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5 SC games to sell

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Since Battlefront.com decided to block my IP without a reason, and refuse to unblock it, I don't want to have anything to do with a company like that.

So I have the following games to sell:


SC - GC gold


SC - WaW

SC - Patton

Is anyone interested? And how do I go about it?

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I'd try Ebay. Anyone here already has those games. Your IP shouldnt be blocked since most people have dynamic IP addresses via their DSL/Cable Modem so it should be something on your end.

Notice they didnt block your post.

1. I have a static IP, which I guess you deem to be my fault.

2. I contacted the webmaster of battlefront.com and they are blocking everyone from my internet provider. Just like that, it's around 2 million people, but who cares?

3. I'm writing this using a web proxy, not an elegant solution.

4. Still if anybody does not have any of the game and wants it for peanuts let me know.

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Sorry for your troubles, doesn't sound good nor right to be a victim of the some other peoples misbehaviour.

But even though you might feel angry about Battlefronts protection decisions, it still make no sense to waste away your Strategic Command licenses.

Battlefront is only the publisher of Strategic Command, not the game developer (which would be Fury Software).

I myself still play Heroes of Might & Magic Games, even though i despise Ubisoft for the way they treat their customers with Heroes of Might & Magic 6 (still bug infested beyond recognition, can't play it longer than 5 minutes before the game crashes).

So i could understand not to purchase anything new, but if i like a game and if the game runs fine, than i'm in no need to throw the game away.

In case that a member of the Battlefront staff reads this:

i would like to learn about your decision process, and what kind of help you can offer users like borsook. It would be a shame to scare fans and customers of Strategic Command away. Maybe you guys can find a way to protect your website AND offer a treat to those who have to suffer because of it?

Would be a nice thing to learn that Battlefront found a way to protect AND to serve (and to heal).

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Sorry for your troubles, doesn't sound good nor right to be a victim of the some other peoples misbehaviour.

But even though you might feel angry about Battlefronts protection decisions, it still make no sense to waste away your Strategic Command licenses.

Battlefront is only the publisher of Strategic Command, not the game developer (which would be Fury Software).

I myself still play Heroes of Might & Magic Games, even though i despise Ubisoft for the way they treat their customers with Heroes of Might & Magic 6 (still bug infested beyond recognition, can't play it longer than 5 minutes before the game crashes).

So i could understand not to purchase anything new, but if i like a game and if the game runs fine, than i'm in no need to throw the game away.

In case that a member of the Battlefront staff reads this:

i would like to learn about your decision process, and what kind of help you can offer users like borsook. It would be a shame to scare fans and customers of Strategic Command away. Maybe you guys can find a way to protect your website AND offer a treat to those who have to suffer because of it?

Would be a nice thing to learn that Battlefront found a way to protect AND to serve (and to heal).

In the past my contact with Fury software was nothing but good. (Mr. Carter, if I recall the name correctly was always very prompt to answer questions)

Still I have a problem with their publisher, first I feel that they are breaking their agreement with me made with my purchases (i.e. allowing me to redownload the install files, mods etc) and I'm afraid of doing the activation should I buy a new computer (when they started blocking my ISP I had all the games activated) but foremost since I think that blocking everybody using this ISP (which is one of the 3 largest ISP in my country) is silly beyond belief I'd like to cede my copies to someone for whom it's less problematic... I'm going to miss SC, but there are a lot of other publishers (e.g. Matrix) who do not do things like that...

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No services required to play purchased games (such as license activations) are affected by our various levels of website protection measures. You may not be able to post to the forum or purchase a new game, though.

Since Borsook is able to post here, obviously he is able to access. And this is precisely what we tell customers affected by a blacklist: use a different means to access our site.

Security blocks are there for a reason, and we do not make them lightly. Often many months of data are collected before any hard blocks are in place.

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Hi Borsook,

Sorry to hear about the trouble and hopefully there is something that can be done, have you tried the Helpdesk?

From what I understand there are some serious SPAM ISPs and in the past this is what has led to these ISPs being blocked on these forums but perhaps the Helpdesk can help you get this sorted out and your ISP hopefully does not fall in that category.

