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How can I reduce the cost of Operational Movement?

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I just looked at moving a German corps in Germany in the winter and the MPP cost to operationally move it was 36 MPP instead of the 12 - 13 during the summer. Why? Yes, it is cold and the troops will be unhappy; but why would it cost more resources to move them in the cold? Civilian trains continue to run in the cold weather and operating costs don't triple.

Please share with me where in the Editor I can adjust this! I have looked but didn't see anything.

And another thought, is there a way to differentiate troop movement speeds between moving in a combat area and a route march over a secure route? The usual 4 seems right in combat areas, but what if you are marching across your own country to get to somewhere? Secure areas should cost less to move through.

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Hi Akmatov,

In the editor under Campaign->Movement Cost there are two settings you can adjust for Operational Movement which would be the % cost relative to the cost of the unit and the 'Fixed Cost' regardless of unit cost.

These two values combine to give you the overall cost for Operational Movement.

There is no difference in cost in terms of season, distance or friendly or enemy territory at the moment and perhaps the cost difference you noticed was due to a difference in unit strength or upgrade level.

Hope this helps :)


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Thx Hubert. I really appreciate you and Bill correcting my misunderstanding. These thing bug me and sometimes I can't pull the info out of the Manual. Clearing these things up and finding that you guys have really addressed a lot of the historical issues adds greatly to my enjoyment of your game.

I've gone back and looked carefully and I think I was erroneously comparing the cost to move a Corps vs an Army.

This is a strange game, as was it's ancient original, with a somewhat simple presentation with a LOT behind it. There is this very strong 'just one more turn' nature to it.

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