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Having trouble using camera; any tips?


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Hi. New to this series, and bought CMRT. Given the need to micro manage your units every step of the way, effective use of the camera is essential, I am finding. I'm having trouble, however, following units, zooming in enough to see the lay of the land, and then following units when they move. Placing them correctly in tree lines is also awkward. In fact, awkward is a good descriptor for my use of the camera. I find I need to get a big picture overview, but also need to get down to the eye level of the unit to see if they have cover or not, then out again to watch them move, and then in to see the placement on the ground. All in all, it is difficult as it stands at the moment, and I am getting my butt hand to me in large part because I don't really place the units well, or move them well. Given the micro management needed in this sim, can people give me some advice on the best camera mode, how to best use the camera to follow and place units correctly according to the ground, and how best to micro manage my units. As it stands, it us frustrating. Any advice from you veterans out there if this series very much appreciated.



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Have you tried all three camera modes? FPS is good but leaves me woozy.

Click on a unit and press Tab to get behind them at ground level. It is a challenge to maneuver the camera. Make sure you suppress the enemy before advancing. I forget that all the time.


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I completely understand; not long ago I felt the same way, but now the standard camera tools feel very natural to me. A couple of tips that worked for me:

1) first, to maneuver the camera to a unit, I click on the unit and then hit the tab key, which locks the camera to the unit. You can then adjust the height (from grass level to almost in orbit) to see what you want, and use the arrow keys to pivot.

2) I forget if it was standard (or I fixed the hotkeys), but I use the WASD keys to move the camera right/left/forward/back. Actually I usually use the mouse for this.

3) there is a key which instantly gives you a "wide angle" view. Hit this key to see the "big picture" and then hit it again to go back where you were.

As mentioned, there are also new camera modes (FPS and RTS) but at this point I haven't tried them.

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The default camara takes some getting used to if you are new to CM, but once you do it works very well. I havn't tried the new FPS, RT camera controls, but if your new you may find them more familiar to games you may have played before.

For the default camera control use the mouse for the most part to control it. Remember you can hold mouse keys down for smooth slow camera control. As others have said use the TAB key to move move the camera to units easily. Use the Z,X,C keys for wide and zooming, and the F12 key is handy too to previous selected units. Use the number keys to move to different camera settings , or use the mouse wheel. I use mainly levels 1-6 a lot. For the command phase I use the =,and- keys to cycle through units and issue orders. For issuing orders the space bar pop menu is handy, or you can set any hotkey the way you want. Its like anything else new, the more you do it the more it becomes second nature. I control CM as well as any other game i have played.

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Ok. Tks everyone. One more stupid question if I may: how to I move units in the pre-start phase? I've looked everywhere, and I'll be a monkey's uncl;e if I can find it. I've tried right clicking on units, left clicking, dragging etc.



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Ok. Tks everyone. One more stupid question if I may: how to I move units in the pre-start phase? I've looked everywhere, and I'll be a monkey's uncl;e if I can find it. I've tried right clicking on units, left clicking, dragging etc.



Left click to select, then use one of the many move commands to move the unit (only works within the setup zone).

EDIT: I can also add that the mouse is key to controls if you use the standard commands. Mouse wheel to go up and down, left mose to move forward and backwards and right mouse to adjust in different directions.

When placing units you want a clear blue line when you use the target command to have LOS to that pint (you are able to target ground), or a "reverse slope no aim point" text that indicates that you wont be able to target ground but you will spot units that move through that area.

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So, if I can expand this thread a bit to the subject of how to ensure your units are placed in the correct spot on the ground re clear lines of shot etc. firstly, do people use the 'clear vegetation' command to endure they have placed units correctly in hedges and forests? Is this cheating? And what about formations? I'm am assuming if I want to advance two up, one back, I have to place the platoons in the correct formation? Will they stay in the correct place when I advance the company across the ground? (Does this game have formations, actually?) finally, how do I ensure that the unit is placed correctly? I'm using the tab key, getting down to eye level, but how do I ensure a clear line to the target/prospective target? Is there 'line of sight' button or trick?

Think you.


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(Does this game have formations, actually?

finally, how do I ensure that the unit is placed correctly? I'm using the tab key, getting down to eye level, but how do I ensure a clear line to the target/prospective target? Is there 'line of sight' button or trick?

No, you have to do the formation control.

Use the Target tool to check Line of Sight. :)

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...do people use the 'clear vegetation' command to endure they have placed units correctly in hedges and forests? Is this cheating?

