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New file at the Repository: Vin's animated text for CMBN v2.10 (2013-10-13)

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**For CMBN v2.10 ONLY (will not work with any other CMBN version number) **Vin's animated text mod for CMBN v2.10 (Including Commonwealth, and Market Garden module)Concept by VinnartGraphics by Marco BergmanThis mod changes the soldier stat text to make it easier to distinguish the actions of each soldier in the squad, and separate teams within the squad by use of type styles, and symbols. It gives the text an "animated" feel, and gives the player a clearer picture of the actions at a glance. The mod contains two versions. One is "heavy”, and one is "light" with the only difference in the two being the action "Spotting". The “heavy” version uses a symbol of an "eye" to show the action. The “light” version maintains the word as a kind of filter that can be ignored making the more important symbol actions stand out. Other than that all graphic symbols in the "legend" are used. To use the mod place either the "heavy", or "light folder inside Data/z folder.Customising the text: ( For experts only.)To change anything to your preference you can draw the symbols in the “string” text file using the number code that is on the font explain pic. To draw hold down the Alt key while pressing the numbers on the NUMBER PAD ONLY, then release the alt key. You will see a symbol then appear where you have typed, but the graphic symbol will show in the game.It is vital that you...


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Enjoy! Thanks Marco as usual for updating the graphics version.


If your text is screwy you are using an incompatible version. Uninstalling the mod, and updating to the compatible version will fix any text oddities.

Now I have to finish CMFI so I can get MG to use the latest version of my own mod :)


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