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Comparison videos of all the soundmods released so far for CMRT

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I made a couple of videos to compare my soundmods, but then I realized that it wouldn't be fair to leave out the other soundmods out there.

So I made two videos showing the different sounds of my 3 soundmods, waclaws soundmod and bodkins soundmod compared to the default sounds.

The first video (featuring only defautl, my main mod and waclaws mod) showing battlefield sounds such as cannons, explosions, riccochets and the like is uploading right now.

(a bit left on processing so wait a while if it's not done yet)

The second video, showing off small arms at close quarters (featuring all 5 mods)

EDIT: These videos were all recorded at 25% computer volume. You could easily make these sound much more deafening in your own game by just turning up the volume on your computer.

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Without hurt someone

ok this is very nice but, which sounds are most real to CM

For my part I found the sounds Waclaws best suited (I could be wrong)

The song from engine idle heavy and move heavy tracks are from the Tiger I know this sound. and this is the most approprieted for heavy tanks.

Yet for the sounds of small arms I hesitate I love those Odball, Botkins and especially his mg 42, but also some of Waclaws.

At this time a mixed somes of and I'm lost

What are your opinion?

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Without hurt someone

ok this is very nice but, which sounds are most real to CM

For my part I found the sounds Waclaws best suited (I could be wrong)

The song from engine idle heavy and move heavy tracks are from the Tiger I know this sound. and this is the most approprieted for heavy tanks.

Yet for the sounds of small arms I hesitate I love those Odball, Botkins and especially his mg 42, but also some of Waclaws.

At this time a mixed somes of and I'm lost

What are your opinion?

My opinion is that very very very few of us have actually heard all the weapons in this game in real life, so most of us do not know what they sound like exactly.

Even if we had, they sound different in different conditions.

So my advice to you is to pick the sounds you like and mix them into your own soundmod and use that :D

It's what I do. I actually use quite a few sounds from waclaws mod when I play my own game.

Mainly the penetration and riccochet sounds but also some of the death screams and a few of the cannons (renamed tho to work for other cannons). And I also use his heavy tank movement sound now.

Pick the sounds you like and have a blast :D

It also depends on what you are looking for in a soundmod.

Do you want realism? Then you are actually probably not going to find any of the mods very good, because gunfire rarely sounds the way they sound in the mods unless you are right next to the weapon when it fires. In fact the default sounds are probably much closer to realism in that case. (just check out this video of actual combat:


If you want the hollywood experience, I think waclaw is closest to that (with a little help from Bodkin on some weapons).

My mod is specifically made to easily distinguish the weapons from eachother while still making them sound good.

The lightweight mod (also mine) and the simplified mod (again, mine) are made to work for those who have slightly lower computer power and might have problems playing with the full mods.

But like I said before, if you are just looking for a mod that "suits you" and nothing else, pick your sounds from all our mods and go with it :D

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I agree in the fact that no sound mod is realistic enough to claim it.

that's why i stick to the game originals sounds.

What keep me looking for mods is that i read (right or false) that The original sounds are the same for different weapons (ie BF took the same sound a gave it differents names).

My dream is a mod who mixed sounds in the same "coherence" to only replace duplicates from the original.

PS : hope i'll be understood, English is far from my native language.

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Don't worry I'm the same situation about understanding

There is so much sounds mods everybodys will put his version I want only have a sounds different to each weapon like you, I don't want the perfect sound or the perfect mod all mods are very very welcome because I enjoying all,

but I don't have enough knowledge to reconised differents weapons, when you know the sound without see something you can say which weapon or which troops you are on your front or side, and give differents orders and save perhaps half to your platoon...

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ok thank you for this detailed explanation,

The problem is I mixed some sounds from x or z and I don't want to have a double sounds or trouble sound

I thinks I have to delete all the sounds reinstall it again

Thanks again to your details !

One thing to remember is that Waclaw has more than one sound for every weapon. So his file names have a number after them. So you can't just copy his stuff over mine because that will create problems.

Instead make your own sound folder and then manually cut and paste the sounds you like into it.

The way you make sure that you don't have double sounds is easy. Only pick one of each filename.

So only one 'gun 7 pk.wav' for example (don't forget to delete the number from waclaws sounds if you use that)

I agree in the fact that no sound mod is realistic enough to claim it.

that's why i stick to the game originals sounds.

What keep me looking for mods is that i read (right or false) that The original sounds are the same for different weapons (ie BF took the same sound a gave it differents names).

My dream is a mod who mixed sounds in the same "coherence" to only replace duplicates from the original.

PS : hope i'll be understood, English is far from my native language.

Have you tried my lightweight soundmod?

While it doesn't have a unique sound for every weapon, it instead gives the weapons sound after what caliber they have but it still uses the original sounds.

So all 7.92mm mauser weapons use the same sound and all 9mm weapons use the same sound.

It makes it much easier to distinguish the weapons from each side at least.

Give it a try if you like the original sounds.

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