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Everything posted by Saferight

  1. I think this was the point to harass and hopefully hit a few if they're lucky. In the lead up of that little hit and run attack from 8:00 to 14:00 you see the commander instructing them to fire the GLs first and empty a mag each in their assigned fields of fire. LOS must not be too great with that amount of foliage but they know where the enemies positions are and seem to have figured the bullet drop somewhat. I don't know how sound of a tactic that is but it probably did mess up the UA troops morning and give everybody a little morale boost.
  2. Militia RRG "Batman" working. Combat footage: defense of Vergunka 11-13/08/14 I recommend having a look at this uploaders Youtube channel, lots of videos with translations!!
  3. Problem was theres not enough to replace all the voice files so it would be partial and thus sound a little weird.
  4. I thought about doing this with the voice work from Red Orchestra 2 but thought no one would be interested. There are both German and Russian accented English in that game.
  5. They can definitely be used to wipe out troops massed in the open or lined upon a stretch of road with ease. Just like all rocket artillery what they lack in accuracy they make up for with just the sheer amount of shells hitting the area in a very short amount of time. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=dd2_1409861882 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=342_1408443061 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ca6_1409851337 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ac6_1409876830 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=764_1408395418 Scary **** like all artillery
  6. Ya him and the crew have a close call with some arty in the newest dispatch. Heres the link https://news.vice.com/video/russian-roulette-dispatch-78 Interesting to see the one DNR commander carrying around that PPSh. Also sad to see the terror the locals and pensioners are going through with the shelling. Hope a real cease fire can be implemented and the fighting stops.
  7. It does appear these men have been sacrificed as they are a threat to the oligarchs and overall powers in Kiev. I doubt few of them will forget how they were abandoned and their friends allowed to be slaughtered. Kiev may have made bitter enemies of these volunteer units and that will come back to bite them in the ass but not until the threat from Russia and the rebels subsides.
  8. Some more of that shoddy reporting from vice Aftermath of Ambush on Ukrainian Forces: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 75) WARNING IT GETS GRAPHIC AT THE END!!!! Under Fire with the Azov Battalion: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 76)
  9. Lots of various combat footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiV7I_wX7HU&list=UUncKvgwBHRPQiX9x1myWfXA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnikvAqRamc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HypIWwG4nY4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMoUhQUOJCY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJPZLOn4_D0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtQTSdSPTbY&list=UUncKvgwBHRPQiX9x1myWfXA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0pIBBZ812E&list=UUncKvgwBHRPQiX9x1myWfXA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRffrN6eAwU&list=UUncKvgwBHRPQiX9x1myWfXA
  10. I guess i shouldn't be too anal about it Erwin but i definitely need to do something with the boots. edit not much i can do ill leave them the way they are.
  11. Again thanks for taking your time to do this Kieme, you sparked my interest in CMSF again and helped BFC sell another copy Heres some more progress on the ISIS fighter boots and the slit on the mask is pretty blurry though. Slightly better "face"
  12. Im going to see if i can contribute something to this. Just a little test
  13. Well what the IA is doing now in several cities is basically trying to root these rats out in urban warfare (and not having much luck). You could use that for inspiration and make something where basically you're IA mounting a offensive with whatever they've got and making IS beat a slow tactical withdraw from village to village.
  14. Use the oldest T-72s and T-62s (mod 1972 i think) for the IA. Heres the last of some pics for IS armor.
  15. More not plain yellow colored armor in their possession (for now :cool:)
  16. From what i've seen the sand colored armor they have is former IA stuff. They do have lots of armor now that belonged to the SAA and other jihadi groups. I doubt theres anything sand colored outside of what Erwin listed so your best bet probably is use the plain green stuff and make something similar to these. They were captured at one of the airbases in Syria recently. You see this scheme a lot on armor trucks and artillery in Syria. tan/reddish blotches or squiggly lines on the base green coat and a ton of dust.
  17. That looks awesome Kieme. I like where your going with this and hope you plan on doing more for the AFVs. If thats the case... for the other Syrian vehicles there are a few where theres plain green or sand versions where you can perhaps apply your own camo. From what i've seen of camo on vehicles in syria it runs from the most hasty sloppy paint jobs to very intricate so theres lots of inspiration to be gained from browsing pics. Here is a search from a blog with lots of photos that you might find useful. http://milinme.wordpress.com/page/3/?s=syria&submit=Search Here is a easy go through list of Syrian Vehicles that might give you some more inspiration. http://spioenkop.blogspot.com/2013/02/syria-and-her-fighting-vehicles_25.html
  18. Ya the those with the flags and the license plates were mine when i first tried modding CMSF. Kieme can definitely pull off much better. Thanks for sending me those Erwin. Dude you really collect these mods!!!
  19. Hmmmm actually i think i made those a long time ago but deleted them. Shoot them my way if you can Erwin. Thanks
  20. They are all pretty old and don't look as good as what our friend Kieme can pull off i bet..
  21. I had a guy do this recently in CMRT as well, suprisingly had little effect on the russkies. http://youtu.be/pKU8vxWkyl8?t=7m59s
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