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Posts posted by StieliAlpha

  1. On 3/9/2021 at 1:40 PM, Scrapdealer said:

    Yes I really am that old. Recently had to reload CMAK (still my favorite CM) and lost all my MODS!  Any idea where I can find new ones?  Tried the GreenasJades site but the files download as corrupt. Feeling totally lost with desert cam Axis armor wandering around Italy!  Help!

    This still seems to work: http://cmx1mods.greenasjade.net/

    At least I could click through until a password was required for the download.

  2. I found this Mark Felton video about a pretty obscure topic. For obvious reasons, of special interest to  me. Quite interesting, I knew of only some of the events and especially, the extend of the US bombing was new to me. I knew of Schaffhausen, Basel and Zurich, but it sounds like those were only a small part of it.


  3. Not so much a pre-reading, but pre-playing recommendation: Twilight Struggle.

    The game gives a very good impression about the Cold War  historical events and political „mechanics“. Add a little political pressure here, start a coup there, stir some unrest in the next place....

    I started to play this one on-line very recently. More by chance, than by purpose (A friend and I were looking for a game, which we both own.)

    A very nice game play, though quite confusing at start. In our last game, I managed to start the hot war (and end the game prematurely) by initiating a coup in Panama.

    As with all card driven games, one should know the cards and what their effect is.

  4. On 3/10/2021 at 11:02 PM, Erwin said:

    Yes, as soon as you give me a link to your dropbox I will be happy to upload.  I always heavily mod everything so I hope you will be pleased with the result.  (I think a heavily modded CM1 looks almost as good as CM2 when using view level 3 or above.)

    That sounds quite optimistic to me, but @Scrapdealer, I can help out with CMAK mods and scenarios, too. Drop me a line, if help is needed.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    I see that the redoubtable Aris did one.  Looks like a dirty dark yellow/brown. It's the only SdKfz 223 I could find in CMBN (or CMFI).  There is one for CMRT which is a darker camo.

    Hmmm, there is a „Pat-Aris weathered“ mod in the FGM Mod Warehouse, which I haven’t seen before. How could I miss that one? Anyway, I‘ll check it out tomorrow.

  6. On 3/10/2021 at 7:07 PM, BFCElvis said:

    Yeah....That's a good question. We're getting really close to the edge here.

    If this is a thread about "Hey look! Here's a video showing lot of WW2 tanks rolling down the street. It's kinda cool to see them moving around.....even if it is just a parade" then we're good. If it keeps sliding down the slippery slope that we're starting to see it slide down......that ain't as good. 

    Thanks, Elvis.

  7. 3 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    This isn't a parade anywhere in the world. It's a propaganda show by a regime that starts unjustified wars, poisons people and tries to destabilize other countries. In my eyes that makes it rather different, wouldn't you agree?


    Your list at least does not make Russia very unique. So why are you trying to politicise the OP?

  8. 21 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

    There's no flaw in your logic, but even the US military budget was not without limits and what one would like to have differed with what one had. "You go to war with the Army you have, right?"  :)

    Hm, I think, I said something like that in another post the other day.

    But you are ruining the confidence, which I had as a conscript back then. I was so sure, that somebody would be better prepared than our outfit... 😎

  9. 1 hour ago, Sequoia said:

    Thanks for the links guys. Part of the reason I was wondering was if the sites had older equipment we'd have even more reason for the M48s. Maybe even Sheridans were still in storage there for the 3rd ACR. Not that I'm trying to argue to include Sheridans this late in the development.

    Well, I have not seen any solid info, but looking at the effort put into the POMCUS sites and their importance for the rapid response concept, I believe they held top notch equipment. It would not make much sense, to shuffle 50‘000+ guys to Europe in a hurry and then outfit them with outdated equipment. 

  10. On 2/27/2021 at 12:13 AM, IICptMillerII said:

    That's a great collection! I'm jealous of "The Third World War." I haven't been able to get my hands on a copy despite trying for a while now. I recently looked into getting "Armies of NATOs Central Front" too but same issue. 

    "The War That Never Was" is really good. I just finished reading it. Definitely some good ideas in there for modules...

    There are a couple of Hacket‘s Third World War available on Amazon. Not even very expensive. I have seen a hard cover copy for 12 Euro or so.

  11. 8 hours ago, Sequoia said:

    Just curious for those in the know. My understanding is the US had motor pools of vehicles in West Germany aka POMCUS sites just awaiting whole units of troops to be flown over should the balloon go up. Could someone elaborate on that or point me to a link beyond what I find a Wikipedia please? I'm curious about if the stored vehicles were old or new and exactly how they were stored. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a wide variety. Any sources on inventory by year? I know that's asking a lot.



    Yep, that‘s what Reforger was about. Bring the troops to their equipment.

    Look it up in Wikipedia, or read (certainly more fun) Tom Clancy‘s Red Storm Rising or (much more serious) Gen. Hacket‘s Third World War.

