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Posts posted by The_MonkeyKing

  1. @The_Capt It sounds like you were surprised by the T62s? Were you expecting T64s?

    I would rush forward with the T-62 mass to get to close range cluster ****. When you move on mass Bill will get some killed but not even close to all of them. Addition targets can be provided with the BMPs.

    While Bill is busy shooting up the mass I would shoot and scoot with the T-64s supported by BMP ATGMs. (put the BMPs to worse positions than T-64s so they get spotted before T-64s)

    Bills tanks would be easy spots while they are firing. T-62s would do the dying, while T-64s would do the killing.

  2. Conservative list that I am pretty sure is going to happen:
    - UI scaling with resolution. No more postage stamp sized main menu...
    - Different map heatmap filters (Hight, terrain)
    - ability to completely customize key bindings
    - Graphics: render distance (CM looks good close up, but with far distances detail gets lost fast), performance (60fps standard even medium hardware)
    - Modern mapmaking tools and other QoL improvements for the devs
    - some sort of LOS-visualization tool


  3. 59 minutes ago, Bartimeus said:

    Thanks for the feedback ;) 

    The third mission is the "main" mission, with eurydice and so on. Please can you tell me when you finish how it went ? 

    I didn't document it but I had total victory at very high cost. 150 KIA/WIA and 16 BMPs dead. Scenario toke me 45min to finish. (yeah, speed and casualties are linked) Some how got the friend casualties bonus :D maybe because the militia got to go back to their families.

    Here is my plan and what actually happened: https://imgur.com/a/Tx3loVz Plan was to find the path with least resistance. (and ofcourse if possible wipe the whole map of enemies)

    I deducted from the briefing that my force is expendable and the initial attack on the VIP was SO violent that the battle was conducted like a proper soviet attack mostly mounted. I didn't think the fort would hold for long. Counted that I had to be there before the blocking fire from the mortars runs out. So never saw my heavy arty or militia. And at the end I saw I would have had time. The beginning assault on the VIP was a short one.

    Was fun and challenging. The situation with the VIP was little confusing, first huge assault and then mostly nothing. Maybe constant smaller pressure would have been better here? (I don't know, probably this was limited but the AI scripting tool)

    I would not risk it at all with the VIP. Campaign over if he is killed.


  4. 6 hours ago, Bartimeus said:

    thanks for your reply. I intended to do a "easy going" mission for this one, but maybe should have spice it up ? Did you find it boring ? 

    It was a good mission. Not boring at all. Lots of little different tactical buzzles.

    EDIT: Did you know if you press shift+enter multible times the forum sends multiple copies of the same message 😁 Whoops!

  5. 1 hour ago, Ultradave said:

    They can. I can tell you having been play testing the US 1979 campaign, the AI is a challenging opponent, so lots of credit to the designer for making it 1) challenging and 2) as much as possible act like a real Soviet opponent doctrine wise. You won't be disappointed. 

    From the questions above, I'm not sure it's completely clear, but there are 2 completely separate US campaigns included - one set in 1979 and the other set in 1982. The course of the campaign is the same/very similar depending on how you do, but your forces and equipment are appropriate to the period. For example 1979, M48A5s and early M60s, M113s, M150 TOW vehicles, and if you are lucky some brand new M60A3s and a few M1s, facing a bunch of T-62s and BMP-1s. In 1982 you get new stuff. Of course, so do the bad guys. 🙂  The premise of both campaigns and the area fought over are the same. 


    Good to hear!

    Soviet battle drill style tactics are probably indeed easiest to do well with CM AI scripting.

  6. On 2/25/2021 at 8:00 PM, Sequoia said:

    Have there been any other games/modules that came with a defensive campaign(Not counting fan made here)? I imagine a campaign is set in either '79 or '82 and there isn't an option to choose, is that right? 

    I wonder can they pull it off. Making the AI attack well is hard and building a campaign around this must be extra hard. I have only seen couple of exceptional scenarios where the player is put on defense.

  7. Actually would really interesting to see a comprehensive comparison between the practical capability comparison between the two.

    Very similar:
    - Accuracy (Fire control system, optics)
    - Lethality (ammo, gun)

    Improvements with the M1
    - armor protection (significantly more) https://i.imgur.com/x6C6pXf.png
    - mobility (significantly more) 72kph vs 48kph
    - crew protection (compartmentalized ammo, etc.)

    Abrams Switchology (this is M1A1 but to my understanding A1 mostly effected mechanical stuff as armor and gun)
    https://youtu.be/PW0uRHKzXhM M60A3 TTS Switchology


  8. 4 hours ago, Bil Hardenberger said:


    • clue the second, the two M-150s in this platoon are moving forward... note the location of their covered arcs:


    Looking forward to reading your guesses... it'll be a few turns before I confirm or deny them, but light it up folks.


    Couple of tips for you and any readers:

    1. Why do your tank hunter hulldown commands have "hunt" at the end? This risks going to far in the hulldown. Units don't spot fast enough to also get in perfect hulldown against the thing they spot. 

    I manually check with the target command one action spot at a time against the location I want to be in hulldown to. The first action spot that says "hulldown" I put the move order to. (or do you just use the hunt command where I use the regular move orders to be extra sure here?)


    2. The "cover arch"-command. It doesn't matter for spotting how wide it is. It only orients the sensors(heads and turret) to the central direction of the arch. It is optimal to use 180 degree max range arch with the middle of the arch pointing at the intended focus area.

    But of course if you want to prevent the unit from shooting anything else than lets say one unit, it is a good idea to use narrower arch.

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