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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sulomon

  1. Next post! Now the casualties are starting to come in but they're still fairly light. My advance is still continuing with good gains. I am dropping smoke on the major objective to help my entry but it's mortar smoke and not very effective, probably not going to affect entry much. I am calling in heavy mortars which will start landing soon which should be useful. My opponent dropped AP artillery in the open field around the Brummbars and machine guns but fortunately most of it was to far to the left so casualties were small. The most important gain so far. My panzerschreck managed to sneak up and ammo rack one of my opponent's three shermans. The only enemy infantry in the forest was an enemy bazooka team which got killed by the other parts of the platoon. This also allows my Brummbars to move much more freely as the other two shermans are in the town and not covering the field. Well the other field. Unfortunately on the right flank I didn't check los and a sherman killed 90% of two squads. Annoying but these losses are acceptable. The enemy AT gun (which these units were heading towards) isn't really an issue because it doesn't have enough los. I will send another squad and a machine gun team or two to kill them anyway. The rest of the 9th company is moving in with the 11th company to push into the major objectives. One of my two Brummbars has pushed up and an enemy bazooka team ran up but got suppressed. Telling the Brummbar to target it and am telling some infantry to target and move. After that it will start to bombard buildings and infantry. While I haven't encountered any units in the forest a machine gun in one of the buildings killed a squads worth of infantry. Annoying but like the casualties for my companies, the casualties are light. Force cohesion and my attack plans haven't been affected. Next post will be soon!
  2. Olek won't play any online matches. He's the one who won't "put their money where their mouths are." Also have you looked at YouTube for CM content? People who post here upload videos of their games.
  3. It's not the thought that counts. This is bad advice and there are new players who might take this seriously. Also Olek isn't attempting or trying. He consistently ignores good advice and doesn't change his mind. A good thread would have the person making analysis be open to different ideas and willing to know that their own ideas are bad.
  4. Olek gets offered what to do all the time like go through the forest, not an open field and use arty on the enemy not open ground. He consistently ignores it. Trying to offer tactical advice isn't good when it's bad advice.
  5. It's better to just hit the enemy with the arty. If a person's transports are getting destroyed and they have to bail out in a field then they've already lost. The infantry can't attack since the enemy firepower will still be there and the defense isn't very effective. The squads already have casualties and low morale. They won't hold well and AP arty will easily destroy any resistance they could put up.
  6. I got a 4-5 month head start but I wasn't a veteran either at the time of this match.
  7. Second post! A good amount of time has passed with not a whole lot of action but there are some rounds and contacts. Did run into a bazooka team behind some bushes in the first objective but they were killed for only one German casualty. Got some AT contacts which I suppressed with machine gun fire and called in heavy mortars which knocked out one of the guns. Unfortunately I hadn't spotted the second AT gun before it immobilized one of my Brummbars by destroying the engine. Maneuvering my other two Brummbars behind the tree line that blocks los from that ridge. The 9th company is spread out and has taken some fire but no casualties yet. One platoon is traveling next to the forest and will probably join 11th company while another platoon is going alongside the side of the map to knockout the AT guns and spotters. Don't want to risk a duel with my Brummbars and want to use my artillery on the town. Finally the third platoon is in reserve, deciding what to do with them. The farthest Brummbar is the immobilized one. The 11th company is moving without trouble. The 10th company is also spread out like the 9th company. One platoon is securing the minor objective in front of the town. One platoon is with the machine guns to add more support fire. Another platoon is flanking through the forest where there is a contact but no fire yet. A panzerschreck has worked it's way up to give the sherman closest to the forest a surprise. Three shermans have been spotted will present issues. I'm looking to use infantry AT to knock them out if I can continue to easily work my way through the forest. Not looking to engage with my Brummbars currently. The machine guns and Brummbars are maneuvering into positions to start shooting into town, once I figure out how to remove the forward most sherman. One of the other two is behind buildings while the other sherman has a fair amount of its los is blocked from trees and buildings so it's not a very big threat to my base of fire.
  8. Yeah forest fighting and attacking buildings can be bloody. As for the the "open" space, there are difficulties with los block from trees in front and the sides of the town and the sloping. Defender is either stuck on a reverse slope or has to rely on the ridge near the back which has a lot of los issues. Although they could theoretically setup a very forward defense set up in the minor objectives but that would be very daring and risky. Thanks!
