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"The Farm" Tournament - Round 1 AAR Thread

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Minute 27-26 Action:

The farm / bocage assault continues. The first team from Meissner's squad reached the bocage under covering fire and all in one piece.


In the farm the fire fight continues and I think my guys scored a victory.


However all was not perfect. The final members of 3rd squad (Heuer's scout team) were caught from behind and both killed.


Minute 26 Orders:

No real change just keep up the fire in the farm. I am getting Harmel's Shrek team to move up to the wall so they can get a clear shot at the American team across the court yard. Meissner's squad will continue to protect the bocage flank by assaulting towards the enemy that was there. I was intending to move Steiner's MG team into the farm but given what happened to the rest of 3rd squad I think they will stay where they are in case the GIs that took out 3rd squad try to move into the Orchard.


Minute 26-25 Action:

More GIs appeared in the farm buildings behind the ones trapped behind the wall. These new arrivals caused casualties for Frobe's squad but I am pretty sure they hit back too. Harmel's shrek team put some rounds onto that wall and caused a lot of smoke and dust. Meanwhile on the bocage line Meissner make it to the other side without incident.


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Minute 25 Orders:

I decide to take advantage of the dust and smoke and rush Fitzemeyer's command team forward and tuck them behind the SE barn and shift Harmel's team behind the NW barn. They will also check into the barn buildings to see if any GIs are there. Meissner's squad are getting tired so I will let them sit still this minute. I have not decided what direction they should go yet either. On the one hand they could continue and flank the GIs from the other end of the farm but I am concerned that they are and would continue to be out of command if I go that way. Plus I need to maintain fire supremacy in the farm and I am afraid that with the arrival of the additional GIs I might be loosing it. So, the other alternative would be to bring them back into the farm the safe way under command and adding to my firepower in the farm. I'll have to consider those options after watching the next turn.


Minute 25-24 Action:

The smoke in the court yard meant the fire fight in the farm quieted down. Fitzemeyer's command team and Harmel's shrek team managed to touch their objectives and I think indicate that there are no GIs in my ends of the barns. Meissner's squad spotted some GIs by the farm house and sent some rounds there way but to no effect.

Minute 24 Orders:

I have decided to move Meissner's squad back into the farm. They will join Frobe's squad in the SW Barn just as Frobe's more rested squad move out into the court yard to take cover behind the wall. I also moved Steiner's MG team closer to the farm as well so they can see more targets. This is in preparation of having Frobe's squad assault the NW barns with the plan to then take the SE Barns and the remaining buildings after that. For all that to work I need a hail of bullets to be flying first. One step at a time. This step is get Meissner's squad in place to cover the next move.


Minute 24-23 Action:

Entering the farm is almost accomplished. Meissner's squad did loose another man to fire coming from the direction of the Cafe. Thankfully all will be behind the farm walls in a few more seconds – hopefully no one else will get hit. While Meissner's squad was on the other side of the bocage they saw the GI team that had been pinned down behind the wall in the farm court yard escaping – rats. Perhaps the farm has been abandoned? We will see.

Minute 23 Orders:

The plan is to finish entering the farm compound and with a few pauses start assaulting the barns while covering fire criss crosses the court yard. The smoke has almost cleared so it will be interesting to see what response I get from the Farmhouse.


Minute 23-22 Action:

The barn assaults went well and I received no return fire from the farm house or the bars. I still believe the GIs have evacuated the farm. Unfortunately Steiner lost his team member and therefore a whole lot of ammunition. The GI's from the Cafe are now taking pot shots at the back of the farm. I guess I did not get everyone into the farm fast enough.


Minute 22 Orders:

Steiner is not mush use as an LMG with only 30 rounds so I have sent him back to tend to his team mate and hopefully get back the over 300 rounds his team mate was carrying. The HQ team has moved back to provide covering fire. I hope I don't loose Steiner but he is also not much good with only 30 rounds on him. Meissner's squad will continue to provide covering fire for Frobe's squad and Harmel's Shrek team as they assault the barns and farm house.


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Minute 22-21 Action:

Steiner makes his way to his team mate while the assault on the farm continues. Still no return fire from anywhere in the farm.


Minute 21 Orders:

Frobe's team make their final move on the barn and Harmel's team are just about to enter the farm house. This is either going to be really exciting totally boring. Meanwhile Steiner is still heading to attend his team mate under the covering fire of Fitzemeyer's command team.


Minute 21-20 Action:

Disaster strikes! Meissner's squad takes four casualties including Meissner himself. They break and run into the open. Clearly Fitzemeyer team's suppressive fire to the south is not nearly enough. The GIs across the field send a hail of lead Meissner's way. This is likely the end for me here. I might take the farm but there is no way I can muster the strength to push into the fields and head south to the cafe. My opponent has touched all the objectives now. I'll see how the next turns go but I don't see a way out of this after loosing Meissner's squad.


The platoon does have some success this turn – they capture the farm. Frobe's team make it into the barn and Harmel's take the farm house.


Minute 20 Orders:

Fitzemeyer move to the barn so that he can bring Meissner's broken squad under command. If I can rally them and get some fire support form them then perhaps they can be useful. Meanwhile I see an opportunity for Frobe's squad to catch some GIs by surprise. I order his team to go to the south corner of the barn and target the GIs by the wall. With his MP40 they might get a surprise in against the GIs. Meanwhile I will leave Steiner's MG team where it is to make sure the GIs do not make a move against the south end of the farm.


