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Posts posted by BornGinger



    When I take a look at towns and cities in my copy of Final Blitzkrieg I often feel that they seem unfinished. There are quite a few things that could be added to the scenario editor which would help to make cities, towns and villages look better. One small thing that I think could make a great change would be to add pedestrian walks to the editor. It is possible to use for example cobbled stone tiles for the streets and other tiles to serve as pedestrian walks. But that method still doesn't make the streets look the part.

  2. A lot of discussion about the MG42 vs the Bren gun in this thread. I quite recently read a book about Scandinavian Waffen-SS soldiers and it seems that although the MG42 could be quite effective some soldiers weren't too happy about that maching gun.

    One veteran's opinion of the MG42:


    I was lying in the middle of the group… To my right was a heavy MG42… it shot as many as 1200 to 1800 rounds a minute, but this meant we constantly had to fetch ammunition for it… gunner number two who was supposed to reload the ammo belts and be ready with a spare barrel when the one on the machine-gun was overheated - that happened a lot because of its high rate of fire. Then I had four riflemen; two on each side of the machine-gun, and they were at the same time allocated to bring fresh ammo to the MG. That was always the problem with the 42; we had to constantly change the barrels as they overheated, and it just used up ammunition at a terrible rate. All we seemed to do was to feed it ammo, again and again, belt after belt.

    Another veteran says:


    We were issued MG42s, you know the heavy machine-guns. We didn't like them. We much preferred the old MG34s. On the 42, as soon as you pressed the trigger, just like that, brrrŕrrrrrr, that was it, fifty rounds gone right there… We were always having to carry ammunition up to it… we were always running back to the frontline ammo dump, and that was always a few hundred metres back, picking up more and running forward with it again. We would have eight men at a time just serving one MG42.

    Even if the MG42 was an effective weapon, as many write here, it seems a whole lot of time went to feeding it with new ammunition and to swap the barrels every so often. So with that added to the discussion, the question could be which machine gun was actually the most effective one? One with a very high rate of fire or one which had a barrel that didn't get as hot and that maybe didn't require the soldier to feed it with new ammunition as often?

  3. When I read about the Second World War it is often mentioned that the German soldiers and people who believed in the Nazi cause put a trust and large amount of hope in "Hitler's Wunderwaffen" as they seem to have called them. I wonder whether part of these "Wonder Weapons" were x-ray glasses, early prototypes of the drones which are used today or maybe even the not confirmed fact that Superman's brother was cooperating with the Germans?

    These screenshots from the game (the A December Morning quick battle map changed into an attack quick battle) shows that BFC either knows a bit of this secret fact and have put it as a feature in the games or, most likely, that it's about time that BFC takes a closer look at what is wrong with the line of sight in the games and what they can do about it to make the games more tactical and more challenging to play.

    I'm sure that having a magic line of sight and a magic line of fire will ensure that BFC will sell loads of copies of the games on Steam to kids who allways want to win but it's probably not so interesting for many others who buy the games. The upcoming engine update could be used for changing the way line of sight and line of fire work.


  4. As the game requires the one calling in artillery support, being it the forward observer, an officer or someone else with the rights to do it, having a proper view of the area that needs to be covered with artillery shells, it would be great if Engine5, or a wished for future CMx3, could have a feature similar to what is told by Bjørn Lindstad when he describes his work as an artillery forward observer in SS-Regiment Norge during the battle of Narva in the Winter of 1944.


    I spent... four of those months... sitting in a tree. I used to sit at the back of the trees with my scissor binoculars tied to the tree so I wasn't seen... I had a platform I could sit on, but I used to climp higher than the platform all the time so I could get a better view and see further...


  5. I made a short two scenario campaign and made sure the company commander and the commander to the first platoon got killed in the first scenario. In the second scenario there were two new commanders with HQ teams and none of the new commanders had the name of any of the other commanders or squad leaders from the first scenario. So it seems the game allocates new HQ units by itself.

  6. I haven't yet taken me the time to play any of the campaigns in Final Blitzkrieg and have something I came to think about a few days ago concerning the officers in the batallion or regiment one is playing.


    If a company or platoon commander dies with his HQ unit in one of the campaign's scenarios and the campaign script says 0% to adding troops to the core units is the company or platoon in the following scenario without their commander or has one of the other officers or an NCO been promoted so there is a new commander for the company or platoon when I start playing the next scenario?

  7. On 10/29/2021 at 11:22 AM, George MC said:

    I'm not a fan of zig-zag roads. So i end up making compromises to 'fit' the overall 'feel' of the road/track/rail.

    I don't think many of us are. It's a pity BFC decided to build a CMx2 engine which doesn't allow people to make roads that go like they do on the elevation maps they use when making scenario maps.

    Has BFC ever explained why they decided that zigzag maps look better than strait ones?

  8. On 10/24/2021 at 4:06 PM, Bufo said:

    But will there be a CM game before 2022?

    They released Cold War and the Fire & Rubble module earlier this year. They have said there will be an update to the current game engine this year, although I suspect that one won't be released until closer to the Spring next year, and I think that they also have mentioned a new module to Final Blitzkrieg.

    If BFC decide to make and release a new game, I think they might want to have some time off first and start making that new game closer to the Summer or Autumn 2022.

    Elvis or someone else might chip in with some thoughts.

  9. 22 hours ago, ViperAssassin26 said:

    Would it be possible for them to have the troops have there weapons pointed up instead of low ready?

    Are you with the words "have [their] weapons pointed up" talking about the way it is in films with soldiers, and police officers, moving forward and looking down the barell of their rifles which are pointed forward in the direction they are moving? If the hunt movement is for one of the WW2 games, it has been noted that the soldiers during that time never, or at least almost never, used that technique. As that kind of forward movement on the ready is a more modern phenomena it should maybe fit more for Black Sea and Shock Force 2. But then BFC would have to find it a necessary animation to add to those two games.

  10. On 10/14/2021 at 7:47 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Best bet for screenshots in CM is FRAPS

    Or the picture editing program Irfan View. Go to settings, choose one of the options, don't remember which one, in the window that opens up you choose to take screenshots and then use the F11 key, or CTRL and F11 keys, for screenshots.

  11. 20 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    we do care about it as part of our desire to simulate battlefields as realistically as possible.  That includes things such as race, gender, and language/dialects. 

    This could maybe be another good reason to develop a CM3 game engine and make sure a male soldier doesn't speak with a female voice or have a West-Indian accent to a soldier who doesn't look like (s)he's from the West-Indies (although (s)he of course could have been born there and grown up with speaking that accent although having a very pale skin).

  12. 2 hours ago, rocketman said:

    Is it possible to mix mods and use numbering of hulls etc so that different camo schemes can show up in the same scenario?

    I think it is. You can try and see what happens when you choose a Sturmgeschüts brigade for a test scenario in the editor or in a quick battle.

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