I can't say for sure as I don't have access to the Forum controls or what is blocked and not blocked etc., but they can shed some more light on this after you open a support ticket:



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No services required to play purchased games (such as license activations) are affected by our various levels of website protection measures. You may not be able to post to the forum or purchase a new game, though.

Since Borsook is able to post here, obviously he is able to access. And this is precisely what we tell customers affected by a blacklist: use a different means to access our site.

Security blocks are there for a reason, and we do not make them lightly. Often many months of data are collected before any hard blocks are in place.

I wish Battlefront could adopt a different, less latent aggressive tone when they communicate with there customers.

I'm deeply conviced that Battlefronts reasons to block certain IP adress are wellfounded and probably even without any action alternatives.

But may i (nevertheless) suggest that you take an inspiration from the way how Hubert and Bill comunicate with their customes / forum members?

Let me explain why i read a latent aggressive tone out of answers like the one qouted above:

because you have 98 words to explain and defend yourself, but not a single one word of sympathy for borsook.

Something like "We are terribly sorry that you have to suffer for the sins of others, but please understand us that we had to protect our business and the rest of the Strategic Command community. We would love to see you staying our valued customer, and we can understand in what a situation our last line of defence has brought you.

Please accept our apologies for circumstances that are out of our control.

As a token of our gratitude for your understanding we would like to offer you a 5$ voucher for the next Strategic Command release, at least if that would be ok for you.

Many greetings from all of the Battlefront staff


Battlefront - Join us fighting the good fight "

Would that really be so hard? :confused:

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No services required to play purchased games (such as license activations) are affected by our various levels of website protection measures. You may not be able to post to the forum or purchase a new game, though.

Since Borsook is able to post here, obviously he is able to access. And this is precisely what we tell customers affected by a blacklist: use a different means to access our site.

Security blocks are there for a reason, and we do not make them lightly. Often many months of data are collected before any hard blocks are in place.

I don't know if you the person I contacted with, but I have explained this before in the emails and here too:

I'm using a webproxy just is annoying (a lot of reloading) and does NOT allow me to log on to your website. BTW how can anyone spam the website and not the forum?

And you are again claiming that you need to "protect" the website from me, so I ask again have I or anybody else from my IP posted any spam? If not, why am I paying for transgressions of others?

PS. What's really absurd about your "protection scheme" is that as you can see I can come to the forum and post spam, the only thing I can't do is log-on to battlefront.com and download my purchases or scenarios for them or can't post my scenario...

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Trying to help out here.

borsook, it is unfortunate that your ISP has been flagged as Spammer or some other designator that needed to blocked. As someone that used to be a network engineer, I can tell you that any company deciding to block an entire ISP is something that is not done on a whim. So whatever reasons battlefront had to do this it was not directed at you personelly. Battlefront felt that your ISP for whatever reason was not stopping of preventing the issues it was causing battlefront. So they informed thier ISP to block all traffic from the IP address range that your ISP had been allocated in order to protect themselves.

Battlefront has every right to take this action to protect their site and forums, etc. from attack. Just as you have every right to be upset about it. However your anger should be directed at your ISP and not battlefront. Becuse it is your ISP actions (or lack of action) that caused battlefront to have to take such drastic measures.

Should battlefront allow themselves to be harressed and possible have montery losses just so you can continue to access their site? That would not be a good business decision on their part at all. Too much of this could cause no more SC games for anyone much less you.

Battlefront took the actions they did to protect themselves from whatever your ISP was doing or allowing to be done. It is unfortunate that you were caught up in the net, but battlefront is not going to allow your ISP back in just so you will be happy again.

Obviously it is difficult to change ISPs. but agian it is your ISP that caused the issue due to a small but signicent number of people abusing the system and your ISP unable (or unwilling) to take actons against them. So you are left with no good choices.

Continue to be upset at battlefront for doing what they felt thay had to to protect their properity and hard work.

Get upset at your ISP and pressure them to do something about thier lax enforcment of good behavior of their customers

Or change ISPs.

I am sorry you were caught up in this, but other than the above there is not much else you can do.

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