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pbem setup bug

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This was an issue with CMBN and a fix was assumed to be in place, but customers still experienced it on occasion. However this is not a consistent bug. For CMBN I had a customer send me the setup file that had the zones swapped. I didn't see it. When they attempted to reload that PBEM file they didn't see it either.

My assumption at the time was that leaving CMBN up and running while exchanging the PBEMs was causing the problem. The suggestion was to close down CMBN between the PBEM turns to make sure that something wasn't being left in memory. However the last post in this thread says that didn't resolve the issue.

We will need to know if you can duplicate this issue consistently on a particular map. Are both opponents on the same platform (Mac or PC), that typically shouldn't matter, but just in case it is a factor.

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I was the other side of this PBEM problem. I sent Weapon2010 the turn file (which you can find here http://www.lesliesoftware.com/forforumposts/2012/Ian%20attack%20Ron%20v2.zip).

I am running the windows version of the game. This is CMFI with the patch installed.

I did not reduce the size of these pictures to be sure the text would be readable.

The QB screen:


Then the map picking screen:


We tried this twice with me starting the game. This is the second time - the first time I left the map on random so I have no idea what map was used.

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This also happened to me. It occurs when you want to attack as the Germans. I assumed it has something to do with the fact that if you look at the writing alongside the small picture of the map it says "Allied Attack". I looked at all the Attack QB maps and there is only one small size map where it says "Axis Attack". I haven't tried it but I suspect if you used that map to attack as the Germans, there wouldn't be a problem. It all seems a bit odd though.....

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