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Gliders at D-Day


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Hi all,

I recently purchased "Battle For Normandy" and was disappointed to find no model of a glider, even a crashed one or two would be better! Anyone up to creating a static or "flavor object" glider model? I believe the US employed the WACO CG-4A.

For me atmosphere or ambiance really adds to immersion so I notice the LACK of dead cows and wrecked european autos of the period. Are there modders that could pull that kind of thing off? Will the game or game engine allow statics of this nature?

As long as Im challenging modders, what about bigger piles of rubble to place by damaged or destroyed buildings; you know like enough to block the narrow streets or big enough to hide behind! Also, it would make sense if there were collapsed walls and fenses as well as buildings right?! Downed trees or blackened, shattered tree trunks would add a nice touch next to a crater right?

Battle for Normandy is a pretty game but war is not always pretty! We even had burning buildings in the classic Battle Front games.

OK, Im wierd! Doesnt anyone else miss these things or am I asking for the moon here? Guys I want craters half filled with water for rainy scenarios. Or am I in the wrong game?

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Adding a flavor object is no problem (just do a search of my posts).

The limitations are on Flavor Objects.

1.There's only so many 'flavor' slots you can fill.

2. Flavor objects offer no line of sight blocking or cover. I can put a a bulletridden Fiat truck from FORTRESS ITALY in CM:BN (I put an M10 TD flavor object in Sicily if you look closely at my screenshots)-but it's just an image-not 'virtually solid'.

3. No way I know of that you can import 3d objects.

I agree with your observations-hmmm maybe there will be gliders on the ground in the next module if it is Arnhem?


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OK Tempestzzzz! Thanx for the info. Hmmm... just an image; not virtually solid. Well that limits alot of what I wanted but I can still imagine empty parachutes in disaray laying about a drop zone or across a section of wall; what about a few hanging from some virtual trees? Perhaps one with a dead soldier hanging lifeless? Is there a size limit?

Ill have to think about other possiblilities but the info you have provided will help me rethink what is possible. I cant understand why there is so little attention given to the distructive nature of war here! Maybe someone could "modify" some existing vehicles into damaged or destroyed models that could be added as as vehicles when we purchase in the senario phase... does that make sense?

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Yes, gliders and such would be nice.

But you are far from the first user requesting (wrecked) civilian cars, and I have to say that I think the focus on having civilian cars is out of proportion. This is why:

In 1940´s Europe civilian cars were much more scarce than in the US: They were mainly a thing for relatively wealthy people and/or for business use (doctors for instance). That is why Hitler´s promise to supply every german family with a VW was such a radical and seductive idea.

Moreover, the chances of getting petrol for a civilan car in occupied Europe in 1944 was very close to nil.

Thus, I find it safe to assume that most civilian cars in France were stashed away in garages and barns in the summer of ´44 - since they were very valuable items that couldn´t be used at the moment. That would be what I would have done, if I were a car owner in France june 1944 - knowning that the war was heading my way.

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Good point umlaut, however the point may be lost because it realy could be Street cars (trollies) or buses or even the odd car or two or horse drawn carriages (civilian or military)! All to the same effect! There were THOUSANDS of killed and maimed horses as the Germans were still heavily relying on horses for many tasks. I would still settle for a few wrecked gliders. Perhaps a different game for me would be a relief for everyone. lol!

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