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Posts posted by gnarly

  1. In addition to @Currahee150's various combat related parameters likely to effect shooting accuracy, I'd also add that any incoming fire (or even perceived possibility of incoming fire) is likely to significantly (?) degrade one's accuracy compared with a shooting range. Again, not criticism, just commentary.

  2. Happy Aussie day for the down-underians on here!


    As always, a beautiful smorgsboard  of panels to return to after few days away down the coast!!   This one in particular:


    1/. Thanks for granting my onomatopoeia request, with a special font (I think?) and all!! Followed pretty rapidly by someelse's very effectively implemented Brakka Brakka Brakka (@Slim?)


    2/. I saw the motion blur on the falling German Lieutenant straight away, and really liked it. Perhaps if you were to do such again, full panel it to really capture the readers eye?


    3/. I liked the GIF, but it did feel very long. I've only tried a few, and they do take some effort (like a comic?? ;) ) to get short, sweet & yet effective.


    4/. Re the map, I think one at the start of such quality is sufficient, and if such a map is serious work, perhaps something more in-game, in full colour, from a 45 degree view, with some basic annotations? (Somewhere someone has done what I am alluding to, but can't find an example at the moment....) Of course, you are trying I think to emulate a simple topo map, so perhaps this suggestion won't be viable.

    Alternative option; perhaps literally a quick hand drawn black and white sketch you yourself draw and insert; the kind of thing the Lieutenant would quickly scribble on his pad, in order to show each of his armored vehicle commanders the current situation, and where he wants them to go?


    e.g ? (just a suggestion)





    Looking forward to the finale!

  3. Subscribed! :)


    Nice work! I assume this is a scenario, not a QB?


    Helps if I read the first post eh? So it sounds like this is not  a normal battle, but actually more a scenario designed to provide the canvas for your story-telling? I think they are called machinama's or something (at least thats what I think video story's told with the ARMA engine were called)? But yours is different again, because you then putting them into a comic (though personally I prefer the modern term graphic novel, but of course, you are emulating the classic Commando style comics of yesteryear..)

  4. I'd like to see another AAR before release to sway my decision to purchase this game. The one just conducted was fantastic.




    Voila! You asked, and you shall have!! :P 


    It even ups Banemans OOB, coming with

    TWO SturmTigers!!!! TWO!!!!! 

    Perhaps you'll get some free steak-knives with it as well???

  5. Say anyone else notice something new to the game in the last picture? The fortification used by the machine gun team is semi-circular! Could we dare hope those "v" shaped defensive positions have evolved into something that gives better protection for a crew served weapon across their sector of fire.

    Are you sure it not just due to the perspective of the shot?

    I am not sure how many fortifications Bud has in place; is this one below that is triangular (7th Jan)  the same one?





  6. I was thinking more of modern although CB was possible in  WW2.

    If in Black Sea, I'd suggest as a counter-proposal for a more  viable (and tangible in terms of theatre/mission size) yet still abstract off-board mechanic; air-to-air (call it Counter-Air!).

    1/. Introduce a new type of target for appropriate air assets called anti-air or similar. Asset would loiter over the battlefield (no 'target' required? Or use a very large radius if the map is Huge (e.g. 1km radius?)) and attempt to interdict any enemy air missions occurring during their mission time. Mission time of say 10 minutes?

    2/. A successful interdiction at least will cause enemy air asset to break-off attack, or at worst be destroyed (i.e. enemy loses that asset for the rest of the game!).

    3/. Might need some in-game logic for air-to-air attacker/defender weighting values.  For instance, an heli on interdiction duties is unlikely to shoot down a fighter-bomber (or even cause a break-off?). Whereas an heli interdicting another chopper is very likely to cause it to at least break-off, if not actually destroy the enemy chopper.

    4/. If you really wanted to get complex, you could 'layer' your attacks; have a fighter bomber on interdiction duties (air-to-air) at teh same time as one or more heli ground attack missions are going in. This way, if the enemy has an asset on air-to-air duties, it is nullified, prioritized towards the the opponents air-air fighter-bomber, allowing the heli's to have a better chance to conduct their ground attacks.

    5/. If both parties happen to have only ground-attack missions occurring simultaneously, there is a reduced chances of interdiction on both sides (conceivably, both missions could be aborted)


    I am not advocating this is done at all, but just suggesting something that IMO makes more sense for implementing against already abstracted off-board assets than coutner-battery fire, in terms of CM scale & mission time frame. It is also something that the player would feel that they have a lot more control over (tangibly)  within their toolbox of assets, and adds some interesting combos and decisions (see item 4 above).


    LOL I just read @panzersaurkrautwerfer post. Similar ideas about CAS and CAP.

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