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Patton's assault nemesis

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It is nearly time for me to release that scenario which has been started as a campaign in April 2012. Due to the difficulty to balance the right core forces for the subsequent battles, after numerous testing, I favored a single battle scenario, in October of 2012. Since I made again quite a few testing of the German A.I and changed some landscape features that seemed necessary. The map is 1872 m in depth and 912 m in width. That scenario will only be played by the US Forces against the German A.I and in H2H with slight modifications.

I hope that the scenario will give you a good time and some surprises, since it has three A.I plans. I got myself surprised in my last testing.

That scenario is based on real events that happened within Patton’s 3rd Army in Lorraine in November 1944.

Besides all the books that you can read about that period, I had the benefit, while I was twenty years old to have my father recounting me its own war, viewed has an Engineer officer detailed to the Engineer commander in Patton’s HQ. That scenario was done with some emotions in his loving memory.

In September 1944, the US forces were well ahead of the Overlord Phase Line being near Aachen, 233 days ahead of schedule. However, that had a reverse effect and the allied commander had to call a moratorium to all operations in order to improve the essential needed logistics before moving into Germany.

In November the US forces still had difficulties in replenishing their stocks. As a matter of fact, Artillerymen, near Metz, even used German Howitzer guns (found in a wharehouse yard) and their ammo.

It is at that time that the scenario 2nd battalion has been ordered to attack and take the town of Saint Jean des Clopants (fictitious name). Artillery seems sufficient even with the difficulties of appro. The air P 47D support will help and the 20 tanks and 2 Priests available will be a precious help to the Infantry.

3 bridges command the town access and to take it will allow us to use conveniently the roads leading in and out of town. Once it has been taken we will be in position to attack the west wall.

Before uploading it, within 2 weeks at the most, please find these preview pictures.






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@ Erwin,

I think you are going to like it. It will be a helluva fight :D

Here after the link showing the WIP at its beginning in 2011 with some pictures of the town showing more details. Take notice that the Recon phase was dropped as well as the campaign to retain a single battle of 3 hours



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay, I have just bought a new desktop with 120 GB, 1TO SSD, HDD, I5 4670K, MSI Z87-G45 Gaming mother card, MSI GTX660 2GB and 8GB /1600 DDR memory.

Looking at the scenario is fantastic. I can see now the trees all the way down the map. No more delay while attempting to move the mouse around.

I am playing it once more before releasing it.

Meanwhile I might post some pictures to show you what I see and maybe a short movie, depending on the time I can spend on it


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Thanks Bil,

I must say that when you gave me your specs lately, I realized that I had to do something about mine. Needless to say you are the one that made me do it earlier than I thought.

I shall post some pictures of the ongoing battle. That scenario I have been working on since the end of 2011 is simply a new one with that new specs. The smoke barrages and the shells burst are fantastic. The troops, vehicles and tanks are running so smoothly that I have been able to reach an objective as I had planned to do it . It was impossible to reach it earlier the specs not allowing it. You can really apply a tactical scheme, playing RT, which is the way I like it most.

Looks like I have a new game. I have not seen how it runs with CMFI-GL having not so much time free right now. I hope that the vineyards won't be so annoying anymore..


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After having been hit by a counter attack done by a German mounted Grenadiers force and some tanks, the US forces have been able to repel it and take with heavy casualties Saint Marcel and hold it.

The next phase will be attack on the left and or right flank with a simultaneous assault across Saint Marcel bridge if that is feasible.

Anyway at the moment I got a minor victory losing 4 tanks against 2 for the Germans

The testing has reached for me its final phase. It is about time for me to finish the briefing and upload as soon as I can that scenario, so you can judge by yourself.





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