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How is the online play?

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i dont see the email game being very fun..

Give it a try, you might be surprised like I was. For single player I go RT, but for multiplayer it's far too hectic. It's quite enjoyable to come home from work/school and relax by loading up a big scenario and spending 30 minutes plotting out moves and thinking about your strategy. Different strokes and all, but give it a try. With H2HH and dropbox there's very little effort required beyond setting up the match.

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i dont see the email game being very fun.. but hamachi could work

If you're only playing Realtime (even against the AI), then two things:

It goes some way to explaining why you're finding it so hard. I can't conceive of learning how to play this game in realtime! Kudos for getting anywhere at all with it.

Playing WeGo is different to RT: you get to watch little dramas happening and can replay the turn as many times as you like to see how all your little pTruppen are doing, for the price of having to let them get on with it for a whole minute at a time without being able to stick your oar in. I recommend you at least give it a go, so you can experience what is a fairly uncommon way of resolving a turn-based game. And PBEM is just WeGo with delays. If your opponent is at their computer, it can be fairly quick for small engagements.

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