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Smoke desperson, Burning bush, rotating trees ect

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I also noticed that the trees rotate as

does the smoke and the obj flags is this normal. Also could the obj flags

be a tad smaller as they some times get in the way of viewing your units, could they maybe size the same as everyone else does but

independently from the rest of the units.

Also had a whole grid square of scatered trees burst into flames. It had a smoke column I assume it was smoke that set it off is this also normal. Does this imply that phopours smoke rounds can be used to start large fires.

Quote "That crazy Muglan is dropping them all

over the place". When I called in smoke with LoS to the target I must say the desperson was over a very large area and even off the

map with both types of offboard arty 81mm and 105mm. Last Defense scenario playing as the Germans.

Side note. Dreaming of you in 1992, X-ASL player.

Thanks Harley

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1. Hit shift-F to remove the objective flags.

tree rotation= normal.

2. Nope but normal HE rounds can start fires. Rare but it happens.

3. LOL well your FOs and mortar teams aren't very good.. If you get Elite FOs you can watch them drop rounds on individual helmets BUT if you get a green FO you gotta be prepared for friendly casualties when you call in arty LOL (ok, I'm exaggerating but you get my drift)



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

Trees and smoke are actually two dimensional graphically. If they weren't, you would all need high end systems (very highend) because of all the extra polygons that would be needed wink.gif So we use a very common "trick" called Billboarding. Basically it is a 2 polygon (or more) flat image, like a billboard. As you rotate it keeps itself aligned "flat" to the camera. If you don't look too hard you won't notice it wink.gif

Smoke dispersal is not something we can simulate graphically, so it would be a bad idea to simulate it in the game. Plus, to do it realistically we would have to make a very, very, very complex weather model to blow the smoke correctly around buldings, trees, hills, etc. Anybody a weatherman for a day job? Those guys use SGI worstations to do this sort of stuff wink.gif

Fire is limited to a single 20x20m tile I think there is a chance of it spreading, but can't remember. If there is, it is low and terrain dependent. Although the whole tile is on fire, a unit can survive in there for a little while. It is assumed that the area is too hot to stay in, but not instantly lethal.


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Just another comment about the trees. nVidia (graphics card maker of the geForce 256) has a utility for viewing a single tree in 3d with limbs and leaves and a few balls circling around it. A utility is available for viewing this one tree on current systems and varying the complexity of the tree, i.e., number of limbs, leaves, etc. With my TNT2 Ultra and 128 MB Ram and other stuff I could bring my system to a crawl where the three lights were barely circling the tree and the frames were very choppy. Keep in mind everyone this is one tree and 3 little light balls circling. Imagine 100's of 3D trees and all those AFV's and infantry, etc. Just not possible. Period.

Picture of the tree:


I can't find the tree utility.

Richard Kalajian

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I like how the different objects in the game catch on fire, except when it's MY troops in the middle of it. Playing Last Defense last night, I had the remains of 2 squads and HQ in the small house that sits by itself on the right (from American perspective). The Tiger opened up with HE and the house burst into flames. Guess my guys didn't like this much and bailed out only to be mowed down by MG42 fire. Was pretty cool though... smile.gif


Jon Johnson

Steel Lightning Productions

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