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Minute 20-19Action:

I was right Frobe's team did surprise the GIs outside the farm wall. They were looking the other way totally unaware of the Germans behind them. I thought this is going to be a sweet victory in an otherwise loosing effort. One of Frobe's men fires a rifle shot and misses, the GIs turn around and open up on my guys.


No GIs go down and Frobe's team takes another casualty. It turns out I was not paying enough attention. Frobe was out of 9mm amo. So the hail of bullets I was planning for the GIs never came. With the MG42 still in the other barn all Frobe had was two rifle men and only one of them moved to the south window to fire on the GIs. That is not the taste of victory it is the taste of blood.


Minute 19 Orders:

Not a good situation. I get Frobe's remaining team to hunker down in the barn away from the GIs. Fitzemeyer moves closer the broken squad to try to rally them. Meanwhile Harmel's team finish clearing the last farm house – no GIs were home. There is a light machine gun across the road from the farm that is making it difficult to move in the open around the farm. I have also ordered Steiner's MG team to move into the cover of the barn.


Minute 19-18 Action:

The remnants of Meissner's former squad rally somewhat under Fitzemeyer's command but immediately come under MG fire from the bocage. They start returning fire but by the end of the minute they are panicky again and half of them surrender.


Minute 18 Orders:

My orders are to hold tight and hope for the best.


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Minute 18-17 Action:

Not much happened except the remaining members of Meissner's squad surrender. That pretty much warps is up. I don't even think I can hold the farm from an assault let alone move further

Remaining Time Orders:

I just try to consolidate the hold on the north end of the farm by getting Frobe's team together again behind the wall. Doing this costs me two more men. Time to ask for a cease fire. I offer and my opponent eniced73 agrees.

The final disposition of my forces looks like this:


Tactical victory for the US. I have four guys left to his 22. Well done Eric. Thanks for the enjoyable game and congratulations to your for playing this one so well.


The final screen shows that I was totally surrounded with no hope of attaining any more objectives.


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This was promising-looking scenario. The briefing was clear enough as to what I was supposed to do, but very vague in terms of what the enemy was. However, from the scenario graphic (the smallest size), and out-of-game info (that it was supposed to be fun to play, and thus balanced), I rapidly guessed several things:
  • the American would have a similar size force to mine (a platoon)
  • the American would start on the north side of the map, probably the corner, just as I started in the south

Wreck you certainly read the tea leaves correctly and created a plan accordingly. Nice job. I wish I was not so slow in setting out for the Cafe (as I had originally planned). I started off trying to accommodate the possibility that was I facing a superior force or perhaps a force already in place so I moved slowly with lots of scouting.

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Wreck you certainly read the tea leaves correctly and created a plan accordingly. Nice job. I wish I was not so slow in setting out for the Cafe (as I had originally planned). I started off trying to accommodate the possibility that was I facing a superior force or perhaps a force already in place so I moved slowly with lots of scouting.

I too was unwilling to base my actions on my assumptions. Like a previous poster I took a look at the schreck team and wondered about possible enemy vehicles. Even choosing a careful approach got me to the Inn first which, for me, turned into a less than ideal situation.

But my main reason for posting here is to say you put up a great AAR and to ask you how you do your graphics (the lines and arrowheads look much better than anything I could manage which is a main reason I didn't provide graphics).

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<snip>ask you how you do your graphics (the lines and arrowheads look much better than anything I could manage which is a main reason I didn't provide graphics).

I use FRAPs to grab the screen shots. Using that tool you can capture as many screens as you like and they are saved into a folder on our HD. So, after I watched the action in a turn I rewound and watched the important bits again from a camera angle that would show what I wanted (usually level 1 or 2) and captured several screen shots to show what happened. The orders screens were all done from viewing level '7' (just hit the 7 key).

Once I had the screen shots I processed them with Paint.NET. This is a pretty simple windows paint program but it has support for arrows that are flexible (after you draw the arrow from point to point you can grab controls on the arrow and bend it). I used white arrows for movement and red arrows for fire orders. I also cropped away the game controls and saved every image to a standard width.

Clearly this takes a bit of time but I find that if you do the work after you have played the turn it does not feel too bad. Trying to do it all at the end would quickly become overwhelming. What I did was save the processed pictures into a directory dedicated to the farm AAR and I numbered each image with 01xxx.jpg, 02xxx.jpg so they would show up in the file explorer in the right order. I also added to an AAR document after each turn using each picture and writing the text for the turn.

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Ok, just so you have both side stories in the same post I have decided to post along side my opponent AAR. In quotes his moves and then just below each of them, my own AAR comments.

The Farm AAR

StoneAge (Axis) vs. ~Viajero Allies (Allies)

Pre Planning:

No movement of troops in set up zone. (Not much room to move anyway)

The troops I have to use 3 Sqd's, 1 AT , light MG and HQ (The inclusion of the AT makes me think he may have at least 1 light vehicle, HT or MG jeep)

Victory zones, look's like there are three touch zones (North Orchard, East field and South Orchard). One main occupy zone at the T intersection (Intersection / Cafe) and a few occupy zones in the farm complex (SW Barns, SE Barns, NW Barns and Farmhouse and NE Barn).

