: The guys are not really kneeling, but in a (rather tense) position on the tip of their toes ! Maybe you could bend the knee a little bit until it touches the ground ?! Just a thought ...



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I've come to realise that I was beginning to get blase about CM.

When I first saw the Battlefront site, I thought WOW. Then I downloaded the movies and read the LOS article and nearly wet myself.

After a few months of posts stating "This is in, this is out, this is how this works" etc I began taking it all for granted.

Seeing the texture on those weapons has just blown me out of the water again. If I remember correctly the battlefield is a couple of miles square, in full 3D, with true LOS and FOW.... and the chaps are putting textures on each bloody gun???? Absolutely amazing.

Oh yeah!!! that texture on the inside of the right thigh really needs to be tidied up........Do you chaps iron your underpants as well...

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I have also been wondering if Flamethrowers are going into CM. It would be cool to lay down suppresive fire on a bunker, then rush up Assault Engineers equipped with Flamethrowers and demolition charges to take it out of action.

BTW, does anyone know of a good online source for TO&Es? Ive been having a bit of trouble finding them.


ICQ: #45055966

Thanks in advance.


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

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Flamethrowers are in. Read the AARS.. I had two flamethrowers...

There are even more in the new build so I hear *chuckle*.. I love FTs..



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

Thomm, optical illusion. The knees are touching the ground. But without shadows it is hard to tell that, especially on the white ground. Pespective might also have something to do with it.

Yup, FTs are very much in. Hardly usefull if you aren't VERY carefull with them (right Fionn? smile.gif).

We just put in the British Crocodile. Nasty bugger!


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Dear Steve !

You said that the knees do touch the ground.

With all respect, but I do not think this is possible with the current 90 degrees (or so they appear) joint angles.

But: I can very well be true that the knee touches the ground (I realized this when I considered only the front leg/foot and the knee) but if so, the FOOT of the kneeling leg would penetrate the ground. So maybe you should rotate this foot or bend the kneeling leg a little bit. Actually very easy to find out yourself, if you do not mind to "go on your knee" for the sake of the game wink.gif. In any case I keep insisting that the current kneeling posture looks artificial and too much like a Yoga exercise ! Too many right angles ! But it seems that we have identified the problem, namely the back foot !



[This message has been edited by Thomm (edited 10-12-99).]

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