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Posts posted by Cobetco

  1. Alot of the AI plans in CMBN campaigns and sceneareos predate the use of triggers and other such engine upgrades and theirfor are fairly simple compaired to some of the more complicated ones in later titles, also the Devs just got more skilled at Making AI plans over time. so that's what makes them feel "worse". the AI however runs identically in all titles at the moment except FI


    Edit: made a mistake the AI runs identically in all CMx2 titles except CMFI, CMSF and CMA. and CMFI only temporarily runs differently until the 4.0 patch

  2. Sooo AA guns in CM can shoot down planes, but don't hold your breath as the chance is very very low. when one does get shot down you'll hear an audio response and see an explosion of board. However as Micheal was trying to hint at they do a very very good at making incoming aircraft suck at their job, and that can be very very important even if you can't tell it is.

  3. 2 hours ago, General Liederkranz said:

    I thought flamethrowers could hurt them. In the first mission of the Soviet campaign in CMRT my flamethrower fired at a wood pillbox, the animations showed flame on the roof, and then it showed up as knocked out with the infantry bailing out.

    your right flamethrowers will do the trick most of the time, i made a mistake. its the Anti tank gun bunkers that seem to be made of asbestos 

  4. yeah this is normal behavior, pillboxes are technically vehicles in the games eyes, so the correct thing to do this is to just park engineers outside of it and do nothing. they will then use the charges as grenades, there is no clearing them out like buildings, and flamethrowers don't even tickle them (at least in my experience)

  5. 5 minutes ago, Mark_McLeod said:

    The reason i mentioned it was because i was told that the CMBN had a good training mission.

    CMFI has a good training campaign too, its just the things it tries to teach you can be difficult to grasp, CM really has a very sharp learning curve and the only way to really overcome it is via experimentation. I recommend you go through some Quick Battles with the scenario author test difficulty after you have completed it so you can see what actions have what effects on your enemies.

  6. 1 hour ago, akd said:

    37mm Pak 36 is in CMFI as an option for the Fallschirmjager regimental AT company.

    GAH you are right! I mistakenly assumed the Luftwaffe Panzergrenadiers would be using them as well and didn't switch to the airborne infantry tab. interesting note they are available in FB too, but only as teams, not organic units. and are not listed in the manual.

  7. the Italian frogmen was interesting, don't think I've ever seen pictures of them, besides that 2 photos caught my eye


    this because it looks weird with the Tiger in the background, I suspect this lack of juxtaposition was done on purpose to fool people into thinking that Panzer II had a big gun (this was of course an era before Photoshop.) if not then the Photographer was awful because that's a poor way to lay out a composition.


    and this caught my eye because in FI we don't have access to the Pak 36, but here are some fallschirmjager hanging out with one. now its probably a staged photo. but its interesting to note that Pak 36's were still floating around somewhere near the front

  8. On 2/13/2017 at 10:17 AM, rocketman said:

    Actually, @LiveNoMore and I have already discussed doing something around Task Force Butler and has begun preliminary research. Will wait until next FI module to see if Dragoon is included or not. If not, maybe a community made campaign can be put together? I'd be more than willing to do maps. @DougPhresh, will look at case study later on. Thanks :) 

    if Dragoon is not included and a community campaign or set of battles does go into the works, count me in. I am competent enough with the CM2 map tools (still figuring out the kinks of triggers and adv stuff like that though) and I can Contribute some 2D art and such for briefing screens and such 

  9. 1 hour ago, DougPhresh said:

    Does this mean that the Italian TOE also got a second look? Now that AA guns are in all the branches, the lack of the Breda 35 is more apparent, especially since it's mounted on the Sahariana. Similarly, a ground mount for the Solothurn S18-1000 would be great. Both weapons are already in the game, and having ground mounts would historically accurate, and also mean that the Italian player doesn't have to rely on large, soft targets (with high rarity!) to add firepower.

    There are other odds and ends the Italians could use, but IIRC there are hopes for an Italian-focused module down the line. ;)

    i second this. A ground based Solothurn or two hidden in the hills could make for a really interesting scenario, especially using some triggers for them moving about and re-positioning. The Soviet AT rifles are basically just annoyances in most cases, but a 20mm gun could be really damaging to a cavalry or mechanized formation, particularly the early ones that entered Sicily.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

    Oh ho, now I never knew that. This may finally put to bed the binocular discussion we've beaten to death over in the CMBN forum, and explain the discrepencies between the two games.

    oh yeah, that's going to be annoying... I hope because of this we don't lose our ability to give US troops 1903A3 springfields.

  11. yeah I do have to second Thewood1, some communication would be appreciated, if only to give a revised date and/or reason for the delay. Self inflicted due dates are always far too optimistic. Something always goes wrong, or something comes up outside of the project that effects its pace.(I'm totally not working on something that's past due by a week, nope not at all)

  12. 56 minutes ago, General Liederkranz said:

    I wonder if part of the CMFI update delay is making the unsplittable Italian squads work with the new infantry spacing in v 4.0? Maybe we will finally see the Italians able to split, but with a penalty, like the Russians?

    that would be wonderful, or just an Italian revamp in general, they kinda are a hot mess to play, my own pet theory is BF is looking for ways to have the two parts of the "squad" merge when casualties have been heavy enough to allow it.


    (by hot mess, i do not mean to say the Italian faction is broken or bugged but rather is a organizational nightmare, mixing up which part B squad belongs who which part A can have serious morale effects)

  13. you have missed nothing since December 2015, that's the last time we got any new information on it, but in case you missed it, BF is (or was?) planning an Italy module taking the fighting in Italy to the end of the war, along with adding neat new things like US mountain infantry, Indian Troops, and i think I recall mention of free french?

  14. quick and fast with 20-30 second pauses every 3-4 action tiles is what i use in an advance, works fairly well assuming you have achieved sufficient suppression on the enemy. Overall however the best way to move infantry forward is under cover of your own fire, and take care not to advance to close, because eventually your pixeltruppen will get too close and even a suppressed enemy will take deadly potshots at your forces. 


    when it comes down to it most infantry fights are a matter of making load noise until the other side is scared off your objective, not actually getting confirmed kills.

  15. that sounds pretty awesome, and i would totally help, But despite my skills in PS I don't actually know how to re texture stuff in CM games. if i could i would have added a big red one patch to my pixeltrupen in FI a long time ago. maybe i should investigate how to do this. 

  16. yeah the answer to that is no, CM isn't quite COH or MOW. the units don't have health bars and such that abstract things to the point where that might be feasible. even if you could, then you'd have to squeeze it somewhere in the to&e.

    I might be wrong but i don't think you can even model flavor objects for maps and such.

    However i will point out the with exception to a couple minor variants (like the stug IV, which hopefully we'll see soon) stuff on the western front is pretty much fully fleshed out.

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