Buildings in the farm complex have very few windows facing my direction. The building do have low walls added most likely making for extra cover for the men inside.

From reading the brief I get the feeling that I should destroy any isolated units that I find but a direct assault on the farm may be a bad idea.

The Plan:

Part 1). The start of the plan is to move and move fast. I want to capture the buildings at the T intersection in the first few minutes and get a quick 30 points as I suspect that the allies will have this as one of their VZ's. Everybody will move quickly to take up their start off positions for part two of the attack.

Group 1. is made up of the LMG, 1 Sqd and HQ. Their first move will be across the open field and take up positions in and around the Intersection / Cafe. Positioning the Sqd to cover the T intersection from the left of the building behind the low bocage. HQ and LMG will then take up positions in the (Intersection / Cafe) objective. Their job is to try and prevent Allied units from moving left to right across the road.

Group 2. The AT team will move quickly to the centre of the map behind the low bocage. From here they can reposition left or right depending on enemy troop/vehicle’s spotted.

Group 3. 2 Sqd’s, 1st Sqd moves directly forward and then sneaks up to the high bocage to put the farm in overwatch as 2nd Sqd move to the left and sneaks into position in the small lane also putting the farm under overwatch.

Part 2). Group 3 1st Sqd is to keep the allies pinned down in the farm area. While Group 3 2nd Sqd moves right and touches the VZ in the Trees. Then moves over further right to the intersection. To help defend and set up a base of fire to either side of the road.

Group 1's Sqd will travel around the back of the buildings at the T intersection and try and take the VZ's on the far right. Depending on resistance they may cross the field to try and hook in behind the allies in the farm.

The most dangerous time for me should be in the first 5 minutes. If there are any allied troops already at or near the T intersection, this could be a very short recon.

Given the briefing, map disposition and Brimmer´s own comments that the map had been design for rough balance I immediately asumed that my opponent also would probably have a similar force (i.e. a platon plus lmg) and that his set up zone would probably be precisley opposite. The only key piece of info that no one knew was if the objective areas were "preserve" or simply "tag".

If they were "preserve" then, actual distance to them would matter less and the game would probably be decided by the best manouvering and use of terrain. If the targets were just "tag" things could be a bit tricky.

For "tag" objectives I was also unsure if the tagging could only be done by the the first side getting to it, or if both sides could actually tag the same objective. As it turns out it was the latter but in my mind by default I considered the former (i.e. the first side tagging a zone gets the points).

With that in mind, my first objective was to confirm the tag vs preserve. Given the distance to my opponent´s corner I concluded that I could probably "safely" reach the bocage just before the inn. So I dashed Squads 1 and 2 through the first zone objective and up to the bocage line to the south, confirming my worst fears that the objectives were in fact "Tag".

Here below my base plan:

Inn side (Squads 1 and 2):

Squads 1 and 2 would move to the bocage line in front of the inn, and a split team (2 men) from squad 1 would tag the Inn from the south east covered by the rest of Squad 1 and Squad 2.

Since the inn and the field before it, from the German point of view, yielded 40 points with just 2 zones I also asumed my opponent would send a sizable amount of forces there, in case the objectives were "preserve". Also the Inn with his 30 points in one go was much more closer and of easy approach to the German, so I had no ilussions in terms of being able to ocupy it first at all. Once I realized the objectives were "tag" there was actually no point at all in assaulting it. And that is why I only sent a split team of 3 men, for tagging, covered by the rest of the 2 squads behind.

Farm side (HG, Squad 3 and LMG):

Squad 3 was split in 3 teams. Team C was sent behind the bocage to cover the Orchard field. Team A and the HQ were sent to the first objective zone farm building with the intention to have Team A continue to the edge of the farm. LMG was sent to the NE barn farm building in a "Keyhole" posiiton so to cover the Farm yard and the approach avenues from the South West. Team B was sent out east to protect from any eventual flanking attempt and also trying to reach the North West and South West Farm objective zones from the outside (much less exposed than through the middle of the farm).


The Action:

Troops moved out smartly and are taking up positions


A single shot rings out from the far side of the T intersection as the LMG runs for the Cafe. Looks like only a single man covering this area, the race is on.

Actually 2 full squads :D

As the LMG runs into the café to set up their LMG they are blasted by an American standing just out the front. The HQ hunting into the building right next door do no better, as they get to the front of the building the soldier holding the MP is shot dead.

2nd Sqd turns and starts firing at the two Americans lying in road in front of the café hitting 1. 3rd Sqd who can’t see the men on the road start moving to the back of the Café to hook around behind the guys in the road. As they get to the gate a single shot kills a soldier

4 to 1

Since I imagined you would be probably about to enter the building from the South West I decided to tag the objective from the East side but without entering the building. As chance had it my three men were still and laying on the ground while your LMG team was entering the adjacent building and therefore my men spotted you first.

Your guys sent around the South East of the Inn were about to be spotted by Squad 1 behind the bocage.


2nd Sqd losses 2 men (1 with the MG). I am losing the fire fight against 2 Americans in the roadway. Needless to say the plan has gone to hell. 3rd Sqd has split up ½ join the HQ in the first building the second group move around behind the small building at the back and start hunting towards the Café. Where they all die as 2 Sqds of Americans open up on them.

