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Posts posted by Falaise

  1. Like frenchy, I have not seen any difference, only the shifting of the shot sometimes (rarely)
    but I like this posture so I leave it

    19 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    One of the rare screenshots where the game is actually better without mods. He can't see to shoot, and the ammo drum looks like a snot coloured ball stuck to the gun. 

    :lol:   no Warts 'n' all alone realism animates me, aesthetics does not count !!
    look at this picture the trommel is worse


    inspired by a model found in the field
    more seriously a good part of those found in relics in Normandy are yellow

  2. I spoke with a French soldier from "chasseur alpin" who used a flamethrower at the end of the war when fighting in the mountains in the Alps
    he explained to me that he was only exposing himself at the end to finish the job in the blockaus
    he mostly told me about his loneliness, the other soldiers avoided him and did not talk to him
    they disgusted them and don't understant his job

  3. I know  the rifle grenades there are many here scattered on the batlefield  (too many) and any model including the charge hollow. But in the photo I do not think it is rifle grenade but ammunition Kamppistole that  we  find also it more seldom and luckily because they are particularly dangerous





  4. 18 hours ago, Aurelius said:

    A bit of both. When an 9M14 operator launches the missile, M1 will spot the launch in a second or two and it will rotate both it's turret and hull towards the launch site. Thus it will open its flank. The missile itself will be eaten by frontal armor, but its optics and radio will be degraded or destroyed (though to be perfectly honest I don't know if there is any place on an M1 that Malyutka will do any real damage). Eventually, you will end up with an M1 with spotting capabilities of an BTR 60 (next to none) and with no real way of communicating with the platoon headquarters and other tanks in platoon. Perfect opportunity for flanking.

    There are two more things to consider when using 9M14. The 500 meters "blind spot"- in game it means that sometimes the missile will nosedive couple of seconds after launch. The second one being that the missile is relatively slow and an MBT can destroy the equipment or personnel.

    thanks for the lesson, it's brilliant and shows how amazing this game is

  5. I am not particularly athletic🙄 even though I was 27 years younger
    and I was doing this as part of the conscription
     I was in a regiment of transmission which is not considered the elite!
    But I did a lot of walking, including a 50km raid at Valdahon camp, which is a low hilly area where we moved as much as we could through the field, in the creek bed, to avoid truck patrols whose mission was to bring us back in case of interception. When we used the roads and that we heard a vehicle I guarantee you that despite the equipment and 20 or 30km in the legs we cross all the fences or walls with a lightness remarkable:lol:

  6. it's a good idea and a success the effect is believable
    me it is the effect of the rain on the landscape that interests me and it's the season to do this kind of observation
    it's been two weeks since I look at the wet road and the road with traces of wheels on the side of the road and especially the puddles
    The difficulty of having a brilliant and transparent effect
    there is mud on the road
    something like that could be a starting point


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