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Leader Names

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I was wondering if you are going to update the leader list anymore? I sent you a email with my name awhile ago but it hasn't been added to the list yet. Just wondering. My apologies in advance if its in there but you haven't updated it on the web yet. Thanks.



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It's there but I simply haven't updated it to the web yet...

I'm holding off until a few things get sorted out elsewhere and then will update the Combat HQ in a major way with the names list, articles and a few other things wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Scarhead


if you are responsible for the leader names, here are some comments on the German leader names. Maybe you can correct the errors, even if this is a bit late.

Bogenchutz -> Bogenschutz or better Bogenschuetz

Furst -> Fuerst

German ??

Handshin ?? Handschein????

Muterspaugh ???Sorry - doubt that this is a German name. I guess it is the american equivalent for "Muttersbach".

Remarque. There is only 1 Remarque as it was his name as an artist (his original name "Kramer" backwards, then "k" = "que"), and he was a pacifist. It is not nice to have him fight for the Nazis. Please remove him. If you want something from "All quiet on the Western Front", then add the names of the persons there

Schweinhund ??? definitely not a family name - equivalent for "son of a bitch"

Shupe ?? no "Sh" at the beginning of German words. Almost always it is "Sch" -> Schupe

Whittenburg ? "Wh"? strange, but not sure. Wittenberg is a town

Wittman ?? definitely not. correct spelling see next name in the list. But I guess you want to include your nick <G>


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Ok, after the battering I got over names trust me I've modified lots of them as you will see when I post the new list.

I've also decided not to offer to do any names lists for later versions of CM, it's far too much trouble and the spirit of the offer has been totally forgotten.

Ps IN no way am I responsible for leader names. Charles and Steve have a huge number of names already. I merely offered to receive emails from people and put their names in a list to be added to CM since I thought people would like to see their names in the game.

One person even emailed me asking for "Schmidt" to be removed since it was (and I'm paraphrasing slightly here) possibly the most common name in Germany and thus would have been common among anti-nazi resistance fighters ...

Well, I quickly responded that I'm quite sure it was common among nazis and gestapo officers too and there were a lot more of them than there were active resistance fighters.

(snipped rant about all the emails I've gotten wink.gif )

FWIW since no-one needs the hassle names which people objected to on moral grounds (I can't believe people would be so petty but so be it) all such names have been removed by me.

Also the list will be posted for people to go over and correct me again.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

[This message has been edited by Fionn (edited 10-27-99).]

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I'm glad you have a new list of names as the current one is a complete joke, I think(and don't forget the not so "german sounding" family names). Hitler, Himmler, Remarque,etc. Well, they have all been covered in other threads I guess...And I hope they have all been removed, too.

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just wanted to express my gratitude for compiling the list of *family* names for possible inclusion in the game. So the spelling of our names is a little off the 'perceived' spelling or expected spelling. Live with it. What's the use of having our family names in the game if we cant point them out to our buddies as we play the game, or identify with them (if the spelling is changed, it's no longer my name. Might as well make up the darn thing then and forego all this cr*p).

I cant believe this is starting again and really hope Steve locks up this thread soon.

lest anyone forget the list is intended only to allow us die hard board readers a chance to see our names in the game, nothing more, nothing less. We supplied the names, Fionn compiled them. BTS has final say on what makes it into the game.

thanks again for your effort Fionn.


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I, too, thank you for your hard work on the names and many other aspects of CM's development and roll-out. By the way, the name "Pixley" is really an Americanization of the ancient "Pichesley" of the Gaul tribes (the Gauls did not have "x's" in their names except at the end, i.e Vercingatorix). As we were the tribal brethren of your Celtic forefathers, I expected you to know this and change the spelling accordingly. What the hell were you thinking? I knew you were hard headed, but never insensitive. OUCH!!! I just broke my cheek with my tongue. frown.gif

Seriously -- great job Fionn. Don't let the the official pickers of the nit get you down.



Fact is the enemy of truth. - Don Quixote

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I'm sick of politically correct ****! Who cares if the name Hitler or Himmler is in the game? I guess if we really don't want to offend anyone, just leave the German names blank. I mean, the Germans killed lots of Brits, Americans, Canadians, Poles, Russians, etc. Wouldn't want to offend any of them by including certain German names in the game now would we?


Jon Johnson

Steel Lightning Productions

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Once again, like in the other thread on this topic, I would like to thank you for your help in getting our names into the game. I don't think that everyone realizes that the whole point of your efforts were to allow us, the customers, to get *our* names into the game and not simply to be historically accurate. With all of the detail BTS is putting into the game, I guess I can understand those who want to apply it to this as well, but I think that if people really understood what you were doing they would be more understanding. (okay, that sentence was a little redundant.)

So, just to repeat myself one more time:

Thanks again for all of your help, and don't let them get to you!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>One person even emailed me asking for "Schmidt" to be removed since it was (and I'm paraphrasing slightly here) possibly the most common name in Germany and thus would have been common among anti-nazi resistance fighters ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


You have got to be kidding! If "Schmidt" perchance does not make it into CM I hope you will email me this guys address so that I can personally hunt him down and include him into the next road we build down here...permanently. wink.gif

I've told you this before but it doesn't hurt to re-itterate once in a while. Thanks for your efforts with the names!



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Thanks for the posts guys.

I just want to make it clear to all that due to all the brouhaha:

1. All names will be germanicised when necessary. (goes for other nations too)

2. All the names people objected to on moral grounds (like Brandt, Rommel etc will be removed.)

3. Due to the efforts of our German colleagues ALL funny names and jokey references will be removed for the German names. Who said Germans have no sense of humour?



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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3. Due to the efforts of our German colleagues ALL funny names and jokey references will be removed for the German names. Who said Germans have no sense of humour?



Indeed we have no humour at all (G)

Seriously, thanks for your efforts to take the burden to do all this name work.


Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

[This message has been edited by DesertFox (edited 10-28-99).]

[This message has been edited by DesertFox (edited 10-28-99).]

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LOL. Cool sig.


I don't mean to offload on Geman patrons or people who complained about the names etc I just needed to vent after all the emails I've gotten about the names (all from Germans it should be noted).

Anyways, let's get back to more beta demo related topics.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Anyways, let's get back to more beta demo related topics.


Yeah right! But without a demo I can´t discuss anything except my mental condition (G)

This waiting drives me mad !


Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

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Guest Scarhead


sorry for starting that whole thread. Only wanted to have one unique name from the list. Himmler and Göring are still names in Germany. I guess those called Hitler had their names changed (Maybe they stole back Hitler's original name "Schicklgruber"). Same goes for Rommel and Brand.

If you ever want to check for all German names how often they appear in the German white pages - mail me, I'll have them on CD.


"Die ich rief die Geister, werd ich nun nicht los"

(those ghosts I called, I cannot dismiss them anymore) (J.W.v. Goethe, "Der Zauberlehrling")

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It's ok. Trust me it's not you I'm objecting to it's all the other emails I received.

Anyways, Himmler, Goering, Rommel, Hitler, Remarque and a whole slew of others are being removed simply because people objected to any last name of a famous person.

Also, someone objected to a last name (which I forget) since some German resistance fighter had it and I was "insulting his memory". That name IS the 100% correct last name of a person from Germany who emailed me asking to have his name included so I kept it in since I added it as a valid last name of a player.

That is about the only exception I made. All other names which people objected to I cut (although I did not want to since I feel the reaction is ridiculous... You don't see me cutting names of English soldiers who committed atrocities in Ireland in the 1910s.). Life is too short wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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