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When a good DEMO will be out?

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As I understood it, the next "demo" will actually be the "gold" version of the game engine.

Basically, I think it is just BTS being very nice to us by giving us something during the 2-4 weeks it will take to print/ship the game so people don't go crazy during the wait and chew their fingers off.

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Ah but that leads to the question of whether or not you believe the "gestalt entity's" behaviour in the guise of Spy_Eye has been good. Personally I don't but that's just my personal opinion.

Gold demo is being put out so people can play the final code.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Fionn: Well you gotto take that much if you want to be a part of a BBS wink.gif I've had far worse beatings in forums elsewhere but I really don't care if they're making silly posts. The fact is that pple that slags off others unfairly usually get ignored by any thinking mature man and that's good enough for me.

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Well we disagree there (possibly cause you haven't run into some of the psychos out there). I think that no-one should be excused for simply starting to attack someone personally for no reason.

E.g. There's a thread about Panzerfausts which was here within the last week in which a certain person went pretty much off the rails and started accusing me of lying and conspiracies etc (real off the wall stuff) just because I didn't understand his initial (poorly written) question.

I don't think I, or anyone else, should "have" to put up with that sort of behaviour from anyone.

Abuse is abuse is abuse and if it is unwarranted it shouldn't be tolerated and I see no reason why people should be allowed to post abuse as it only encourages them to become more abusive later.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Fionn said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>E.g. There's a thread about Panzerfausts which was here within the last week in which a certain person went pretty much off the rails and started accusing me of lying and conspiracies etc (real off the wall stuff) just because I didn't understand his initial (poorly written) question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But at least there are enough mature intelligent people on this BBS that when the Panzerfaust topic was brought up again there was some good discussion about it. Not to mention the good thread about artillery from a few days ago.


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I don't know what that faust thing is all about but I do know that if was that bad like you describe you should've ignored it as puberty ranting. Yeah well I'll respect your opions on the matter and leave it at that.

-possibly cause you haven't run into some of the psychos out there

Belive me I've met lots of psychos on the net but I usually don't let them get to me. The last guy that went postal on me was a guy that couldn't stand the fact that I saw Hitler as a political genius. After he was finished telling what a racist fascist I were I got support from almost everybody on the board and he left (some even had better points than me on why he was a genius). Again the self justice of internet showed itself smile.gif

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Ah HowardB,

Sometimes I wish I could leave the rantings be BUT.. it's a credibility thing. If you come here, don't know who I am and my history of answering things honestly then maybe you think he's right.

Then EVERYTHING I say about CM is suspect to you simply because you formed a bad first impression cause I let someone get away with lies etc wink.gif.

It all comes back to credibility really. Also, as a reviewer of wargames etc what is my opinion worth if it's not credible? Exactly wink.gif

Thus, I stand up for myself instead of ignoring them since I can't afford to let my credibility be lessened (to some folk) by these kinds of unsubstantiated slanders.

Still, I LIKE this forum because it is much better than most. Most people are very sensible about things and out of close to 17,000 posts there have been maybe 20 or 30 really objectionable personally insulting posts in total.

Most of those can be traced down to a sum total of about 6 people so it isn't a big problem at all.

Anyways, let's get back to normal programming in this thread wink.gif. I don't want to give anyone an excuse to start anything wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Hi Stephanie,

1. "What is funny?" Umm Stephanie I am JUST putting in smileys in my post. You know emoticons soften a post right? I hope that's allowed?

2. "And now you will tell me that you dont like girls in here? "

Ok, I said I don't appreciate abusive posters. I was in NO WAY referring to you there. Quite frankly your above statement either means you totally misunderstood me and thought I was referring to you OR you're just spoiling for a fight.

Personally I think you misunderstoof my previous post to be referring to you when it wasn't.

3 "Are you talking for the game designers?"

Well gees, I'd hope I'd talk for EVERY member of the forum when I say that I don't like seeing abusive posts and posters. I'd hope that not wanting abusive posters is one thing we could all agree on.

4. I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post. I urge you to read my previous post again. It's obvious your command of English isn't excellent and so I thin you have misinterpreted my post (no fault of mine) and perhaps feel it was referring to you.

Certainly your tone is that of someone who feels personally attacked. I can state without ANY ambiguity that this is NOT the case.

If, on the other hand, you have a problem with me saying that I don't like to see abusive posters then I guess there's no hope for you wink.gif BUT I don't think that's what you're saying.

I hope you prove me right.

Ps. The "I think he likes you PL" was quite obviously intended as a friendly jibe aimed at PL. If you took offence to that then it was just a joke wink.gif (I didn't know you were a woman then either.)

Pps. Game will go gold around xmas hopefully.

Anyways, After this clarificatory post I look forward to your response and hope you just misinterpreted what I was saying and responded because of that. I'll be interested to see your response Stephanie.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I played a lot of games on the zone. But every war or strategy games i was recieved with mix attitudes. Some responsed i had were a lot like sexist remarks, others were more like condesceding. In other games i dont have those much, maybe some time guys hitting on me. So i am very devensive on those subject. So be gentlemen and i respond to it in a lady manner.

Did i abused you Fionn? Did i post abusive posting? i see only your who are abusive. Also i read the other postings you made on the Spy_Eye ( my brother ). I think its who should ask if you are a bit abusive.

Also tell me in wich magazines your making your reviews? i'd like to read them if your that good in judging others. Thee should not jugde......

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Guest Captain Foobar

Angel Star, if you have somthing important to add to the discussions, I would personally welcome you to post here, and I would be interested in reading your posts. I think I can venture to speak for the majority of the people here, in that we are simply interested in this game, and related topics. And we enjoy coming here for some basic chit chat on that level. So if you share this kind of outlook, I am happy to see you here.

If someone has done something that has offended you, than I am sorry. Email them and take it up with them personally. I don't think any one means you any harm.With that being said, the other 300 of us here don't have any desire to watch a flame war take place, or watch people bait each other into arguments. You can do whatever you want, as this is a free environment, but I am trying to appeal to you on a level of common goodwill. Just enjoy this message board with the rest of us. Tell Spy eye too. Lets all just be friends, OK? smile.gif

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Sorry captain,

But i didint attack or put bad posts, firt one guy try to tell others not answer any of my questions, then i read sexist comments. I just reply to them. Sorry, i should have taken the hits whithout telling? Thats why we see a lot of beaten and abuse in the world we live in. Physic and moral. Read my post. I ask for explaination of these language condesending words. I ask nothing more then to be treated with reaspect. That's all. I also read all the posting of my brother and others, i saw the same putting down posts from the same ones. I heard alos nice responses from others. The others put told views without any putting downs. I wont say names. But by reading the posting you can see who they are. I have different opinions then my brother on the game. But i dont go trying to put him down for that. I can express my views. But not abuse others doing so. If i get put donw in public i have the right to defend myself instead of caving in, and make the abuse ok. I ask ony a question about a demo. I got hit with no reason. I love strategy games, but i dont want to hurt anybody; In words or in actions.


Stephanie Zocastello

Design Analyst, Softimage

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