1st Sqd have 3 Americans in view near the SW Barn and decide to take them out.

New plan retreat and move the attack back to the left and go straight at the farm. I have spotted 2 Sqd’s near the Café and only 1 near the farm. I expect to find a HQ and LMG somewhere.

9 to 1

You were receiving fire at the Inn not just from those 3 men on the road, but also the 2 Squads behind them who had clear loss on the Inn. My 3 men on the road received a casualty and were pinned at this stage, but their job was done at this stage by having tagged the 30 points :-)

On the Farm side, everyone was in position. Team A had tagged the South East Farm objectives and Team B had already surrounded the farm and tagged the NW and SW farm objectives and settle in a small depression by the SW barn so to cover any approach from the SW. While Team C was covering the Orchard.

So at this point I only had 2 remaining areas to tag: the Orchard and the South field closest to the German corner. Since I ahd not seen you through to the Orchard and/or the farm my plan was to seat tight and see you coming through the open fields.


1st Sqd open fire killing all 3 Americans in the opening volley. 2nd Sqd is down to 4 men and start to rout out into the field near the South Orchard, right into the guns of the Americans in the front building of the SW Barns and the rear building of the SE Barns (looks like I found the HQ). Lucky for 2nd Sqd, 1st Sqd lay down some covering fire and save them.

9 to 4]

Yeah, the small depression really did not work out very well and I was quite surprised to see the 3 men in Team B be killed so easily and fast. They never saw who killed them!

Your 2nd Squad at the West end tip of the road was being "pummelled" not just by my two remaining men in the road (veteran by the way) but also by the rest of my forces in the Farm area. Team A had gone throught he farm yard and entered the southermost building of the complex with direct view to the bocage where your squad was at the end of the road. My HQ and Team C were also at LoS of that bocage and I set all 3 to area fire the bocage by your squad. It seemed to work and your squad routed. The routing itself was weird indeed, as they run into the orchard, and into the hands of my HQ and Team C, not before tagging the objective though :P


2nd Sqd moves 1 square to touch the South Orchard VZ (woohoo 10 more points in the bag). At the same time ½ of 1st Sqd run for the SW Barn where the Americans died just a few minutes ago.

Still 9 to 4


With the small amount of fire coming from the front build 2nd Sqd decide to wait 30 seconds then rush the front of the building as the 1st Sqd MG gives them covering fire from the bocage. The other part of 1st Sqd hunt into the back of the building to kill the cowering American’s. Just as they get to the back of the building a LMG from the Farmhouse/ NE Barn starts to shot at them. One of 1st Sqd returns fire taking out both Americans firing at them.

9 to 6


2nd Sqd does not make their attack as they rout again. The 4 men out the back of the building instead of charging in and killing the American’s, they hit the dirt when a stay bullet comes their way from the building the LMG was in. At this same moment 2 Americans stick their heads out of the back of the building and proceed to kill all 4.

13 to 6

My 2 men team in the South building were not cowering aymore when your 1st Sqd gets around the building. My HQ and Team C had been also returning fire to your bocage line and the orchard and I guess that somehow limited the amount of supression you were trying to achieve on my 2 men in point.

My LMG also went out a tad too quick, but just in time to stop for a few seconds your 1st Sqd. Enough for me to give the order to my 2 men in the South building to shoot on them point blank! :D

Your men in the Orchard had no chance really, at LOS of my HQ and Team C all along.


2nd Sqd is totally gone now as 1 is killed and the other 3 surrender. A few minute later they put their hands down and the Americans kill 2 more before they can put them back up.

16 to 6

This was the critical moment for the Farm battle. Your assault stopped cold and the orchard well covered by my HQ and Team C you had limited room for manoeuver. My weak spot there was the West avenue around the farm, completely unprotected since you had killed Team B a few turns before. My position in the South Barn was very precarious before that and if your Squad 1 had successfully assaulted it and kileld my 2 men there you could have easily progessed into the farm though.


To be continued

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In deep $#&% now. The AT team move over near the gate to put their rounds into the bocage at the T intersection. The remainder of 1st Sqd run to where the Americans lay. From here they go around the back of the NW Barn and collect another 10 points. Then move to the back of the Farmhouse for another 10 points. Only to be blown away by a group of hidden Americans. The sole surviving German starts retreating to the back left corner of the map.

19 to 6

Yeah, the hidden Americans were my 2nd Squad split team taht you can see on the bottom right corner in the pic above. I saw sound contacts around the far and kew oyu were going to the tag points. Could not stop you but at least I could kill you :P.

At this point with a fairly balanced distribution of objective zone points I started to wonder about the weight of casualties on the final score. I mean, all things being equal and most tag zones being tagged by both teams, it was going to come down to most kills. So having tagged the objectives, defending them was pointless anymore, so I decided to concentrate on focusing fire.

One of the things I think I have learned so far with CM:BN is that unless you are 150% sure of what you are doing, he who moves first usually dies. I guessed my kills so far were tipping the balance for me so I decided to place my troops in good spots for LoS, stay put and shoot anything that moved.


