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Posts posted by gnarly

  1. Minute 45-44


    The duel continues between the 2nd platoon tank and the T-90. The T-90 fires 3 rounds, the last hitting and destroying the Oplot. In contrast the Oplot  gets off two, the second one hitting with a partial turret penetration. Those T-90's are tough bastards!  Who said you can't have old fashioned tank duels in modern warfare!!!


    I'd darted up the 1st Platoon HQ tank to support the 2nd platoon; it arrives as the Oplot explodes, and is quickly lased as the turn ends.... 1st Company HQ tank is still (safely??) up the back; I think it's now the overall commander?


    My ever reliable 2nd IFV of 4th platoon, positioned up the north end of the Medium Ridge, spots and destroys another BTR on the north slopes of the Big Hill. Be nice to see some T-90s going BOOM though.....  :(

    Oh, an infantry HQ is spotted in the woods immediately east of the 4th platoon IFV, so that seems to round out the expected full infantry company (3 squads and HQ). Now, if only I could find the rest of that tank company....



  2. Minute 46-45 appendium

    I did forget to mention the heavy mortar fire that started coming down on 3rd platoon, forward of Lieutenant Colonel  Vernydub's position (just realized, I've incorrectly called them 2nd platoon in my little pocket story!!!). This was accompanied by half a dozen RPG rounds from the a little copse of tree over the river on my right flank (seen in the story); multiple units were tasked with suppressing the area.


    Minute 45-44

    The RPG team on my right flank is eliminated, and the heavy mortar brrage on 3rd platoon's positions continues, without effect.

    But through the T-90's dissipating smoke screen, it destroys the distracted (by area fire to the flanks) Tactical Group HQ tank. Soon after it spots one of the 2nd platoon tanks, starting a duel... That the Russian fired first is a worry...



    Area fire continues on likely infantry positions, revealing the presumed 3rd enemy squad and a number of RPG teams in the large copse on Art's front left. A truck is spotted behind those buildings deep on Arts right flank, and autocannon fire from a 4th platoon IFV forces a newly spotted BTR to retreat with some penetration damage.



  3. I do believe its a power pole (combo with telegraph pole)? Surprisingly, I actually didn't really notice it until I'd completed those 4 panels, and stepped back to look at them in totality I was so focused on the T-90...


    But for all my google searching , I cannot actually find a Ukrainian example of such serious/sombre markings


    I would have thought a iteration of this more likely:




    Or perhaps it means 'Death to all who park near this pole"?  :rolleyes:


  4. So tonight I had grand aspirations to deliver:

    1. The next two minutes of action...   FAIL!
    2. A turn back to Art.. FAIL!
    3. Army purchase and setup in a new game versus @Entrenched  (well, I did tell him it was unlikely tonight)... FAIL
    4. Something new and highly experimental..  SUCCESS (I hope you'll agree)!

    Inspired by this forum's amazingly prolific and rather superb comic AAR creator (if you don't know who that is, you better start browsing!), but with no pretension of emulating his quality, I present my first comic pocket-story! (spanning minutes 47-44)



    • Emphasis on mini-story - I wanted to see how much effort and time it took.
    • As it is, this took 3 hours, using trusty Snag-It
    • Apologies for any cultural, technical (gunner versus commander positions?), communication jargon or any other errors. This is about the story, not the details...













    And with that, I'm going to leave it there for the night, which I'm sure @Codename Duchess will appreciate! :P


    (4 hours it's taken now!)


  5. From all the recent teasing I'm assuming your glorious advance has been turned into glass.

    :P The 'teasing' has been completely unintentional; like I'm sure most of the other 'middle-aged' guys on here, I am rather time poor, so I generally have to alternate consecutive nights between PBEM game time, and reporting into this thread (which is rather time consuming.  My teaser snippets are generally a general comment the next day from work..



  6. @IanL, @John Kettler, @Seedorf81 & @C3K, thanks for the group hug guys.!  B)


    Updates tonight, but I'll post my Lesson #3 for this match in advance; Manual targeting is great, but use it sparingly and cautiously!  Especially when the target is minor, of negligible threat, and at almost right angles to the principal threat axis..... In other words, don't distract your pixeltruppen from their real threats!  :huh:



  7. Thanks guys, these DAR's get ever so lonely without some kind words to remind me I'm not talking to the wall.. ;)


    Unfortunately, suggestions of the T-90's demise were premature; it was only a partial penetration to the turret, which is comes back to haunt me in a couple of turns (which I just got back from Art this morning)... Or to put it another way; it ain't dead until it's burning...

