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Wide Screen TFT

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You need to delete the Prefs file that is located in the same directory as the CMAK executable. Once this file is deleted the next time you launch CMAK you will automatically go through the resolution selection process, starting with your current desktop resolution (but at a possibly higher vertical refresh rate).

CM will also go through the resolution selection process automatically if it detects that its resolution setting is higher than that of the current desktop resolution.

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Having your display truncate the horizontal resolution for the "black bar" effect is dependent on the video drivers, video BIOS and the video chipset itself. In your case the default operating mode is to stretch the pixels across the entire screen to fill the display. There might be an option in the drivers or the CMOS/BIOS setup to disable the 'stretching', but I don't know where it would be at. You can check around in the Display control panel: Settings tab > Advanced button > GeForce 6800 tab > look through the popup menu for anything that may allow you to change the 'pixel stretching' feature (though I don't know what Nvidia may call it).

The other option may be to go through the CMOS/BIOS setup and see if 'display scaling' or 'stretch screen' settings exist anywhere and disable them.

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Thanks! Found it under the nVidia tab right where you suggested. 3 options are available for display of lower resolutions:

"Display adapter scaling" [stretched to fill screen]

"Centered output" [stretched to screen aspect ratio but centered, with border all around]

"Fixed aspect ratio scaling" [bingo! with that setting CMAK fills the screen top to bottom with black side borders and no distortion.]

Thanks for the pointer - My ACs have round wheels again!

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