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Everything posted by Mark_McLeod

  1. After reading all this I find that off map mortars are probably better but on map just looks sooo cool!
  2. Awesome thanks everyone for all the help. I didn't know your mortars would shoot on there own if they see enemy as I usually keep them in the back! But all the tips are awesome thanks.
  3. The title explains it all. So if anyone can list some pros and cons for both sides they would be awesome. All I do know is that bring them on map gives you a little more men for when things get desperate. But off map is cheaper if I do recall (on vacation in France away from my computer so I cannot look) so if anyone one can shed some more light that'd be awesome thanks!
  4. I find I have the same issue as you not only on this mission but when ever I'm playing the AI in general. I just get bombarded to all hell and I don't know how they can see me or even know where I am. It keeps me on my toes but I feel your struggle.
  5. Ok thanks i will try again once I return home from my vacation
  6. Would you or anyone be able to fill me in on how? That'd be awesome!
  7. also cant you add you men and make your own squads in V4.0 so then i can just take the assault squads from like 4 groups then group them to one? and in V4.0 do soldiers cower alot more? because even tho it was a pain in the ass it felt realistic.
  8. I know what im asking can be looked down upon but im wondering if its possible to say get a skin for battle of Normandy but put it in the CMFI folder and get my soldiers to have that camo? for example theres some Canadians skins for Normandy that'd id like to use on Italy, Sorry if this is frowned upon im just curious
  9. Ya It was in the objective zone so i had to breach it. I managed to clear it but it was such a waste of manpower was doing so well probably had only taken a couple of causalities until i had gotten there but clearing it was costly . Thanks for the tips @MOS:96B2P i appreciate it. Also how do i get a smg team? whenever i buy a team they only have like 1-2 smg's is there a way to get a team with the majority of smgs? any help would be awesome
  10. I recently played a battle with infantry only and i came across a problem. the stubborn German defenders hid in the upstairs of the buildings that have no windows.such as the picture below. So my question is whats the best way to clear one of these buildings taking the least amount of casualties. Keep in mind i was playing on infantry only so i had no Armour support and my mortars had run dry, i as well was using a engineer battalion so i could breach the walls. Any tips and tricks would be awesome.
  11. All from a recent battle! i thought it looked so bad ass that I had to share.
  12. awesome thanks man this is great.
  13. Ya i was not able to re-man my at guns with the original crew.
  14. During a recent battle of mine a mortar shell landed near my AT gun and my soldiers flee'd from it. After that i didnt have any options to re man the gun so my at gun was out of service for the entire battle(the gun was not damaged) also wondering if it was possible to man enemy vehicles or at guns, any help would be awesome thanks.
  15. so its little things that can cause them not to take all 3 or it just random? sorry im not quite understanding all the AI group stuff. Thanks for the help tho.
  16. Hi im just wondering what the diference between attack, probe, and assault in quick battles. Any help would be sweet thanks.
  17. This has happened to me a few times now and ive noticed while im defending against the AI in quick battle they tend to take maybe the first or second objective and then just hold there and not push into my last objective (which really sucks because sometimes they're my most bad ass positions) and they just form a line and put their troops next to each other and then nothing happens. I could see it if the AI were taking them and it would secure their victory but sometimes it doesn't even give them enough points. https://gyazo.com/d359761db6b1f53722e1b053941b06e0 https://gyazo.com/6f0677f6da07ec5f4e1bbbfce28d1011 Any help would be awesome! and will this be fixed in 4.0! Thanks ~Mark McLeod
  18. When i play quick battle and i hit suggestions i notice that the Ai are able to bring just a platoon of motorized per say instead of the whole battalion then deleting what they dont use.https://gyazo.com/64a019738c168b4439736c1d97abcf42 the link its a picture for clarification
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