  8. Minute 46-45

    One of the tanks of 2nd platoon gets lased. Whilst reversing and popping smoke, it spots (just NE of the minor objective buildings) a T-90A!!! Finally we are seeing Art's big guns....

    That beast gets a shot off, but of what I am not sure, as I think the ordnance explodes barley 30m down range (below)? I can only presume it was an AT-11 ATGM, somehow randomly hitting cross-fire machine gun rounds (though I couldn't spot any)?? Or perhaps a low-flying pigeon??



    The Oplot retreats successfully, and seconds later, the tactical group HQ tank in my backfield spots the T-90A retreating, and ends this movement with a Kornet ATGM... One down, likely 3 more to go??



    3 near-simultaneous laser warnings remind me that there is still a significant anti-armour threat across the river... To minimise this, the last of the buildings at the minor objective collapses from sustained DF..



    My sporadic arty mission on big hill complete, I've decided to pulverise Art's last bastion (3 minutes away):



    I've also begun returning to the medium ridge the anti-tank and 4th platoon teams, with the intent to get LOS into Art's deep right flank.

  9. Minutes 51-46

    Seeing as the primary readership of this (lengthy?) discourse is me :(, I'll try to keep it brief... ;) Though the next 5 minutes are fairly 'static' and uneventful; essentially the entire tank company overwhelming suppresses any sound contacts as well as likely vehicle or crew-served weapon positions. There are few if any visual contacts, outside brief glimpses of a couple of ATGM teams amongst the trees at the base of the hill.

    The tanks of 2nd platoon dart forward uneventfully, supported by a nice thick smoke screen (you can just see one tank approaching his lay-up position in the shot below, whilst the second enters the smoke screen).

    Art's barrage on the northern half of the Medium Ridge continues for another 5 minutes; by the end of it, most teams in the anti-tank and 4th platoons are 1 man down.


  10. Minute 52-51

    Two more BTR's are spotted and rapidly dispatched, this time in the NE (Art's right flank), including one behind the buildings way up the top NE corner. If Art's got tanks, not sure where he is hiding them?? That's 9 BTR's so far, with 7 of them Kaboomed...

    Another ATGM team takes a shot at my advanced 3rd platoon tanks, and will bear the anger of 2 Oplots and a BMP shortly... :D

    With my arty barrage beginning on the hilltop treeline., it time to advance just a little.... So 4 tanks will deploy smoke (grey lines) and then the 2 Oplots of 2nd platoon will sprint up to the next tree line (blue line): :panzer:



  11. Minute 53-52

    Sustained fire from my tank guns knock out the northern ATGM, and most likely the other two weapon teams as well.

    Gun lines, tracers and explosions just never fail to excite, eh?!!





    I've mostly pulled-back the troops from the northern half of the medium ridge; the continuing barrage there merely converts the forest into wood chips.... Looks like 4 guns.

    Couple more BTR's spotted on Art's baseline, including a 30mm armed BTR-80 (the rest have been 14.5mm BTR-82's I think). A single trooper is seen fleeing east from the medium ridge; I think the remnants of that 2nd squad.


  12. Minute 54-53

    And so the worm turns!

    Lesson #1 - When you have an ATGM near-miss, do not presume you think you know where it came from, unless you can see it!

    A second ATGM destroys the anti-tank platoons 1st IFV, though the gunner escapes. It looks like Art has another ATGM team positioned in the lower band of trees on Big Hill, in this case precisely in-line with the ATGM team I'd previously neutralized higher up...



    Art's barrage is starting to do more than just pin down my pixeltruppen... A round close to the destroyed 1st IFV finishes off the previously lucky gunner..



    Lesson #2: Remember to apply/enact the order's you intended (in this case, pulling men and materiel back from the forest..)!

    Another round drops right behind the anti-tank platoon's remaining IFV, killing the gunner.