1 man from HQ and 4 men from 3rd Sqd are in position behind the right building at the (Intersection / Cafe) they are hoping that some Americans try to move into the building. (2 MP + 3 rifles should give them plenty of close range fire power)

AT team (out of ammo) has run back to the bocage where 2nd Sqd’s dead are trying to pick up at least 1MG.

The lone 2nd Sqd soldier (broken) is trying to move back to the SW Barn to try and cover the South Orchard.

Still 19 to 6 – 8 men left


1 American moved right into my trap and was killed by the 5 men hiding out the back of the building.

19 to 7

I was getting low on amo so I was hesitating between continue the area firing the inn with my two squads or not. Area firing the buildings would make sense only if you were actually IN the building (albeit hidding maybe) so I moved my loner sacrificial troop to check if that was the case or not :P As it was you were not in it but behind as you say so I hold onto my area fire.


12 minutes left

Collected rifle for AT team and moved 2nd Sqd soldier to Pick up LMG now with a little extra fire power I may be able to try for the east field.

Still 19 to 7


2nd Sqd soldier moves to gate to lay down fire on the bocage near the Cafe, While the 2 AT guys run down the bocage and onto the road to get into a flanking position. Meanwhile 3rd Sqd and the HQ hunt into the Cafe to take the Americans from the front.

Still 19 to 7


The men hunting into the Cafe may as well been standing in the road all 4 go down and the HQ breaks to the rear. The man from 2nd Sqd is pinned and 1 of the AT guys goes down without even see an enemy marker.

24 to 7 – 3 men left

My 2 squads behid the bocage saw your men advancing in the Inn and just started shooting. Concentrated fire from around 10-13 men across the road.



Time to go all gamey run down the road into the field grab some more points. AT guy runs out into the field gets to the magic green land and drops dead. 2nd Sqd is finally totally wiped out as our fearless leader hides behind the bodies of his dead fiends.

26 to 7 – only me left now


8 minutes to go may as well get this over and done with HQ hunts up to the second story of the building next to the Cafe and is given his final wish.

All gone now

Wash up:

U.S. Army Minor Victory 150 to 85

Somewhere I must have miss counted my dead as in the end it was 32 to 8.

U.S. Army did not secure South Field(10) or Friendly Casualties(50)

German Army failed to secure SE Barns(15), North Orchard(10), Friendly Casualties(50) and Friendly Condition(50).

Bad plan + a little bad luck, getting half your force killed in the first 5 minute, never a good idea. Went for a fast land grab and ran straight into an American kill zone. I should have been happy with the touch and retreated back to the left. Then used all the remaining troops to over power the farm and made him come to me.

Things I noticed:

* Spelling mistake “farmnhouse” objective name

* I had 1st Sqd rout out into the South Orchard and then the last man from 2nd Sqd rout to the back left corner. There may be something wrong with the edge ownership.

* I think if I had of been more gamey at the start I could have maybe won this one. Lots of spots where I could have run out and then back into cover with just the AT team and lots of cover fire.

Difficult to say, even with hindsight, what coluld have been done better with both sides. But I guess I was a bit surprised of not having seen you grab the SW of the farm earlier. Your starting position was much closer. But as it happened I got there first and you were forced to cross open fields under my overwatch, both at the Orchard (My HQ and Team C) and the Farm inner yard (LMG). At the inn I believe you exposed yourself in 2 key moments, one when you tried to surround it by the South East and the other in the ocassions when you moved in the main building, both spots fully under the LoS of the bocage across the road.

The result screen also shows how the kills accounted for the result. If I understand this correctly, kills were only worth at most 50 points. All 32 germas were either killed, wounded or missing. For only 3 of may men killed and 5 wounded. All worth 50 points "only". Only main comment is that it is a bit strange that having eliminated all the opposition with only 3 killed/5wounded of my own I have failed the secondary objective (parameters)!? I guess the only way to get those points was to kill all the opposition while not getting yourself a single man lost?

Playing with StoneAge was a pleasure and we have started playing a new scenario as we speak :-)


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Ok, here goes!

In order to keep my casualties low and gain objective points, I started out thinking hit and run tactics. I moved squads #2 and #3 laterly left along the edge of the map. My goal was to secure my end of the barn complex. #1 squad and the mg team moved straight forward to protect my right flank. Scouts moved out first. I kept the two squads fairly close together, hoping this would counter the allies higher rate of fireif contact was made. Moving North, I was able to pick up points for 'South Orchard' and 'SW Barns' without contact.

The barn complex seemed like a perfect ambush location for the allies, at their end of it. Moving into the complex I figured was not a good idea at this time. I did plan on the allies moving around the far left side of the complex, in order to attack my entrance. That was the only thing I figured out correctly! I continued 2 & 3 squads around to the far left side of the complex and waited for an ambush opportunity. I moved my AT team over to the South entrence of the complex, entered a building, and had them serve as a op position. HQ team and a scout team from 1 squad found hiding places on the right flank for the time being.

Contact! Far left side of the complex (as I thought). Scout teams from the hedgerow were spotted moving forward. 2 squad opens up on them and cuts them down. The allies manuvered and opened up on 2 squad to even the score. 3 squad doesn't have and contact with the allies and I have to move them on their bellies in order to help 2 squad. The mg team also moves up along the hedgerow to lend covering fire. By the time 3 squad is in position and the MG team arrives, 2 squad is totally wiped out. Addictional fire comming from the hedgerow wasn't anticipated. That was enough to block 2 squad from exiting to the other side of the hedgerow.