I didn't know this game had Agent Orange! Unless you mean the "Hide Trees" hotkey? Absolutely not cheating, but note that you're not actually clearing any vegetation, just hiding it so that you can see what's going on.

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@ apoll,

Are you playing in RT or WEGO? If in WEGO, it's easy as pie. To move around on the map, left click and hold anywhere on the map (I suggest you choose a spot near the middle of the map) and move the mouse in any direction you want to go. The farther you move the mouse, the faster the camera moves. Using the numeric keys at the top of the keyboard will move you quickly through the different levels, which you can fine tune by using the scroll wheel. Using the arrow keys will pan the camera left or right or up or down. These commands also work in RT but might not be as handy, in which case your best best is to experiment. Pick a small scenario that you don't really intend to play, and then go through all the variants of camera controls to find the one that suits you best.


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Yeah, the game was originally made as WEGO, and I still play that way. Realtime can be fun but isn't as helpful when trying to simulate the decisions of many commanders and units from one mind (yours).

Also, it's really helpful to make sure to do the training campaign even if you've played the game before (first series). They do a good job of explaining the default method of camera use.

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Thanks to all who have contributed. I omitted to say that I always play RT, as I think that is as realistic as you can get. Real life doesn't hang around waiting for you to make up your mind, so indeed this sim doesn't. But I will give WEGO a try and see if I can do any better. I am enjoying the challenge of this sim. It's just getting the hang of the views and bring able to really understand the game mechanics that is proving difficult. I mean that in real life, it is much easier to read the terrain, but the limitations of computer screens make what is pretty much an instinctive task, much harder. I must say I like the C2 modelling, with the req to make sure coms are intact, and the relative spotting mechanics. That changes the way I play in a big wAy, and I fjords d I am much more careful about who goes where send when! send maintaining cohesion. Oh well, more practice. I smile picking the smallest scenarios I can generate in quick battle, and practicing in those environments.

Thanks again for all the advice.


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Apoll, I'm new to the series as well. As far as camera controls are concerned, I have found there are a multiple options for fine-tuning your view. If you haven't yet, read through the hot keys and play around with all the options to see what works best for you.

Case in point: I have recently started using the preset camera angles (number keys 1-9) to jump between a high-altitude, top-down and ground-level views, quickly. It certainly helps when I'm giving group orders to large formations, especially on big maps.

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I omitted to say that I always play RT, as I think that is as realistic as you can get. Real life doesn't hang around waiting for you to make up your mind, so indeed this sim doesn't. But I will give WEGO a try and see if I can do any better.

I also play WeGo and strongly suggest that you give it a try. The difference between RL and the game is that in RL there are other intelligent life forms to make those life-and-death decisions which need to be made, and in game it can get overwhelming to try and do that for every single unit.

Of course many play realtime and enjoy it, but its not for me.

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76mm, that is a good point! Didn't think of it that way. Especially given every unit needs micro managing, or they end up doing stupid things like advancing across an open field with no fire support or cover. I will give it a go, thus WEGO system.

Another thing people might be able to comment on is how this spotting and C2 stuff works in game. I can't crack it. Say, for example, I have on map mortars in the bn orbat. I co-locate them with Bn HQ, so the mortar section is right beside a radio, if they don't have a radio themselves. I push forward a Company strength probe, and they hit a line of enemy in the tree line to the front. The Bn HQ is a little way back, but the mortars are still co-located with Bn HQ, and the tree line containing the enemy is well within mortar range. They, of course, do not have direct line of sight to the enemy, but there is a radio nearby. How do I get an indirect fire mission onto the enemy tree line to aid my forward company? I push forward the Co. Commander, as he has a radio, and is in contact with Bn HQ. He should be more than capable of calling in a mortar indirect fire mission onto the tree line in front. He talks to Bn HQ, who relay the cords to the co-located mortars. But no, every time I try to use Target for the mortars, it gives me a "so sorry, no direct kind of sight". What do I have to do to get to use the mortars in the indirect fire mode? What kind of spotter works? How do you allocate a spotter? Do you have to do something special?

On the question of radios, how come ALL my company HQs don't have coms with the Bn HQ? They all have radios in the Co. HQs, so they should be in contact with Bn HQ. Yet, regularly, only one or two HQs have coms with higher HQs. How does this C2 work? I can't get it...

Thanks in advance.


