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A Public Thank You to my Friend, MKJerner

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I had the pleasure of playing Mark (MKJerner) in Amfreville recently. He was a great opponent and we discussed our shared love of history. He shared that his brother was a Vietnam vet, had written a book etc. Upon my interest he mailed me the book, and Atkinson's 2nd book, with some other stuff for free. I'd like to point out that nowhere else online will anyone truly do someone a nice turn like this for free, without a catch, to be nice.

It was a very generous, gentlemanly move. I can't thank him enough and just wanted to express my gratitude, since he stubbornly wont accept even a small payment.

So I guess my payment will be showing everyone what a nice guy he is, and publicly thanking his brother Steven Saunders, for his brave and valiant service in Vietnam in 66 in the Central Highlands. Not everyone in my generation is clueless or unappreciative of the raw deal Vietnam vets got, and I for one am quite aware of the debt I owe to Steve Saunders and every other US veteran out there. Thank you Mark, and thank you to all the soldiers whose sacrifices, big and small, give me the freedom to raise my 2 year old son the way I see fit and allows me to express opinions like this freely, without fear of censorship or reprisal.

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Well, this was unexpected. But it is indicative of Jeff's character that he would do this for my brother and all vets. His enthusiasm for military history is evident in his postings here, which is always worth encouraging in the younger generations.

And even though he beat my poor pixiltruppen into the dirt last game, he is a great opponent!

Oh, and for those fans of the TV show "Combat"' my brother was Sgt. Saunders during the time period it ran, making his 12 y/o brother the envy of his schoolmates!

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Well, this was unexpected. But it is indicative of Jeff's character that he would do this for my brother and all vets. His enthusiasm for military history is evident in his postings here, which is always worth encouraging in the younger generations.

And even though he beat my poor pixiltruppen into the dirt last game, he is a great opponent!

Oh, and for those fans of the TV show "Combat"' my brother was Sgt. Saunders during the time period it ran, making his 12 y/o brother the envy of his schoolmates!

It's the very least I could do for such a generous gesture. I'd like to add that the CM community is the only one where I felt I made genuine friends of opponents and people on the boards, and the only community I know of where such random acts of kindness occur. Mr Saunders had absolutely nothing to gain by doing this for me, and did it purely out of kindness. Throughout my life I've come to really appreciate such gestures as few and far between, and with the many serious mistakes I made in my 27 (soon to be 28) years I've also realized that myself and most of humanity would be helpless without this spirit of generosity, kindness, and sacrifice of the sort that Mark showed me in mailing the stuff, and his brother showed in serving his nation in a thankless war.

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Well, this was unexpected. But it is indicative of Jeff's character that he would do this for my brother and all vets. His enthusiasm for military history is evident in his postings here, which is always worth encouraging in the younger generations.

And even though he beat my poor pixiltruppen into the dirt last game, he is a great opponent!

Oh, and for those fans of the TV show "Combat"' my brother was Sgt. Saunders during the time period it ran, making his 12 y/o brother the envy of his schoolmates!

Vic Morrow is your brother?

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I think he may mean that his brother was a Sgt Saunders and that was his last name in school? Oh and good you're here - Stop postponing our next battle! I wanna fight a battle, miss playing ya. We got about 3 ft of snow in Boston so nothing to do anyways =D

Well, I am confused then.

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Ah Mark it's ok. I hope it works out eventually we'll battle again. I have several opponents I play with constantly. I should be busier with school but the snow and other difficulties have ensured a slow start. I compromised for my fourth class because scheduling, and dropped Hitler a Man and His Times for War in the 20th Century. To be honest I didn't want to take war, I've been reading about 20th century wars my whole life and it's in some weird financial aid category. Plus it only meets once a week for 3 hours, when I prefer meeting twice or 3 times weekly for an hour if I can. I'm just getting a little bit of cabin fever. The T (subway, buses) is still down. Maybe tomorrow.. =/ Sucks cuz I'm waiting on my Financial Aid from school and the storm is fu*king with my wallet. So anyways it apparently didn't start the week all other classes did, and now we missed week two because of snow. Makes me uneasy, missing two whole weeks of class. The other classes are ok - World Revolutions (French, industrial, Bolshevik, Korean), Late Middle Ages, and History 101 (which sucks. I tried everything to get out of it since Im taking 300 level history courses, which are as high as they go before Masters Degree classes, and 101 is just on basics etc. They didn't have it the first two years when I was in Community College before I transferred to the nicer UMass. I couldn't klep test out of it, get recommendations, nothing. ) All in all it's not too hard, I have two teachers I liked from last semester, and I get by. After 3 years, I still have another 2-3 more though, due to me taking 4 classes a semester instead of 5, and having to take low level math courses that I didn't even get credit for. ( I'm awful at it)

Para what he means is that when he went to school him and all his friends watched a tv show. And since his brother was in combat in Vietnam, was a Sergeant, and named Saunders his friends thought it was cool. Almost like if when I had been growing up my older brother (I never had siblings though) was named John J Rambo and was actually in Special Forces and badass.

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