    Fortunately the driver, and more importantly, the anti-tank platoon leader, manage to bail, escaping into a shrapnel-strewn environment...


    There are additionally a small number of injuries among the other infantry teams cowering from the shell bursts.

    My armour spends most of the turn putting down area fire on the presumed neutralized ATGM team's location (which I thought had fired the ATGM end of last turn). Some additional Russian crew-served weapons are spotted; aside from the location of ATGM team that took out the 1st IFV, another is spotted in foxholes on the north side of the hill, and a grenade launcher is seen in foxholes on the west flank.



  13. Minute 55-54

    Area fire from my right flank destroys one of the two BTR targets at the west base of the hill. The company HQ tank spots the other:





    Light artillery fire starts to drop over the medium ridge. My northermost pixeltruppen come under fire from I think the woods east of the northern ford, possibly MG fire.  An ATGM crew member is incapacitated.

    An inbound missile misses one the nearby IFV's; it looks like the Russian ATGM team I thought neutralised, may not be. Area fire on the location from multiple vehicles should rectify that oversight.


  14. With the glacial response time you have on FS, buying TRPs was wise indeed. Meanwhile, I have great news! If you are getting your FS from 2A65, 2S19 or 2S3M, then you have 6 rounds of Krasnopol-M with which to wreak havoc. This should greatly aid your war effort while making life miserable for your opponent. You seem to be a fine job taking him apart so far. I wonder, though, how many, say, T-90AMs he has squirreled away just waiting for the right opportunity? As you know, decisive action can unfold in seconds. As for the house, the realtor would say: "it's a bit of a fixer upper with real potential."


    John Kettler




    Yeah, since I think I've thus far encountered components of a both an anti-tank and infantry platoons, I have no doubt Art has a platoon of T-90's squirreled away in sneaky hull-down locations.  No doubt at least a couple somewhere to the back on his right flank... Especially as BTR's are cheap; Art has a philosophy that APC/IFV's are really just mobile transport that go boom very quickly, so he would rather have quantity over quality. So he has spent the points elsewhere....


    And the predicted arty barrage onto the Medium Ridge has just begun; stay tuned. I think I may have to pull the crew served weapons back into the IFV's for a few turns real quick smart....

  15. Lastly, there had been a vehicle sound contact amongst the trees on the northern slopes of Big Hill; my tanks had been hosing the area down for a few turns. The smoke screen dissipated to reveal another destroyed BTR. Nice!


    So at this point I've seen:

        Medium Ridge - likely 2 squads on infantry (1.5 of which are neutralized). Therefore I reckon there is another squad plus HQ somewhere near abouts; i.e. a whole infantry   platoon. Likely anchored at the trees either side of the northern ford...

        Big Hill - 5 BTR's (3 neutralized, 2 OK at western base), 1 neutralized ATGM team. Did he deploy a weapons/antitank platoon over Big Hill?

    Graphically represented below, where:

      Red = Dead

      Green = Alive

      Yellow is somewhere on the way to being dead.....



  16. Minute 56-55

    Much excitement amongst the men!!!  Surrounded by the 6 limp bodies of his devastated squad (and here I thought it was a scout team...!), the lone surviving Russian in the northernmost part of the Medium Ridge woods surrendered!

    Putin's finest... BAH! More like conscript scum....  Never bring an assault rifle to an IFV gunfight! :P



    Which leads me to think that the other contacts in the middle of the Medium Forrest are also likely a full squad (somewhat reduced by now...)?


    The IFV (of the Antitank Platoon) pictured above in fact spent most of the turn hosing down the buildings at the minor objective (also to be the target of my arty barrage). The gunner was so preoccupied, that it took him some time to realise he was getting targeted (aka 'plinked'...) by a BTR atop Big Hill (the second one as spotted briefly back in minute 58-57).  Angrily he slew the turret around, and  made short work of the BTR.

    Never bring 14.5mm to a 30mm gunfight Russkies!


    And whilst we are talking about always having the biggest gun at a gunfight (and likely much to John Kettler's amusement), a few rounds of 152mm HE arrived on that likely (wooden!!) house OP at the minor objective (which I'd already been hosing down with the IFV above...).


    I sooo hope there was someone in there....





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