3 squad fairs no better, even with the MG as back up. They too are ripped to shreds by the allies' higher rate of fire. Greatly reduced in manpower, my left flank is lost. Two squads are lost without even a dent made in his armor. So I start going for the points and not the fire fights.

I move the HQ team far right, up along the right edge of the map. The cafe is their objective know. A scout team from 1 sqaud and the AT team start moving into the comppex to get points. The complex lights up with American tracers and I fight back with little luck. The barn points are taken, but morale for those in the complex drops quickly. I fight it out trying to get some casulty points and to tie up some of his men while I go hunting elsewhere.

The op team from the 1 squad is ordered to move forward towards the break in the hedgerow directly in front of them. Knowing an ambush will likely be the result. The HQ team has made it all the way to the cafe, surprisingly quiet. Just as the cafe points are taken, the men inside the complex surrender and the op team moving forward are cut down.

So, here we are,@20 mins to go, down to 3 men and three objectives left. My HQ team is now on the far side of the map (allies' side), moving north. Two of the remaining objectives are 'east field' and 'north orchard'. No sign of any allies back here, and I worm my way throw both objectives. I know, though, getting my points will not make any difference in the outcome of this battle.

The HQ team now moves toward the barn complex for the final remaining points. The men are now exhausted and rattled as they move closer to certain contact. Around 20 yards from the complex, a sentry guarding a break in the hedgwrow, spots them and opens up and that's it! Cease fire called. Mike: 210pts Me:100pts

A US Tactical victory was earned. Great job Mike! I know this was very short and little details were offered, but time was an issue. Thanks Bimmer for all your hard work and look forward to another try some day!

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Minute 34:00

I start this mission with plenty of concern. With only a platoon of men, I have no real force to deal with any sized enemy unit except for a squad level patrol or less, anything other than that and I will be risking my own men's lives to fulfill our mission. As we enter our objective area to scout for enemy activity, we find ourselves in a steady rain fall and visibility is limited to 75 meters. This wrecks my plans as to putting a base of fire on the hedge row to the right flank without exposing my men in an open field, I will just have to use that to benefit us also and keep in mind the enemy has limited visibility of us too.

My plan is thus, maneuver, using the hedge rows along the road ways as my approach lanes to the intersection and cafe to the east, and then using similar tactics to move north and check out the main farm complex. I have decided to stay out the open fields, even though with the limited vision it might be more feasible. But I really do not want caught in the open and not have the flanking hedgerows secured.

My strength is the 4 MG's in the unit. If I keep them from getting ambushed, in position to help with bring fire power to any small skirmish and in good order in case we do hit a sizable force. I might be able to even combine them into a fire to support an attack force if I decide the enemy is weak enough I can overwhelm them by attacking across the open fields. None of these options feel comfortable, but no heavy asset being assigned to the mission. All I have is small unit tactics in terrain that does not favor the attacker. Not my lucky day, or my men.

For now I move two units to the North West hedgerow to assign one machine gun group to protect us from any units coming onto us from the north. Another mg to watch the roadway we will be working down to the east, the third will be stationed to watch the north, the forth will watch the east as we send out my other units to scout ahead of them, the unit entering the east field is to only see if they can draw fire once they are within sight of the east hedge row near the cafe.



Minute 33:00

As my units move to their first positions, I receive reports that do not help me feel any better in my gut. My unit that went into the field to our right flank was immediately able to see the cafe and most of the next hedgerow line, So visibility is better than I thought, they knew better than to enter the field, since it would be very easy to get into a kill zone with all that cover for the enemy and no way to get friendly supporting fire without them also entering into the field from the only access point into open ground. It would not be a good decision, if one wants to see another day. So I have ordered them back and to not get themselves too exposed. My other units are getting into position, most are finding decent line of sight, and we are even able to see the main farm complex and could lay a base of fire against some of the structures if we see the need. Now the trick of trying to move down the road without getting ambushed. One unit on my left flank can already see down the backside of the hedgerow to the left of the road we want to take, but as I begin to send scout units forward. I will send another team through the hedge just to make sure the roadway is secure. Also this might draw fire from the main farm complex, which I feel we could return fire on and pin down if it were to happen.


Minute 32:00

So far, things are quiet. My unit on the right flank reports that they can still see the cafe if they stay located at the opening in the hedgerow, so I order the panzerschreck team and a MG to reposition to that location to provide cover fire if anything opens up on us from the building location.

My team up the road at the hedge opening leading to our left flank reports that the building down the road cannot see us there. So I now order my men to scout using that path, try using the far side of the hedge left of the road and move east towards our first objective. I have plenty of units that are now able to help on the left flank if anything happens there, If I can get units able to move up on that left hedge, they will have good ability to cover the building we are moving to, it is a risky move since they are exposed from many locations on that side of the hedge, but it is worth the risk.

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Minute 31:00

Things continue to go without a hitch, so I order my third fire team unit up the left side of the hedge along our left flank, if I can get these units up to where they can view the cafe and cover themselves from the road running north-south, then I will feel much better about moving in on this first structure we have to investigate.


