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AAR "Fester Platz Polozk" RepsolCBR Vs Russian AI

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Turn 12

Not the best of turns unfortunatelly !

It started out god enough...


Om my far left the men from my 1st squad/1st plt repositioned them self a bit better on the debriepyle.


Close by...the tankhunters from my newly assigned reserv platoon (2plt/2 CO) got into possition by the end of the street...


..and on the same street my machinegun set about deploying their weapon.

But then my Hertzer...


Wich i had given an area-target order on the enemies exiting the building infront of 1st and 3rd squads.

Did this !


Missed their target terribly and shrapnel from that blast KILLED my sniper in the building to the right.

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Meawhile further down the road...

Some russian troops made a sneaky advance.


They left their protection from behind a pyle of rubble andadvanced up the road...hugging the buildings to the right.


The panzerschreck team that i had ordered to sneak up behind the wall did so. But once there...


The panzerschreck assistant decided to buddy-aid one of the men from 3rd squad that had previously been vounded.

A nice thing to do but that ment that he sacrificed his protection from the wall and by doing so...


got himself killed !

The surviving assistant to the sniper that got killed in the blast from the Hertzer-shell saw this and picked up his MP40 to get some revenge...


The assultguns did not advance any further.

This turn everything was quiet infront of my CRACK teams for a change. Good...They deserv some rest !

I observed a few russians further back that where advancing to the south. My machinegun in the corner building fired a few shots at them but hit nothing.

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3rd platoons possition...

This turn the russian left wing attack actually succeded in advnacing a short distance. They fought thier way into a number of bomb craters...


..but here their advance halted once again.


A heavy exchange of fire occured between my men and the russian troops inside these buildings. No casualties on any side where observed.


The russian south wing attack was quiet once again.

Orders for next turn.

I canceled the area-fire order for the Hertzer.

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Pretty quiet.

My Hertzer, the sniper assistant and my HMG in the next building engaged some russians trying to exit from the buildings on my far left.

They halted the advance but caused minimal casualties.

At the same time more russian troops advanced up the street...


...and took cover behind the wall at the street corner.

Moments later about half of them made an assult on my building next to them.


My tankhunting halfsquad from 2plt/ 2nd CO where in possition to engage the assulting russians,


But a few of them made it into the building and continued to advance up the stairs.


A small firefight took place on the second floor in wich my men were victorious !


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In the center.


My HMG in the cornerbuilding and my halfsquad from 2nd platoon engaged some russians up the street. I observed 1 casualty.

I have a hard time figuering out wich way these guys are heading. I saw troops advancing both to the south as well as the north...

In the south i observed no more russian attempts to advance. One of my half squads from 3rd platoon lost another man while exchanging fire

with some enemies.


I have taken a few casualties in the south from 'long range' fire. If this continues i will need to do something about it.

I don't think i can afford to loose one man after the other in these duels. I might have to hide some of my men for a while or repossition them slightly.

trying to lure the russians out in the open...

But i will keep them in place for one more turn atleast.

No new orders this turn.

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The enemy commited quite a number of men in trying to advance out of the 'far left'-building.

This push was halted by my defenders. Including my Hertzer.


The enemy took minor casualties but the attack got no further.

A man from the supporting section on the assult on my building paniced after the assult failed and decided to bug out.


All quiet in the center.

In the south the fighting quieted down but at around mid-turn the russians resumed their advance on the right flank of 3rd platoonn.


They made some small progress...


...but towards the end of the turn my gun and HMG at battalion HQ put an end to their idea.


No new orders for next turn.

Things have quieted down a bit in anticipation for a new major push...most likely with armour support.

Stay tuned...

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The short lulls in the fighting are deliberate. At some moments the pace of the battle should go down, only to pick up a little later. The AI will consolidate it's positions and (longer range) fire exchanges occur, without them trying to push forward. This is how I programmed the AI. Good to see that works as intended.

Nice going RepsolCBR!

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The short lulls in the fighting are deliberate. At some moments the pace of the battle should go down, only to pick up a little later. The AI will consolidate it's positions and (longer range) fire exchanges occur, without them trying to push forward. This is how programmed the AI.

This is a nice touch, i like it ! :)

It gives you the feeling you have managed to repulsed one attack but more are likely to follow...

Also gives the player a few moments to reorganize his defence if need be.

Well done !

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Thanks. I like to think this adds some realism to it. Time is already somewhat compressed in CM (in real combat, things take longer, with longer breaks in between). I wonder when those 152's start blasting away. Once they move forward, the tank hunting can begin. I hope you have some brave Schrecks left in reserve to direct them to the hot spots! How many minutes have passed so far?

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At the moment i have not played any turn 'ahead' of this AAR.

My next turn will be minute 15.

