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eLicense Support is Horrible!!

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Just wanted to let you know the shananagains I've been dealing with regardling eLicense support. I purchased the expansion for WWI on Thursday. Realized my download link for WWI vanilla was expired in the battlefront system so opened up a helpdesk ticket. I provided them the key and purchase order for the vanilla game, I get 1 email a day from these people. Day 1 open ticket: 24 hours later they advise they can do a 1 time reactivation of the download link for $5. I respond letting them know to please do that. Day 2 they request the exact date purchased, I provide that info and ask if they could do the same for the other 4 titles I have purchased since 2008. Day 3 they ask me a 2nd time for the license key I provided on day 1. The way it was worded in the email "You sent us one key I assume that is for WW1" There was no need to a assume because i specifically stated it was for WW1... They check their email or these tickets 1 time per day - how annoying I bought the expansion 3 days ago and still can't play it. If they are going to have a 3-4 day turnaround for this type of thing they should indicate so on day 1 - I would have just payed the $45 for another license than go through this. Thought the Dev should know how support treats their paying customers. It's like they check your ticket 1 time per day and all 3 times have asked me for information that I provide within minutes and then not respond until the next day.

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You do realize that this is a weekend in the US and that it is very close to the Christmas holiday ? You didn't provide the necessary license keys until Saturday, not on the day that you specified. I don't have access to customer information and orders, therefore we needed to know license keys and purchase dates. If the purchases are close to one year, we often provide a 'gratis window' to download them again. If not, then the $5 per game charge is necessary.

Only Martin can provide you with the discount coupon to repurchase the downloads. The ticket was left for him to look at since there is nothing more that I can do for you. I do not know what his holiday plans are, so he may not be available at this point to service your ticket.

Only one ticket is in the system now (OWT-7581​77). It is helpful to keep the information in the same ticket, rather than opening different tickets to figure out what information has already been communicated.

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Thanks much all involved. It indeed was taken care of and I appreciate it. I understand about the holidays. Friendly feedback - I'd have rather known on day 1 this guy maybe on vaca, that would have been fine I'd have bought another license for vanilla and all would have been good. I felt by Sunday I had so much invested in the ticket to stick it out and wait.

All good though in the end. Everyone Have a Merry Christmas. Side note - your strategic command games are one of a kind and I do look forward to playing the new expasnion.

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