Minute 29:40

As my three units to the left of the hedge push eastward the sound of a lone shot suddenly is heard from one of my men's rifles. But to my surprise, it is the fire team that is up the road that is presently watching the intersection that has spotted something and now more fire is sent that way and I hear return fire also. Then I see a GI crawling across the street trying to make the building. I open up along with the men with me, we see him drop limp, the point man up the road signals two Americans down.

I immediately order the men left of the hedge to push to the hedge parallel with the road them G.i.s came out of. Likely there might be more troops on that road. My gut tells me they were scouts heading for that building we were moving toward, so its vacant, well I don't know that but I am going to risk men's lives to try and take advantage of it not being occupied. So I order my trailing fire team that is watch the right flank field to start rushing forward and try to get to that cafe quickly. Or at least cover it with fire.


Minute 29:00

Pushing up the left side of the hedge turns into disaster for me almost immediately. The first fire team makes the hedge next to the intersection. Almost immediately spot multiple enemies on the other side. Fire a few rounds toss a grenade or two and take cover and continue to fight. Screams are heard and results look promising. The second fire team is getting close to the hedge, but just then a grenade comes over and lands right in the mist of them and explodes before anyone can get down. I have lost a fire team just like that. Moments later a second grenade lands in the general area again and adds insult to injury. Now the Gis are starting to spot thru the hedge from the road side and they begin a fire fight with my third fire team that is sitting back over there in over watch position, that fight is not going to last long because my guys have no decent cover. They go down quickly to the enemy fire. Within moments I have lost 9 men, I have 4 more out there stranded now with no real way to support them.

Now everyone is hustling to reposition, no question, we have ran into 2 plus squads of enemy soldiers in that intersection area, likely means at least a enemy platoon out there, possible doing the same thing we were doing. Recon of the area. I lost the fight of contact already and cannot afford to lose more men to the poor position we are now in. I must quickly try to help my forward fire team, but holding the position appears useless. I have no real way to flank his left or right side, where as he has a left flanking move to my right side and on his right flank he can continue to find positions to add firepower against me there. I have no clue as to how I am going to do it, but I need to withdrawal to a decent fire line location and somehow draw him in since most of his force appears to be all located near the intersection.



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Minute 27:00

My last two men left of the hedge manage to hold on and start returning fire, two other units I have try to give them cover fire against the group that has them pinned down. I am in a terrible position with no good terrain to my left or right to try and improve the situation much. 11 men are down with two more still trapped. I have made a great blunder and now it's costing me my men's lives. I was so concerned about that cafe building having enemy units that I managed to lead my men into a bigger death trap trying to protect myself against an enemy that was not there.

At this point I am in survivor mode, no long term planning since no bold move will seem to help my position much. I personally run to cover to find a spot to cover the far east so that nothing tries to flank us there. The east does not appear it will give us much problem to defend. I will see if we can get my two surviving men on the east side of the hedge back to safety. But they are in real trouble with how I have put them at risk.



Minute 24:00

In the last minute I have lost the other two men, Stupid, it was my fault, it was too exposed over there and it was not a smart risk and I have paid for it with my men's lives. Now I have no good options, but I will pull back and try to probe into the main farm complex, But the Gi's should be able to move into that area first, if they are not already there. Either way, I see no good terrain to try and push a probe. But I need to put some pressure on the complex, so I will try to advance from the Northwest even though it is also terrible terrain to try and advance on. At the present location I will leave a watch to try and pick off anyone trying to take that terrain, but holding it alone will not achieve my objectives. Advancing up the road appears stupid at this point. With the present troop placement.

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Minute 23:00

I pull my next fire team at the roadway hedge just in time, they have to go to ground but they are safe for now. Every GI that could open up on their old location from the north south roadway does, tons of lead hit the hedgerow, but no one is there to take the heat. Smoke pops at the intersection from the GI,s, either they are going to try and move troops over that way or they wanted to stop my area fire over there. I am betting on them trying to move troops up to better locations. I have 4 fire teams that can see & bear fire somewhat on that area, so I hope they try something there, because I need the enemy to help me out at this point to recover from this mess I have made.


Minute 20:00

I receive reports back that the left flank unit has crossed the open field and are now near the farm complex, it's time to bug out. I order for a 30 second pinning fire on the intersection to try and pin any enemy at that location and then we are out of here as fast as we can go with the two remaining teams that have been left to cover the withdrawal.

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Minute 19:00

Just as my units make the edge of the farm complex an American GI is spotted running to one of the barns. No surprise, so now I will make a fight in the farm area, at least I feel the terrain is a little more favorable, I would like to get men behind the stone wall if possible, it is about the best cover there appears to be except for the house at the other end which is the direction the GI came from.

I am making this too easy for my opponent.


Minute 18:00

Well, trying to snatch the wall in the farm complex is out, Since a GI with a Bar is already peering over the wall in our direction.

(Game scoring appears to be touch terrain. So now I am mad at myself once again since I was spitting distance from a 30 point and a 10 point area on my initial objective of the cafe. I know I have lost this battle because of my decision on the initial plan on how to approach the cafe building, If I would have went through the field, this would be a completely different battle, now I just want to make a good fight of it, that might be hard to do with the loss of so many men.)

