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Posts posted by Frenchy56

  1. 44 minutes ago, user1000 said:

    This is an absolute terrible campaign in all terms flat across the board, playing as US with the 29th. It seems like a diorama rather than an actual campaign. I don't know if the most current update patch with the soldiers skills broke it or it was better before. Terrible.

    Okay. Do you have any actual arguments?

  2. Forgive me for manifesting my impatience, but these accidentally swapped models actually devalue the game. Imagine this, you bought GL after the V2.01 patch, you giddily go into a scenario with Fallschirmjaeger or LW panzers in it and find out that all kinds of LW troops look exactly the same after taking a close look at them. This is not what was advertised and what you spent 35 dollars for.

    These models are a feature of the game, and a bug should not make a feature, that we payed for, unavailable. Now, forgive me if you are on a hotfix for it (and other things) or planning to release it with the new DLC, but this is starting to piss me off.

  3. 2 hours ago, mvp7 said:

    Has anyone played the Scottish Corridor with the latest engine 4 patch?  That campaign got ridiculously hard after that engine 2 or 3 rate-of-fire overhaul when any one of those previously just mildly annoying MG teams could suddenly out-shoot a platoon of British infantry (which suffered the most in all the factions of CMx2 from the rate-of-fire changes).

    There's a reason the Brits got such excruciating casualties in that operation.

  4. Saying the Dutch are from Holland is like saying all Americans are from Texas. Holland is a province (in fact the biggest if you combine the North and the South) of the Netherlands, and the people from the Netherlands are called the Dutch.

    Here is a nice little map for you.



    People from the Benelux will always remain touchy about this subject, at least until the sea drowns them all, Germany takes Luxembourg and France annexes Wallonia. So who cares anyway?

    (The Flemish can keep their country because they're the only okay people there)

  5. 43 minutes ago, Myles Keogh said:

    Still, the CMFI patch being released with Fallschirmjaegers missing their uniforms was pretty sloppy.

    Don't forget the Hermann Goering Division AFV crews have this problem too, as said earlier. However as @BFCElvis said it's been formally written down, not sure about the Fallschirmjaegers though.

  6. If you own a game which features German overcoats (CMFI GL, CMFB), you can extract the greatcoat texture and model files using the mod tools and rename them so they replace the summer uniforms. You can also mod tag them [autumn] or whatever your autumn mod is using.

    If you want any help or explanations, just ask.

  7. 22 hours ago, Frenchy56 said:

    I think a temporary solution would be to replace the StuG models with the ones from another WW2 CM game, but that's only if you own it/them and you have an idea of how to mod CM.

    Okay, I confirmed that it can be fixed. Here are the files for the StuG and StuH models from Red Thunder, just drop 'em in your Data Z folder.


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