    Here is a website about POMCUS sites in Northern Germany: https://www.relikte.com/nl_pomcus/index.htm

    Not very specific, but perhaps a good starting point for you.

  12. On 3/4/2021 at 11:32 PM, WhiteWolf65 said:

     I am personally wondering why the German dragon's teeth obstacle is not included, especially since they would be available in Final Blitzkrieg or any module for that title? Just wondering so be kind.

    I would think, the dragon‘s teeth are a bit outside the CM scope, since they were installed just to block terrain for vehicle movement. So the practical way to deal with them, would be to go around them.

    Of course, one could imagine an infantry assault across a line of dragon teeth. But I don’t think that would be a very historical approach and would probably not make a very playable, fun CM scenario. As any well planned obstacle, they should be protected by dug in supporting units in the rear, which would make a playable CM scenario pretty pretty difficult to achieve.

  13. On 3/3/2021 at 9:18 PM, samsung said:

    Hello, I reloaded CMRT 103 plus The update and the 4th engine which i bought. The battlefront front clearly says version 2.00 engine 4.00. When i play the game all the units names are wrong. 2 Sherman 4 group or 1 QT. Also quick battles do not show all formations.

    I wanted to get ready for the next DLC. Can you help.

    You are probably missing some of the brz-files. Contact customer service, send them a screen shot of your data folder and they’ll send you the missing files.

  14. On 2/28/2021 at 12:17 AM, Anonymous_Jonze said:

    With the WW2 titles I can't seem to use indirect fire from my on map Priest's, Hummels and Wespes via a forward observer. Oddly the only self-propelled arty that I can use as its role is the "Grille" in CMBN. What's the point of bringing these? Tanks, tank destroyers and assault guns seem to be far more effective in every way. They aren't particularly well armored, so you can't get them anywhere close enough. Are they more accurate? I suppose just park them on a hill and use direct fire? 

    For historical scenarios, I would say they are there, because they were „there“.  You fight with what you have, though it may not always the best suited.

  15. 11 hours ago, AttorneyAtWar said:

    Pacifism is now "dangerous nonsense".

    As far as I'm concerned everyone should be a pacifist, war should always be the last resort to anything. Idealistic? Maybe. But I think everything should start from that view point, millions of people didn't die as recently as the 20th century for us to fall back on "war is necessary" nonsense.

    Rest assured, not everybody in this forum agrees with Aragorn.

    He certainly has the habit to make statements, which many people in Germany would start with „Das wird man jawohl noch sagen dürfen...“

  16. 1 hour ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Well, you know better than I of course. Me and my comrades at the time had a very good impression of the Bundeswehr, especially during joint exercises. But decades of pacifism and other dangerous nonsense takes its toll, I guess.

    I served between 1980 and 82, at a time when other „dangerous nonsense „ threatened the world...


  17. On 2/16/2021 at 8:52 PM, Aragorn2002 said:

    Well, of course there should be. Best army in the world at that time.

    Oooff, I recollect the time indeed more like @Dr.Fusselpulli 

    What sticks most, is how annoyed I was, when many of our „professionals“ decided to quit for „ethical reasons“ during the Falkland War. When they were asked to replace the Brits in NATO missions, like the AWACS planes or during navy patrols in the North Sea.

  18. 3 hours ago, Vacilllator said:

    My BN (main folder as well as Game Files and User Data) is all on my D drive so yes. 

    However for RT, FB and FI only the main folders are on my D drive, while the Game Files and User Data are on C in the 'Users' folder, so I think there was a change in where you could install at some point?  Shame as my C drive is rapidly filling up with scenarios, campaigns, mods, save games etc. for these other titles.  If someone says it can be done otherwise I'll give it a try...

    Yep, I don’t remember the full story, but for some reason CMBN is different in this aspect, too. Well, being the first of the lot, that should probably not be a surprise.

  19. 17 hours ago, joes 44 said:

    is there a way to run the installation to a particular folder in another drive besides the C drive?

    windows 10

    Yes and no. IIRC, the installation is always in C, but you can copy most of the game to any other drive. I would have to check at home how exactly that looks and works. Or, ask @BFCElvis he should be able to give a quick answer.

  20. 15 minutes ago, Dr.Fusselpulli said:

    Yes, it says it never existed in service in this combination. But I am not sure what combination directly, because the text also mentions east German Lights and Signals, so there might be a combination with western Lights and Signals? Hard to say, maybe there never was a east Trabant with western police markings in service, and they got west german police cars directly.

    Yep, interesting point. Using the old cars for a while would make sense. But then West Germany got rid of the NVA stuff pretty quickly. IIRC, the MIG 27 was the only equipment which made it into the Bundeswehr. Well, I guess for obvious reasons. Otherwise, I can´t really remember. What a shame, about the only thing I clearly remember from the time are the "bought empty" Aldi's.😀

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