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How to ? Correct WW2 radio communication procedures...

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I'm working on my first CMRT scenario and i think i have found a way to give the

player some additional mission objectives half way through the mission (a work- around solution that i think works atleast OK).

These mission updates will come in the form of radio communication from higher HQ (No voice files...only text messages)...

My question is...What would these sound like ? Did they use callsign back then when communicating or did they use the name of the commanding officer to call a certain unit or did they simply call them by using their designation ?

What would it sound like if a Battalion HQ communicated with a subordinate company ?

Would something like this be correct (the last of my examples with unit designations)...?


- "Bravo company, Bravo company"


- "Bravo company, over..."


- "This is battalion HQ...Standby to recive new mission tasking, over"


- "Standing by, over"


- "New mission tasking...Ones objective TANGO ONE is secured you are to reconoiter the area around the crossroad, 400 meters to your north, over"


- "B company, reconoiter the area around the crossroad, 400 meters to our north, over"


-"Correct ! Battalion HQ over and out..."

Any help will be apprisiated...:)

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Have a read of this document:


From the German Army Handbook


Factor in that the German Army used two kinds of "orders" 1) Directives - by far the most common - where a unit commander would be given his objective, the width of his sector, the units under his command and a time frame but left very much to organise the attack by himself 2) Orders - were quite rare and which were mainly used usually when things were going badly and a superior officer wanted to intervene and re-direct a previous directive or insist on a particular course of action.




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If you open Studienka and check out the German briefing you'll find I used a similar approach. I based the radio procedures on the info in Panzer Taktic which has a full and comprehensive section on German radio call signs and procedures.

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I've used the reinforcement slot for radio messages (you allocate a light vehicle e.g. kublewagen)then type in the message in the descriptor for that unit. When it arrives you get the 'squawk' and the message is displayed on the screen. Main drawback is there are limited number of characters available for the message, so they have to be short and sweet.

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I've used the reinforcement slot for radio messages (you allocate a light vehicle e.g. kublewagen)then type in the message in the descriptor for that unit. When it arrives you get the 'squawk' and the message is displayed on the screen. Main drawback is there are limited number of characters available for the message, so they have to be short and sweet.

That was my thinking also...:)

I will do some testing to se if i shall go with this 'model' or use my second alternative...Like you mentioned...To use this technic the messages have to be short...An other way i'm considering is as follows...

Use the reinforcement slots as you mentioned but instead of showing a radio message on screen i'm considering to use the DESIGNER NOTES in the briefingscreen to be able to use much longer text (radio) messages...

I will use the reinforcement slots to alert the player of an incomming radio message and use a specific PAGE of the DESIGNER NOTES for each of the

radio messages....

Something like...

A regular reinforcement message arrive...

"reinforcements have arrived...Radio message from battalion HQ recieved (page 2)"

This would instruct the player to open the briefing screen and look at page 2 of the designer notes...

The more or less only drawback with this will be that players can cheat and look at these messages ahead of time...However a don't think this will be a big problem...

I'm sure most players do not want to 'cheat'...;)

I think this could work rather well...We shall see...I have the map about half done for this scenario...

It will not be finished for a few weeks yet...

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Or you could provide them as a series of individual .pdf documents supplied with the scenario which would allow you to add sketch maps, etc.

Do you have "Panzer Tactics"?

If not have a look here:


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Or you could provide them as a series of individual .pdf documents supplied with the scenario which would allow you to add sketch maps, etc.

Yes...This is something i have been thinking about. I'm a bit suprised that this is not something that is being used more frequently.

I don't think i have downloaded i single scenario that have some attached text and picture files added to the download.

I also play DCS A10 (a flight sim)...That game also have the same limitations with pictures in the briefings...To limited amount of pixels to make a detailed picture or map.

With that game it is quite common that the scenariodesigner adds some additional files to the download that have a more detailed briefing with detailed maps and picture at high resolution.

It works really good...

In CM these could perhaps be areal phototgraphs with some notes on them, real topographic maps, more detailed situation maps and things like these...

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