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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Without putin and without the United Russia Party. Like France was defeated Napoleon went to a nice resort in the South Atlantic. Hitler did the only decent thing, he killed himself. Treat him like a dog with rabies, humane method give him the needle.
  2. They have almost a hundred years' experience at river crossings.
  3. Strike while the iron is hot. Don't let them get away with it. Already been said putin is not somebody we can seriously dialog with. Neither his united Russia party.
  4. The good thing is they won't have many veterans from this war to teach the next generation of tankers. The T72 was a good tank in 1972 but obsolete now. Like the Centurion and M60 meeting the first generation of ATGMs. Warning bells for the Abrams and Leos? Information Operations will be decisive combined with instant communications.
  5. Name of the game on FB, YT and some more is to get likes. Not to publish what is good, true and beautiful.
  6. putin has sympathizers in high places in the US government seems to me. At best they are old term isolationists. Even when you oppose something at the end of the day people should support the majority in the government. At least for now the American people has the last say.
  7. Words fail me about this 'Crackpot'. The US divide on full display, just oppose because somebody can. This guy has been to university. Democracy when one person can stop a democratic decision?
  8. Still, he got elected to the senate even as a presidential candidate one time. The next step of a democracy is to descend into anarchy. We will see some of it I am afraid. Last presidential election had the alarm bells up all over the world. Ukraine would be Russia today if it had gone the other way.
  9. Owned by Rupert Murdoch. The destructive Rupert Murdoch - Pearls and Irritations (johnmenadue.com)
  10. We see but it pays for us not to be reliant on the way in which the US citizens will vote. If it is true what you say about your media. The likes of Fox News should be held to account what journalism is all about.
  11. The biggest weapon of the west is the English language. By learning it you understand the culture. {Once it was a second language for me). I was flabbergasted by the antics of the 46th president. Attacking the judiciary, the police by the government of which he was still the president. The US system is an adaption of the British Westminster system. To have a major party walking away from that system made you lose a lot of credibility. You may get away with it once but not a second time. See what happens at your next election. We see opposition to the Ukraine and NATO, foreign politics should be bipartisan, but it is not.
  12. We see, I quote only what has been said in the US senate and by the 46th president. Biden won support for pulling out of Afghanistan by the next election the next president may win by stopping aid to Europe. Europe needs to stand on its own feet. They have the technical know how, Carl Gustav, Panzerfaust3 and the NLAW knock out Russian tanks for one tenth of the cost of a Javelin. Better for city fighting are the European weapons.
  13. Yes, I may step on some toes. But I see the way it is going. Ukraine's time is limited sooner or later there will be opposition on the money being spent. It has already started by a guy in the US senate named Rand Paul. According to him you don't help the Ukraine by sending the US bankrupt. No worries he will gain support if not this year but certainly next year.
  14. They think what putin thinks. nazis in Europe and the European nazis won't stand a chance like in WW2. Only party will be the new GOP and only whites can vote who own property. Russia needs the modern technology to make it happen. Liberal Democracies will be the new nazis. It doesn't matter that it is a complete lie, the definition will be by the far right who will call themselves one party democracies.
  15. The Chieftain had the kindness to explain the survival onion of a tanker. I found it applicable to other units too. A do I have to be there. B Can I be observed, C can I be targeted D Can I be penetrated E can I be killed. The digital battlefield has the means to address these concerns. I applied it in Armored Assault in SF2 The ability to pop smoke and have the optics to look through it paid off. By minding the C2 structure both vertical and horizontal the Challenger Platoon moved to contact toward solid tentative contacts. Also, by positioning my snipers we also know the probable location of some ATGM positions. The Challengers were the best means to kill the enemy armor, but they can't operate on their own.
  16. Similar doesn't mean the same. They are now completely different vehicles. Driving crosscountry at full speed (double that of a WW2 tank) with a glass of beer balanced on the end of a gun never ceases to amaze me.
  17. It is like saying a tank is doing the same job as in WW2. Panzerfaust3 effective range 3000ft. Panzerfaust 60 as the name says sixty stands for sixty meters (200ft). Panzerfaust I think it means literally tank-fist.
  18. Expansion of NATO in Europe also means that Europe will become less dependent on the US. The US already had a dissident president, and his supporters still support putin. I prefer the US to remain fully democratic, but I don't take them for granted. To call Kim of North Korea and putin great guys give me the shivers. Two nut regimes with enough bombs to wage a terror campaign on the world is unacceptable. One nut regime (Russia) is bad enough. The Democratic Party won't be here forever. The social democratic systems in Europe are called left liberals in the US. The Republican Party needs to regain trust.
  19. I think we have been lucky. Dutch engineers constructed some of the bridges and one of them was my ancestor. Charles and Louis were entered in the birth registrar. Charles after Charlemagne and Louis (Lodewijk) after Napoleons brother. The reason you have Chuck here lol. European politics were defined after the Vienna Congress.
  20. It's always funny how history repeats itself. Here Napoleons withdrawal over the Berezina near Studienka. At least he pulled off his withdrawal.
  21. https://au.yahoo.com/news/russian-army-lose-entire-battalion-102030104.html Try to beat this.
  22. I don't know or it is against the spirit of the game. I solve the matter of communications sometimes by swapping vehicles. The FO with the TacAir support or put the XO with a different unit. It works they pass on the tentative contacts.
  23. The aircraft carrier superseded the battleship. Dive-bombers and torpedo bombers are like drones except they have crew. The battle in the pacific are unthinkable without the aircraft carrier, never mind half of the Japanese army was in China. The tank was inspired by the navy only during WW2 they got rid of the multi turret designs. I can see drones being launched from tanks and SP Guns. Or the Russian Katyushas launching them, I bet their designs bureaus are on overtime. Conclude this war asap time is not on the side of the Ukraine.
  24. Drones are like the introduction of aircraft carriers during WW2. Drones will become just another munition for tanks and SP guns.
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