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Everything posted by antaress73

  1. Speaking of equipment add-ons.. The T-72 upgrades the RF will receive in 2015 are now T-72B4s.. It adds a panoramic sight for the commander (the B3 is discontinued). It gives the tank a hunter-killer capability (greatly improves spotting)
  2. Probably programmed to airburst over infantry hiding behind a small wall
  3. how does range affects ATGM effectiveness against APS ? Less time to react ? Reaction times seems to be very good so I wonder how range can affect things. Which system on US tanks is modeled ? Quick Kill or Trophy ? How effective are they at intercepting air-launched missiles ?
  4. Well.. Let's see what a few well placed krisanthema (supersonic atgm ) shots (before they die), mi-28 havoc , su-25 strikes and flanking shots from T-90s in ambush positions will do to his supposedly unbeatable Abrams ubertanks. Also, the BMP-3s will die a lot for sure but they can seriously ruin his M1's day, setting them up for other assets. Combined arms ! Destroy that Tunguska before it can hamper your air power !
  5. nahh. Putin doesnt send people in prison for such trivial matters, he's not Stalin...Wait, thinking about it... Stalin neither, he just had them executed
  6. hehehe it was in an article at the beginning of the year during Crimea .. I tried to find it but couldnt.. I remembered it was the guy from Calvary during the battle of 73 eastings.. doesnt leave many options... send him my greetings ! LOL
  7. You are entitled to your opinion of course. But it's still an opinion.
  8. these numbers are a fantasy... that's more than 1000 casualties in a few days... if the russian paratroopers and GRU spetznaz backed by armor suffered such a fate ... the Motorola unit would have been obliterated by now. In the pictures of the documents on the ukrainian site.. you can read.. interestingly.. a reference to an RQ-11 raven. Anyway, any site that talks about Putin the dictator, terrorists (for the Ukrainian side) or Fascist pigs (sites that cover the war on the side of the DPR and Novorossiya) is suspect. Russians are there, for sure. But that they suffered such levels of casualties is quite unbelievable. It's very simple, these fake numbers are meant to demoralize the Russian public and lower support for Putin. Fair game. They also know that the old soviet habit of suspicion towards the government works in their favor. They can lie all they want and chances are something will stick and will have an effect. The commitees for the mothers of soldiers are also suspect. There were casualties of course, this is war and they operate without all their force multipliers and the bells and whistles (and their new toys) but if you believe those numbers I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you for a good price I fully respect your sense of history and the fact that you predicted many things but I could predict them myself (and did). In fact, I was surprised that the Russians were so subtle and nimble, I expected a more robust and brutal response to this whole Ukraine mess. The strategic narrative is pretty easy to get if you know what to look for among the propaganda, but operational details are way more difficult to get right in such an intense disinformation rich environment. Good judgment will only get you so far.
  9. so slat cages are only effective against older RPGs like in Iraq and Afghanistan
  10. I destroyed a M1A2 in shock force with an infantry assault with grenades once .. so yes.. lot's of places where a bunch of grenades would effectively disable a tank and force the crew to abandon instead of waiting like canned rats in a disabled tank. Optics, tracks, squeeze some between the turret and the hull (disabling hydraulics or electric systems)... engine... even putting one through the gun barrel I've seen all sorts of stuff .. even spraying paint on the optics would effectively blind a tank and obtain a mission kill LOL
  11. goign for Moscow would transform both Russia and the US into glass parkings lots... not a good idea Not to mention Putin is very popular and fighting an insurgency in occupied Russia (if we are lucky) would be a nightmare (it was in Iraq and Afghanistan and they dont have 1/100th of the means that would be available to RUssian insurgents) Anyway, all cold war NATO infrastructures dont exist anymore. Deploying the massive army it would take is out of the question. I completely disagree with the fact that we have numbers on our side. We dont have the political will nor the resources and infrastructure to deploy such an army offensively (especially an opposed deployment). The Russians have 2.3 million men in reserve + tens of thousands of pieces of equipment in storage all around Russia and it would still be effective in numbers against older NATO equipment (which we would also need). Forget about it. It would ruin both sides at best and destroy the freaking planet at worst. H.R Mcmasters said that deploying 100 000 soldiers in Ukraine would be necessary just to prevent being wiped out and defend the country. HE also said such an army doesnt exist. Now imagine invading Russia LOL
  12. I was wondering... would putting a slat cage over the top of vehicules hamper top attack missiles like the javelin ?
  13. does the laser warning indicator tell you from which direction it's coming ? I remember playing M1 Tank PLatoon from Microprose and it was simply a light and a sound telling you you've been lased.
  14. actually, a better indicator is GDP based on PPP valuation: and Russia is just behind Germany 2014[edit] Rank Country GDP (billions of US$) % of Global GDP 1 China $17,632 16.5% 2 United States $17,416 16.3% 3 India $7,277 6.8% 4 Japan $4,788 4.5% 5 Germany $3,621 3.4% 6 Russia $3,559 3.3% 7 Brazil $3,073 2.9% 8 France $2,587 2.4% 9 Indonesia $2,554 2.4% 10 United Kingdom $2,435 2.3% source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29#2014
  15. dont forget the RPG-28... 125mm warhead.. 1000mm of penetration... more powerful than RPG-29
  16. talking of the javelin, i've read that on a forum: Javelin has two guidance modes... fire and forget and semi automatic command to line of sight. The first mode is its trick, the second is just the same as most other ATGM on the market with most other missiles offering better range or penetration or speed or a combination of all three. The fire and forget mode requires an IR signature to get an initial lock so Nakidka or a smoke screen will make that fairly difficult to impossible. In conventional SACLOS mode it is a horizontal attack missile like any other standard missile and therefore vulnerable to the various defences against such weapons like Shtora, Smoke, and ARENA/Drodz APS. Very simply as a command to line of sight missile the Javelin needs to be able to track where the missile is so it can detect any deviation from the line of sight and transmit course corrections to the missile. Shtora dazzles the optical tracking of Javelin making its position relative to the target impossible to determine by the guidance system hense it fails. any comments ? he talks about three countermeasures here: nakidka, which we have already discussed, IR smoke, and shtora ..
  17. probably... must be difficult to find which force use what.. Tried to find it but to no avail !
  18. I like the RPG-28. 1000mm + after reactive armor penetration and 125mm warhead. Adopted for service by the Russian federation in 2011. Against the M1A2 side armor it would be deadly and would make russian infantry more dangerous to it. Here it says its the most modern in service in the RUssian army http://world.guns.ru/grenade/rus/rpg-28-e.html
  19. nice picture... RPG-28s at the front .. 1000mm armor penetration .. not in the game... unfortunately... how can you prove it was taken in slaviansk ? not that I doubt it.. there has been a steady flow of modern weapons coming in. Remember, no such thing as an open reliable source in war.. especially this one ! and on both sides
  20. I just tested it in shock force.. dawn battle.. Us stryker infantry with javelins against syrian republican guard.. the javelin weren't affected.. one shot/one kill
  21. let me put it this way... if you have to attack anyway... why not during a time where enemy sensors/weapons are less effective. Us forces like to use the night against third world enemies because darkness can degrade enemy performance to negligible levels at night and we are not affected.
  22. so I guess that my first post was accurate.. I believe that this is a non-negligible factor and especially on european terrain. Javelin should have reduced detection and accuracy during dusk and dawn battles
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