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Introduction & Some Questions

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Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums and the CM series, so I thought I'd introduce myself. My forum alias was a Canadian General, but my real name is Max.

I recently bought the CMBN+CW bundle, and it's been a long time since I paid more than $30 or so for a game, but I am 110% satisfied with my purchase - this game is fantastic, I'm having a blast playing the Commonwealth Forces!

First question: I mostly play operational wargames, but of the tactical-level games I've played, this one is probably the best - however, as a relative newcomer to the genre, I am open to rebuttals on that point! I am curious about the CMx1 series - are they worth trying or should I stick with the next generation?

Second question: I get the impression that this game is meant to be played in WEGO turn-based mode, but I've mostly been playing in real-time, which has its advantages and disadvantages. However, I plan on starting some turn-based PBEM games as soon as the AI ceases to present a challenge, and I worry that I will pick up some bad habits if I continue playing real-time. Any thoughts on this?

Third question: anyone have any tips on using British/Canadian forces effectively? It seems I am not aggressive enough on the offensive - I am so concerned with force preservation in the Scottish Corridor campaign that I frequently run out of time before securing my objectives. I'm particularly confused as to how to use my organic 2" mortars effectively - can they be used for indirect fire missions by FOs and HQs or can you only issue direct LOS targets to the mortars themselves? I haven't seen any options for the former, and they seem inaccurate in the latter role at long range, and too vulnerable to return fire at shorter ranges.

Thanks in advance for any and all replies, and happy Easter!

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Welcome, grab yourself a drink!

First answer: well, you could try the CMx1 demos to see if you like them. I'd go with CMBB and CMAK demos, CMBO does not offer much beyond what CMAK has and as the first of the series is IMO the most outdated. Other than that in the tactical field there are the Steel Panthers games (SP:World at War, SP:WW2 and SP:MBT are free) to try, and Panzer Command. All of these are more boardgameish and less WYSIWYG than CMBN, but worth getting to know for any hobbyist.

Second answer: Oh, just get over it and play a scenario or quick battle in WEGO! The game's not specifically meant to be played either way, although playing the bigger ones in realtime has to be a bit of a chore. Also, in realtime mode you miss out on all the fun replays. That's my favourite part, even if your tactics suck you get to replay the moment when your line of Shermans gets penetrated by one 88mm shot!

Third answer: the two-inchers can't be targetted beyond LOS. I try to use them at ranges of slightly over 300m, that way they're beyond effective rifle range but they should still be accurate enough. But I think their primary function should be in laying down smoke screens, the two-inch HE shell just lacks the oomph to make a difference. This is an interesting contrast to the US 60mm mortar that lacks a smoke shell but is also much deadlier. From the two-inch HE I don't expect more than temporary suppression most of the time. Other than that, it comes to some very barebone infantry tactics. You're not going to win a squad-to-squad firefight with the Germans, so either use artillery, tanks or local superiority to force a breach.

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Thanks Sergei!

I'll try the demos you mentioned, particularly CMBB as I'm very interested in the eastern front. I've tried Steel Panthers a few years back but never got into that series - I'll have to give it another go, haven't played Panzer Command but I'll check that out too. IIRC TacOps used to be available for free but the latest version seems to be for commercial release only - I enjoyed that game so maybe I'll pick that up one of these days, too.

I'll bite the bullet and play some missions in WEGO - I'd probably learn a lot more that way anyhow.

I suppose I expected too much from my dinky mortars, but they certainly are nice to have for temporary suppression, as you said, and their smoke shells are indeed very useful for screening advances and getting out of tricky situations. My infantry tactics could use some work - I have a pretty good grasp of fire-and-manoeuvre, but I've a bad habit of using up my artillery munitions early on, leaving my infantry in the lurch when it comes down to the final assault phase. I also tend to keep my tanks in reserve until the last minute because I hate risking them in support roles unless I have very good recon on enemy positions. As you may have gathered, I'm a very cautious and methodical player, which seems fitting for the British forces, I guess it's just a matter of putting all the puzzle pieces together at the right time and place.

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Welcome! You have landed in the right place! There are a tin of great people here.

