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Posts posted by Falaise

  1. according to sburke's advice i installed 4.01 in parallel of 4.00
    and as I have a little time I did a test
    I chose sticking it out
    I play wego with the Germans
    flat terrain

    behind the low hurdle in the middle of the Canadian, there is an adjacent passage


    the stug fires


    as soon as canadiens move


    same action life of Canadian positions
    behind the hedge


    immediately after the shot they move


    to the armored !!!


    at the end of the lap they are in bad position


  2. my choice is not definitive
    I love to play this games and I take a lot of fun
    all the evils that have affected v4, I have never seen them or so discreetly that they do not embarrass me, even finding that it put a random that resembles the vagaries of life (I only play cnbn v4 )
    but with the patch the strange behavior is reproduced with the regularity of a metronome that really makes the game unplayable.

    it is possible to have both versions V4.00 and V4.01 at the same time?

  3. On 5/9/2019 at 7:12 PM, Falaise said:



    it's not just there where the problem appears :
    on the picture if on top of,  Germans right with the hands lifted, flew towards the Americans, once the hedge crossed, taken under fire they surrendered.
    A time after, the panzersheck team rushes to the Americans (see the post above)
    on the other hand, the Germans in the center had a logical behavior and retreated to the next hedge

  4. frankly for me it's systematic !
    I did not complain about version 4 before patch because this behavior was very rare and often partly explainable.
    But since the patch it'is unplayable
    as soon as the unit comes into combat, in one or two rounds, the problem appears, it is obvious
    I think  a loading problem occured , otherwise you would see it with the same evidence

  5. I made a backup
    on a third try and again problems


    general situation, you can notice on the right the Germans who moved to the US troop before raising their hands


    now observe the panzerschreck team on the left
    he gets shot

    one of the 2 is hit
    the second decides to flee


    no !
    not this way !!


    bad choice!

    I have the backup how to send it?
    can it be that I made a bad manipulation by recording the pactch
    Can I recharge and put it back on top?

  6. I did not make backup I shot pictures.
    but as the behavior recurs as a unit retreats I will redo a game and save it
    I even had a hedge to hedge fight and everyone who suffered losses retrait to find themselves in the same field in the  middle
    I had before exeptionnely this type of behavior but never in a systematic way
    it's as if each camp and programmed to fall back toward the opponent
    Could not the problem be related to the scenario

  7. I downloaded the patch
    I tested it playing "roadblock" that I always use to do my tests, it serves as a stallion
    and there big problem, the American and German units which fold back do it while precipitating towards the adversary.
    I repeat the test and systematically the problem appears !
    As soon as a squad is located adjacent to a passage in a hedge as soon as it undergoes losses it rushes in the passage and is found to discovered
    the test was done only on "roadblock"
    Your turn to try

  8. I went from "beyond overlord" to "battle of normandy v4"
    that I immediately adopted !!!
    I discovered the criticisms concerning the defects of this engine without being able to judge, having never tested version V3
    However, I found that basically the players from Italy and Red Thunder were complaining about the new engine's reactions.
    Battle of Normandy seeming less affected

    I find the behavior of pixeltruppen rather reliable and I quite like having to manage the winds of pannic that can sometimes cross the groups. So I'm afraid that the correction does  transform my pixeltruppen into a robot, or  they behave  like the Legion in Camerone.
    I think I'm not the only one to play this way
    so the question is i should you download this patch ?

  9. p 25 of the SF2 screenshot
    Aurelius writes:

    " I bailed my Coy HQ tank and used the crew to observe enemy movement (harder to spot a man that lies in prone position, than it is to spot a T62 turret). I parked one of the Plt HQ tanks near my company commander, who then shared his spots with platoon commander. The information got passed through the platoon network. Next step was choosing hull down positions. With contacts already passed through platoon network, the job was already half done. Having my tanks unbuttoned/opened up and with previous knowledge of enemy positions and movements, has made my tanks spot M1's almost instantly. I was lucky to catch one platoon on the move. Movement reduced their spotting ability, which I fully used to my advantage. The second platoon of M1's was destroyed by combining efforts of my Company commander observing, 9M14 Malyutka's blinding the M1's and T62's finishing the jobs with flanking shots. "


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