Minute 17:00

Things continue to go bad, with no way to get into good cover at the farm, my one fire team is exposed and it appears a rifle grenade finds it mark and 3 more of my men are down.

At this point I just want to bug out and let them demote me back to private: but that is not how it is done. So I will leave the 4 men at the farm to fend for themselves and maybe they will manage to ambush someone if they stay hidden.

I will go back to the cafe and by this point will likely get shot trying to move back to towards it, but that will be better than going back to the court marshal that I deserve.


Minute 16:00

Not much to hope for at this point, but I am glad to see at least one more GI will not be writing home about what he did to us over here.

Minute 15:00

Other than shuffle MG teams a little to place those with ammo where I want and having to stop my personal fire because I am almost out of ammo. Nothing more to report. I have now lost 17 men, I figure if I am lucky, I might have only killed half that many GI's . War is hell, and I am on the wrong side of that this day,

Minute 14:00

We spot a GI moving into the nearest barn, I give the order to turn the barn into Swiss cheese, we will see how he fairs here soon.


Minute 13:00

well my men did not understand my order, my machine gunner even started using his bolt action rifle instead trying to act like a sniper, So this turn I have ordered both MG's to area fire on the barn, let's see if I get any better results

Minute 12:00

That was useless, well at least He has a squad or two at the farm, maybe now I can have a chance at the cafe again. I can take the remainder of my force except two men and at least try for the cafe and hope I get on the right end of a fire fight for once, not likely, but can hope anyway


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Minute 9:00

We are back in portion for the cafe: things are quiet, maybe I did manage to pull a large portion of his troops to the farm. So this time I am not going to hesitate. I will rush a scout and a fire team to the back of the building, in the meantime giving some cover fire at the intersection. But as far as I know, the enemy has never had troops in the structure.

Minute 8:00

Well, my opponent is ready to quit, so I figure he has managed to touch all his objectives and has now settled in to whatever defense he thinks is good. But he left me the cafe which was major points and now maybe I can push the fields towards the Northeast, This is such a small battle I cannot recover from my mistake, but if this had been a battle of any size , making the mistake with one squad does not have such a deadly impact. I normally take losses as these without thinking much about it; it is part of doing business. I am so use to doing business with much larger groups on an attack or in defense, I really missed the fact that this could be set up as a meeting engagement and that speed would have been my best friend. Wrong mind set lead to wrong style of play. I still have time to make another field and maybe even more if I dash at the end, he for sure has plenty of troops in town, but if he is an American platoon which I figure he is. HE would have me outmanned anyway. So I am playing a bad hand now, but I will see it out.


Minute 7:00

I order some MG fire on the barn at the farm off to the left. My men Have a line of sight there, never know, might get lucky and pick up a kill.

So far no sign of his troops in this area still, so I send out my one man team to scout the area and pick up more points, I am getting daring again since I have nothing to lose, plus if the scout has anything open up on it, it would be nice to put it in its place since I still do have 3 MG's that could do some damage, if I could get them on any decent targets.

Minute 6:00

So far his guard is down in this sector, I still figure he will win, but he is going to let me make it much tighter if he has not left outpost, I figure he has, but at this point I will make him prove it.

Minute 3:00

Now that I have a good view of the area of the battlefield of the first firefight, now I know I am really hurting. I see only three downed enemy soldiers, of course I did see some buddy aid going on before, but I was area firing at him at the time, so don't know if they were successful or not. But he is not guarding the map from me searching areas and grabing points. But I am down to three left on the map, two of which I am very close to, just need to move 20 yards and last about 30 seconds. The third is at the farm, but I might risk sprinting to that, there is a high wall that might give me the cover I need to survive if I somehow make it.

My bazooka team has made it to the back of the farm, tagged the objective, so I will leave one last present with them by moving to a location that will allow them to launch their remaining rounds into the farm house as a final present, it's a risk, but I have already lost 17, it appears he is more like about 6, so I will do anything to pick up more kills. If nothing pops up this next turn. I will move the MG's to try and spray a barn at the end also. I have no problem in playing it gamey.

Minute 2:00

So far, it appears he has barricaded himself at the farm complex, I might have a chance to inspect every objective. I would question if he has done the same, if not it might be closer than I thought for a score if I am able to do this, but I would think he has someone watching out for my troops, at least near the farm, so making the final objective might be not getting killed sprinting across the field.


Last minute,

Sure enough, he manages to spot my leaders moving through the hedgerow and kills two, One being me since I am the leader. but I pick up two more objectives with only the farm house having one left, I will sprint two men for it and see if they are dropped or if I get more points for his lack of perimeter protection.My shreck team will open up on the small house, maybe I can get lucky and pick up a kill or two there. Not my favorite battle, but I had fun playing, even if I did poorly.


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It sounded like a simple scenario:


Overview of the map:


My plan was simple. Leave a little screening force (LMG) to my left and go with full force to the farm and from there to the junction:


First contact to the enemy was made at the farm...:


...where my scout team took casualties. At this stage it didn't look good at all from my POW.


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Overview of the situation when first contact was made:


I decided to flank the enemy from my right. I also moved my LMG to back up the attach to the farm:


My forces had a fire superiority and the germans started to take casualties:


After a few minutes of firefight the farm was secured and the last farm defenders surrendered:


After that it was just finding the remaining germans:


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