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76mm, that is a good point! Didn't think of it that way. Especially given every unit needs micro managing, or they end up doing stupid things like advancing across an open field with no fire support or cover. I will give it a go, thus WEGO system.

Another thing people might be able to comment on is how this spotting and C2 stuff works in game. I can't crack it. Say, for example, I have on map mortars in the bn orbat. I co-locate them with Bn HQ, so the mortar section is right beside a radio, if they don't have a radio themselves. I push forward a Company strength probe, and they hit a line of enemy in the tree line to the front. The Bn HQ is a little way back, but the mortars are still co-located with Bn HQ, and the tree line containing the enemy is well within mortar range. They, of course, do not have direct line of sight to the enemy, but there is a radio nearby. How do I get an indirect fire mission onto the enemy tree line to aid my forward company? I push forward the Co. Commander, as he has a radio, and is in contact with Bn HQ. He should be more than capable of calling in a mortar indirect fire mission onto the tree line in front. He talks to Bn HQ, who relay the cords to the co-located mortars. But no, every time I try to use Target for the mortars, it gives me a "so sorry, no direct kind of sight". What do I have to do to get to use the mortars in the indirect fire mode? What kind of spotter works? How do you allocate a spotter? Do you have to do something special?

On the question of radios, how come ALL my company HQs don't have coms with the Bn HQ? They all have radios in the Co. HQs, so they should be in contact with Bn HQ. Yet, regularly, only one or two HQs have coms with higher HQs. How does this C2 work? I can't get it...

Thanks in advance.


He - the forward located Co CO - IS able to call in the mortar mission, in the circumstances you describe.

Your problem, if i'm reading your post correctly, is to try and use the mortars directly (which have no LOS to the target) to fire the mission.

With the forward located CO as the selected unit, click the artillery support call button, which will open up the dialog screen to target and call your mortar mission ... this help?

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PhilM, thanks for the advice. Well, yes, I thought CO A Company, with a radio, and in contact with Bn HQ, who were co-located with the battalion mortar section, should have been able to call in an indirect fire mission into the tree line in front of his company position. But the artillery support call button was NOT green, rather greyed out, and so, NO, he could not call in fire. Why not, is my question. And do I have to have a dedicated spotter, or do something special, so someone can call in indirect fire?

And why is it that there is a radio supposedly with each company HQ, but not all of them are connected to battalion HQ? (Little green button is a red cross in the information pane of the HQ unit). This whole C2 arrangement and mechanic in the game is black magic to me at present. Seems no rhyme or Eason to it. That's my dilemma.


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OK, I did mis-read your post, and it is a problem with the arty call system rather than you just not using it: sorry!

Trying to remember (!) my experiences of the arty call system:

- if the mortar unit itself were out of contact, the arty dialog system would open, and tell you that;

- if the forward CO were out of contact, or otherwise unable to call the mission, the dialog system would open and tell you the mortar was denied.

A greyed out arty call button, which does not activate at all, to me implies the mortar unit is out of action (not just not deployed, which is another error message the dialog would give you if it were the case).

Do any other units - though they may not be able to call a valid fire mission for any of the reasons above - nevertheless open the dialog? Or is it "dead" for all your units?

What does the unit info panel say about the mortar team itself?

And, given this new feature for RT, have you got command lines turned on as an option, to give you a visual check on C2 links?

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Another thought: what kind / size of mortar is it?

The smallest sized mortars are usable in "direct fire" (i.e. they have to spot and target the enemy units directly, themselves) mode only, and cannot be called up via the artillery dialogue button. Is it one of these by any chance?

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PhilM, hmmm. You have given me plenty go think about. I did think the arty button wad greyed out got all, but it need to check again in game. Re the mortars, they part of the battalion's 4th company, so generic to the battalion, and not attached in support from another unit. Which makes me think they were the smallest calibre weapons. Maybe that was the issue? Re command lines,..that's the Alt-x command? No, did not have that on. Will need to check as well. I just con't understand why the company HQs could not talk to the battalion HQ,given all had radios. Is there an issue regarding the company HQ, and the company commander I'd separated from his radio man? Is that level of detail modelled in the game? Could the company commander have not been beside his own radio man, and thus, out of radio contact?


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At the risk of stating the obvious, it is also possible that your forward HQ commander has been shot. What may appear as a clear chain of command may, in fact, be broken. If the "man with the flag" goes down, you'll lose communication with your mortar team.

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