I'm sure my panzerschreck teams will be up to the task. I've promised them that if any of them manages to destroy 3 enemy tanks they will be granted a whole week homeleave.

That should help inspire them i hope..:)

The tankhunting part of the mission will be intresting....

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Wife out of the house. Getting my popcorn now. Awaiting next installment. :)

Perfect ! :)

But i'm affraid i'm going to dissapoint you. I have played a few more turns

but i have no more pictures to show just yet.

I doubt that i will be able to make them in time for your popcorn...

But i can promise you that the next installment will be conserning these

guys ! :)


(i might be able to upload this later tonight but not for another 5 hours atleast. RL comes in the way...)

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The russians have gathered alot of troops in the 'far left' building...


...and are launching a major attack.


My possition around the Hertzer does what they can to stop it...

...but the enemy are able to gain some ground.


My half squads from 1st platoon joins in the fight and the advance is halted for now.


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Meanwhile along the main street the first assultgun are starting to move forward with infantry supporting it.


The infantry advances ahead of the assultgun to try and clear a path for it but they are beaten back by my tank-hunting halfsquad from 2nd plt/ 2nd CO.


This leaves the assultgun exposed to my infantry and their hand helt AT-weapons.


The panzerfaust finds its target...


and atleast one crewmember is killed. The turn ends. I don't know if its actually knocked out.

The shoot came from here...


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In the southern sector the russian attack on 3rd platoons right flank continued. I saw about 10 russians moving forward from the wooded ridge.


Most of the men where heading north but a few of them split of and advanced along the ridge.


The guys heading north.


The men advancing along the ridge used the cover of a ditch to move forward but where eventually engaged by the B-team from my 3rd squad/3rd platoon.


No new orders for next turn.

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The battle along the main street in the north continues with great intensity. Another assultgun has started to move forward.

The gun hit previous turn by a panzerfaust was indeed knocket out. One down !

The sniper assistant that has had a big part in halting the enemy advance at the 'far left' building has had enough and has decided to get the hell out of here.


An enemy SMG squad that managed to advance out of that building engages my tankhunting halfsquad ontop of the large debrie pyle with devestating effect.


All 3 of my men are killed !!

At the same time russian troops deployed in the rubble at the 'far left' building are able to suppress my half squad that fired the panzerfaust with heavy fire.


The russian advance on the far left continues and the enemy is almost able to advance over the wall by my 1st and 3rd squads.


But are eventually halted and forced back by my defenders behind the wall.


The russians are starting to put pressure on my left flank.

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In the south...

more russians are trying to repossition to the north.


A few of them makes it but at a cost. This time it is the HMG back at battalion HQ that take a toll on the enemy.


No more movement on the ridge to the right where spotted this turn.

Orders for next turn:

I order one of my half squads to areafire at the location of the enemy SMG squad that killed my tankhunter squad. Hopefully this will suppress them atleast.


I also order my Hertzer to target briefly for 30 seconds into the rubble at the 'far left' building. The Hertzer has a limited number of HE rounds left so target briefly will have to do.


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My 2nd squad from first platoon will have their hand full this turn.

To help my troops down at the T-section my Hertzer fires a few rounds into the rubble at the 'far left' building. This helps halt the enemy advance over there.


Under heavy fire my 2nd squad manages to lay down heavy suppressing fire against the enemy SMG squad. This eventually forces them to withdraw.


At the sam time the second assultgun moves forward supported by more infantry.


Both along the main street and also across the courtyard to the south.


The enemy makes a strong assult on my 2nd squad with the liberal use of handgrenades (3 grenades thrown) but comes under fire from across the street.

The halfsquad that knocked out the assultgun assist their fellow troops and the enemy assult comes to a halt.


The second assultgun is struggeling to move forward. The previously destroyed assultgun is blocking the street.

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In the center...

The enemy is advancing in force here to. Heading towards the left flank by the look of it.


They come under fire from my HMG and 2nd platoon halfsquad defending this approach.


But quite a few enemies makes it across and are now out of sight of my guys.


To the south...

On 3rd platoons right flank the enemy keeps advancing more troops to the north from the ridge.

A brief shootout occurs between my defenders and some russians still on the ridge.

It looks like the russians are planing to attack west through the buildings and courtyard in the middle of 3rd platoons possition.

This might be a better alternative for the russians with all of their SMGs. Moving across the open streets have proven futile.


We shall se what happens next turn...

Some russians moving forward...


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Yupp, the battle for Polozk will make the history books ;)

This sure is one enjoyable fight and its not over yet...

My possitions in the north is starting to feel a bit less secure...

Especially if thoose russian reinforcements spotted in the center are heading this way.


2 more assultguns to deal with.

I'm considering moving the last parts of my reserv platoon up here...

I might need them...:)

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