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So, the game was rented?

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on the 16th August 2009 I bought CMSF, CMSF Marines, and CMSF British forces from the Battlefront website in downloadable form. After having enjoyed them very much for some time, I moved on to other things, bought a new computer, reformatted a harddrive or two and the like.. Skip forward to today, and I get that Combat mission feeling. "That's an itch I paid to scatch" I thought to myself and promptly went through my emails to find the receipts for the games a bought 2 years passed. I was met with, as many of you will of probably figured out by now, the statement "You can download until 365 days after the first download".

My question is, is there no way that I can reclaim the game I paid $85 for? Had I really simply rented out a game for its full price?

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In 'real world' terms this would be like buying a pair of socks then one of them going missing in the dryer. The sock manufacturer isn't liable for the loss. ;) On roll-out of the CMBN Commonwealth module recently Moon strongly urged purchasers to stick a copy onto a flash drive for insurance. Advice I haven't exactly taken, myself, but I have got the original CD hardcopy laying around somewhere.

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In 'real world' terms this would be like buying a pair of socks then one of them going missing in the dryer. The sock manufacturer isn't liable for the loss. ;)

The problem with this analogy is that the sock is physical item that has to be replaced with another sock. CMSF is a digital file that is infinitely reproducible.

One solution would be to offer it as a torrent after your 365 days has passed. I'm sure plenty of us would be happy to keep it seeded.

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Sbua, you are not renting the game, you are buying it to keep. After downloading it, installing and activating, it will never expire.

What you are not purchasing though is unlimited digital storage of the game. We do not offer infinite storage. We are not an online gaming club like some other digital storefronts - you buy the game from us, not an online service. And, also unlike other storefronts, your purchase is not tied to any online account, doesn't require you to be online to play or anything of that sort.

So if you want to keep the game and install on a new PC, you should either go for the "download&mail" option (which gives you a disc by mail), or make a backup of the setup file after downloading. You can even store the setup files online with one of those digital space services etc.

Having said that... For customers who lost their backup or never made one in the first place, we do offer a re-download. It's 5 bucks, and will give you another 365 day period to download again. But really, as mentioned above, you should download once and backup the file, and you're all set.

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Thankyou Moon and everybody else for taking the time to reply. It appears as though, although my time to download the game has expired, the Key has not. So after having transferred a friends download (The person who rekindled my interest) I successfully used my own keys to activate CMSF and the two modules. All's well that ends well. I'll be sure to attempt to keep this copy on a drive some place.

As Ranger33 pointed out though, I think It would be a good idea to possibly offer an alternative for users who have passed the 365 day mark and can't/won't foot the bill for another download when their interest in the game has resparked after some time. I know I would've given up, and passed it on instead of talking to friends positively about CM and bringing in more custom than a $5 download bill.

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Yeah, your license key never expires. That's why it's a purchase and not renting.

We waive the $5 fee usually if your download expired recently (going back even a few weeks if needed). However, the $5 fee is meant to offset our bandwidth cost. If we don't charge it, then there isn't much point in having a download period that expires in the first place.

The misunderstanding perhaps comes from the fact that some other storefronts are in fact offering "online renting" and selling it to people as game purchases, while we do not. The download is merely another form of delivery, and just like mail delivery doesn't keep sending you the same game each time you want to play it, so downloads are basically only meant to be used once. Playing the game is not tied to anything online at all, which again is a difference with online multiplayer clubs.

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