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Everything posted by Da_General

  1. Haha yeah that was meant to be the coil of the 17 T-72’s in reserve from the actual battle. They were all next to each other like that in a circle. I guess it’s Soviet doctrine for reserve units.
  2. I created a dropbox link let me know if that works for you! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5kj8goz6gcf3ljq3apacv/The-Battle-of-73-Easting.btt?rlkey=o87eeuxbb9t0t40pey7f06ycb&dl=0
  3. If anyone has other suggestions on how other ways to update the file let me know.
  4. I would post here but there is a file size limit. I'm trying to get it up on the scenario depot but I am waiting for one of The Few Goodmen Admin's to respond.
  5. Just created my first CM scenario that I am publicly sharing. It is for CMSF2. I wanted to try and recreate The Battle of 73 Easting from Desert Storm in 1991. It is meant to be a historic simulation and the Iraqi's of course are meant to lose. I gave them the base level T-72m1 (early) while the US has M1A1HC's. You can find the download link on discord here Let me know what you think. It's pretty quick and just meant to be a good time. Enjoy!
  6. This as absolutely awesome! Incredible detail and thought put into this and as a huge fan of both games I can appreciate all your hard work. The end results were great. I’ve been thinking of attempting something similar to simulate a MEU landing in Syria supported by the Ford CSG currently stationed in the Mediterranean and the Bataan ARG soon to be there as well. CM scenario design I can handle especially if I just edit an existing map. But the CMO scenario design is a different beast entirely. Any suggestions on some good CMO scenarios to use as a template? Preferably ones already involving Syria? Also did you ever do any other CM CMO hybrid scenarios? Thank you again for your time and effort in this it truly was great to read.
  7. Does anyone know of any CMSF2 scenarios that attempt to recreate any battles from 1991 Desert Storm? For example The Battle of Medina Ridge or 73 Easting? The Syrians in CMSF2 have basically the same weaponry as the Iraqi’s in Desert Storm so it could be done.
  8. I have never played in a tournament before and may be interest next round. I was looking at the scoring on Matrix’s site and was curious as to how that is determined? I attached screenshots for reference. If someone could pick one of the scores from that image and explain to me how that score is calculated that would be much appreciated!
  9. This was absolutely awesome! Well done. Huge fan of the book and the game. A little late but I would love to see more.
  10. Does anyone know how many new campaigns this expansion is going to net us? New missions as well?
  11. I suppose that’s where the superior numbers come into play for the Soviets. They could afford the huge losses as long as they gained ground. Terrain objectives should always be worth much more to the Soviet side than unit objectives. That would be fairly easy to model in game.
  12. Although I think exploring some of the earlier Cold War periods is interesting I do wish there would be a later time period included like 1987. Those later T-80 and T-72 models with all of the ERA bricks look so good. Not to mention Challenger and Leo if they decide to include Germany. I really don’t agree with the devs that they think it would start to resemble the more modern titles like Black Sea or Shock Force too much. Different time period by like 20+ years if they did late 1980’s. Different environment and unique units. Using that false argument you could say the same thing about a lot of the WW2 titles too.
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