  9. Hello this is my first AAR. This is an AAR of a quick battle I fought against @sid_burn I have fought more recent battles against Sid but this is one of the more fitting battles for an AAR. I am attacking as Germans against Americans in a medium size attack. The map is well forested with all the objectives being accessible by forest from my right and there is some forest on my left. The map for the most part slowly declines but trees in front of the town obscure some los from the hill. This is my first time attacking Sid in a QB so I am unsure of what to expect. I expect infantry and artillery but am unsure of how much armor he will take. I am only sure he will put AT guns on a ridge that overlook a good portion of the hill. My own forces consist of a battalion of Grenadiers and three Brummbars. This is one of my first time using Brummbars and I'm curious how they will perform. If Sid takes a lot of armor that could be problematic since Brummbars only carry 3 HEAT rounds and aren't very accurate. Probably would have better to replace 1-2 of the Brummbars with a stug but oh well. Given the terrain I should be able to get infantry AT close enough against armor if he has any. For artillery I have four on map 81mm mortars and two off map. I also have 2 heavy mortars and a forward observer to spot for them. Unfortunately I didn't bring any trps this battle. My base of fire is the hill using my Brummbars and HMGs to fire into the town. The 10th company will also move here. One platoon will secure the minor objectives (where I expect only a token or nonexistent defence), another platoon will be with the Brummbars and HMGs to protect and assist with fire into the town, and the third platoon along with the panzerschreck will move into the forest to secure it and flank the town. The 11th company will move along the forest to flank the major objectives and will be the main force pushing into the objectives. The 9th company will push along the far right to neutralize whatever forces he has on the ridge and to support the 11th company in their attack on the town. Will make more posts soon!
  10. I didn't call him names. I called him not good at the game and said that his advice is bad which is to the point. No reason to beat around the bush.
  11. To add on to Miller's post I actually had the joy of fighting Oleksandr in a pbem. Olek is not good at Combat Mission and this became extremely obvious when he fought me. He took an incredibly unbalanced forced, in a medium battle he took 3 Tunguska's, 2 strelas, 3 sams, with over a 100 less infantry and two less MBTs than I had. He used what forces he had very poorly. Virtually all his artillery missed and had zero impact while he drove Tunguskas up which got killed. He made very little maneuver after his opening and never attacked me. Olek doesn't know how to play the game when it's not versus idiotic QB AI. Attached image is the results of my match with him.
  12. Most of your advice is basically "shell enemy units you've spotted" which is obvious and "Its about blocking entire units from moving forward, from taking sites" is bad. Blocking units from advancing with artillery is very situational and has to be used in some sort of larger plan. While QB AI will run into your artillery barrages actual players won't barring big mistakes. An example is the match we played. You dropped the entirety of Ukraine's artillery supply on empty objectives for 30 minutes of the match. I didn't move forward until the last 4 or so minutes of the match and only took 1-3 casualties from stray shell fragments. Certainly not a "massive Impact" and it didn't make me change direction just wait (time in which you didn't try to do anything). Give advice for fighting human players if you want to give useful advice. QB AI is beaten by anyone and forming advice based off fighting them is a waste of time.
  13. Combat Mission Black Sea is definitely worth the price, plays out much differently. There is more and different equipment along with threatening opponents instead of completing missions with single digit casualties.
  14. The BMP2 and BMP3 have relatively poor depression and elevation for being able to engage air and ground.
  15. Requirements 2 and 3 are fairly exclusive. A low profile vehicle will have more limited gun depression and elevation. The vehicle will have trouble elevating enough to hit air targets or will have poor depression which inhibits hitting ground targets.
  16. You don't seem to grasp the concept opinions can be wrong such as your opinion on the stryker. And these few people made actual arguments which you ignore by ignorantly going "my opinion" instead of actually proposing a decent counterargument.
  17. If you respect his honesty why don't you respect that he's right and that you've been wrong about the stryker and your opinions being correct.
  18. No it's just that I don't post a lot but this thread is exceptional enough to grab my interest.
  19. There's no fan club you're just wrong and won't admit it.
  20. I'm trying to remove the equipment models and helmet from Ukranian infantry. I tried deleting the relevant files in the uniform and gear files but that didn't work.
  21. A Russian Civil War Combat Mission would be amazing.
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