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Alexey K

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Everything posted by Alexey K

  1. He-he, once again we are viewing same things differently. What you've written about "graceful collapse" of Warsaw pact and USSR is very true and I don't argue with that. But inside Russia people tend to focus on different things. Gorbachev's and especially Yeltsin's era was marked with social and economic disruption. It was time when Russian society was engulfed with crime, povetry, social inequality and disruption of social security. It was time when through shady schemes much of national wealth was taken over by newly appeared class of oligarchs. Thats facts are mainly forming public opinion about these two figures. There is one more point I would like to mention. At that very time Western politicians has openly supported new Russian goverment as "democratic one". This caused deep rooted distrust to West and anything lablelled "democratic" among Russians. It might surprise you, but Russian public opiniton has turned from West in absense of any state-sponsored anti-Western propaganda. When that propaganda emerged indeed, it was very much welcomed. Speaking of Putin. Yes, Putin tries to reestablish Russia as major political power but it is not what he got his 85% approval ratings for. He managed to stop and reverse process of decay of Russian state. Yes, now Russian govertment is criticised for whole range of intrernal problems but it is nothing compared to 90s. For people who managed to survive 90s Putin is a hero who basicly restored "normal life". This is, BTW, a reason why external pressure in form of sanctions do not harm his ratings
  2. Recently I've had QB: 2xBMP-3M platoons with some support (engieers, RPO) attacking 2xM2 Bradley platoons. No artillery on both sides. There was a town divided by river. One bank was mine, other was defended by Americans. I've poked around with infanrty, tried to engage enemy with my IFVs popping from behind houses, etc. Killed few infatnry, got my sniper killed by Javelin. But ultimately I've failed to develop any decisive strategy to cross river and get close enought for my infantry organic antitank weapns. Any suggestions on that situation?
  3. It is true, Gorbachev got hard legacy from it's predecessors. He was in fact crisis manager and he failed to do his job. But you know... people in general do not go deep into analysis when they want to blame someone.
  4. Err... who is blaming and thrashing west here? EDIT: There is one of best practices I'am using in my work. When something goes FUBAR people usually start blaming each other for their perceived fails. I stop these wars and ask mmyself and each of my men what he could do to prevent it and why he didn't. That helps, blaming - doesn't. There is huge amount of blaming going around in diplomacy and Internet flame wars. Do wee really need some more?
  5. Hmm.... Gorbachev is one of most hated persons in Russia, as well as Yeltsin :-) EDIT: It is instance of Russian/Western misunderstating. In the West Gorbachev and Yeltsin are praised for what they've did. In Russia, however, most of people passionately hate them
  6. Errr.... never? I think that humanity can't do much better without chaning it's very nature. So, it will be next sentient species in a line.
  7. May be it breaks when people stop thinking, that only OTHER side needs fixing?
  8. It's not only NATO expansion it's complex matter. Streak of recent military operations conducted by western countries (Yugoslavia, Iraq 2.0, Afghanistan, Libya) as well as involvement in political events around the world was viewed as unlawful military agression against souvereign countires. US, EU and NATO image has drifted from "peaceful democratic powers that respect international law" to "agressive powers who will bomb and/or invade any country they like for any reason they like". And that powers are coming to Russian border and messing with Russian neightbouring countries internal affairs. P.S. There is no need to go into flame war about this. I didn't try to persuade you that opinion I've described is true. I tried to explain how things are viewed by Russians. This might help to understand logic behind Russian actions.
  9. You are right, we'very missed great opportunity. I recall first half on 90s, at that time most of Russians looked up at Western world with admiration. Somehow we've squandered that opportunity. We could be friends, but now we have a new cold war.
  10. You didn'the get my point Point is that inside Russia these actions are perceived as rightful retaliation for western... misbehavior. And that is not just "Dr. Evil Putin", it public opinion too. After all he has ~85% approval rating.
  11. I've got your point. It is true, Russia is seen as more and more aggressive by EU and US. Actually, in Russian official and public opinion reverse is true: western countries behaviour is seen as increasingly aggressive and offensive througout last 15-20 years. That spiral of misunderstanding and escalation is really dangerous.
  12. Looks like offtopic not only for this thread, but for this forum in general
  13. Yes, I was talking about dynamic QB AI. Such AI need additional metadata on units to use them appropriately.
  14. I was talking about historical comparsions since Bismark was mentioned. Predicting Putin's next steps is not what I'am specializing about
  15. Actually, they are comparable. Wiki says there are 1.2 million in Russian Forces and 1.3 million in US Forces.
  16. Right now it's too early to assess him and other present day politician. Years or decades should pass.
  17. I wasn't lobbying anything, just exploring what is possible. I like game in it's present state so far
  18. I was talking about territorial claims. Haven't found any info yet.
  19. Is there any way to load additional aquirables into truck or APC in scenario editor?
  20. I've never seen walls with basements
  21. I suppose BTR would have more trouble breaching brick wall.
  22. Actually a lot of games with h2h play are moddable. They just compare hashes of game data to ensure that both copies have same mods.
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