I agree with Sergei on just about everything, but would like to add a couple thoughts.

2) I prefer real time play, just because I can micromanage my forces and pause when I want. I do miss out on the replays though.

3) I've found that the British infantry is not going to win in a face to face match with the germans. You have to be really cautious and really sneaky. You should maneuver into position while out if the line of fire and try to bring several sections to position to fire on a single german squad. Gang up on them. Also, you want to use smoke and artillery to max effect. Smoke really helps when you need to maneuver. You need to be the same way when using spoked tanks. You've got to be sneaky, dont go head to head.

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I very much.....VERY much prefer WEGO over RT. If CM were RT only, I probably would never have bought it. Perhaps it's just a sign of my age, who knows? I love being able to replay turns over and over and zoom in on different parts of the screen to see exactly what happened. The only type of scenario I would ever consider playing in RT would be a very small one, and even then I still prefer WEGO.

As for CMx1. I own them all, and they were and still are, great games. They still contain certain features that I wish were in CMx2, such as moveable waypoints, etc. With that said, for the first time in years, I have deleted them from my hard drive. CMBN made me just not want to go back to CMx1 anymore. Still, if you wish to experience some East Front CM, then CMBB is pretty much all you are going to have for quite some time. I'm bad at predictions, but I don't imagine we will see an East Front CMx2 game for at least a year, probably longer.

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Thanks guys!

@theFightingSeabee: I prefer real-time for the same reasons. Sometimes it feels a bit like cheating being able to re-issue orders on the fly, but I suppose it's a fairly even trade-off considering the situational awareness benefits of the replay function. Thanks for the tips - I like being sneaky. I will try ganging up on individual squads - I think my suppressing fire has been dispersed too widely and I've been asking too much of my infantry in flanking close assaults - tactics which are likely better suited to the German side.

@Doug Williams: I don't know if my age has anything to do with it (I'm 28), but I generally prefer turn-based over real-time myself, so it came as some surprise - I had originally intended to play WEGO, but I found I was too afraid of making mistakes and having to watch disastrous replays =P (although I could see that being a lot of fun, too). However, I imagine I would prefer WEGO for larger scenarios with lots of units. As for predictions, I'd say you're probably right. I'd love to see an eastern front setting for CMx2, but the Italian Campaign would top my wish list for future games, assuming I could eventually play the Canadians.

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All the above.

I'll add that the lack of control in WeGo adds quite a bit to the suspense of each turn.

The replay function is, as already mentioned, one of the great features of this series. Without WeGo, you forego its use. Case in point:

I just had a squad leader that I found dead at the end of turn. I went back and looked. He and his squad had hurried up to a low bocage and hedge area. They'd dove to ground when they arrived. The squad leader went up to one knee, pulled out his binos, and looked around. That's when a Canadian sniper, about 250m away, put round through the side of his helmet. Morte.

Without replay, I'd never have seen that happen. This is on a large battlefield with about 2+ companies per side. A lot happens; replay lets you focus on everything.

Fun stuff.


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Looks like a T-60, looks like it's got an autocannon and it's got soviet markings.

EDIT: Nevermind, too slow :) .

More on topic, I like wego as you ave to play every officer and NCO on your side, it's hard to keep track of everything without supporting AI.

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welcome charles! Im your age - 27 and Ive been playing CM since the CMBO demo when I was 14 =)

heard about it on the close combat msg boards and never looked back

WeGO is great for bigger battles, and against a human, the way to go (not just because you have to anyway) replays, and everything else make it essential.

Though in single play I like real time, it handicaps you somewhat against the computer (as long as you dont pause too much) and makes the games go by quicker.

If you'd like to play a PBEM send me a msg! single player is great, but once you've tasted battle against a human its not the same..

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Thanks Sublime!

I'd almost forgotten about Close Combat - I played that back in the day, too. When I feel prepared for PBEM, I will be sure to drop you a line. I know what you mean re: single-player vs. another human opponent - there is no comparison. In most operational wargames I can outwit the AI on my second try once I've learned the UI, but Combat Mission has so far presented me with more of a challenge, as I am a relatively inexperienced tactician =)

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