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Everything posted by Saferight

  1. Corrected version of the DH British Voices uploaded to GaJ's apologies for any inconvenience...
  2. really thanks for letting me know!!! ill have a fix up real quick. i've been having this problem with the files changing bit rates and speeds i'm not sure if this is due to the exporting from the editor for RO or compression sorry i let that slip by :confused: I dont think ill be doing any of the US im not much of a texture artist really i just grab stuff off the web and the German helmets along with the UK para helmets are made in a way that make what i did practical. I do have more German ones already in the queue for another release ill probably just a have a simple pack for CMRT once im done with the sounds...
  3. German voices uploaded with 2 versions as promised along with a link to Dietrichs for those who don't already have his.
  4. Thanks for your opinions gentlemen. I think i'll do both but the US ones are gonna take much longer though. There is about 1000 files from Rising Storm to go through before i upload those. The updated Russian voices are uploaded and so are the British, i plan on possibly updating both of these at a later date with voice files from other games. I also have much bigger mod with many of the sounds from RO-DH in the works at the moment. It won't be as extensive as Oddball's or Waclaw's but i think some of you are going to like it.
  5. Any new progress EZ? Hope all is well...
  6. I figured out how to get the Soviet voice work from RO1 and the very foul mouthed Scottish voice work for the brits from DH. Also managed to get the US and German voice work but i don't know if i should number them to be used in conjunction with lets say Mords US and Dietrichs Germans voices.. I use both of those and i'm sure many of you do so i wanted see what some of you think first. I should have the updated Russian voices up today and maybe the Brits before the beer, food, and fireworks take my attention away. Have a good 4th everyone!!! Everyone else enjoy watching Germany and Brazil winning today
  7. wow that nuke map is a very cool idea but at same time very scary.
  8. Thanks for the breakdown, so something like the improvised armor seen on the tanks in syria would do it some good but its still really a lumbering death trap.
  9. How well would that IS-3 stand up against the common rounds for the RPG-7 and the variety of disposable RPGs?
  10. Guess its better than a toyota or nissan
  11. exactly and this is what the Ukrainians are doing, with the rebels even admitting its making it very difficult for them to effectively engage them.
  12. except for the BM59/M14 in the middle ... what's the gun with the saw like teeth on it???
  13. SKS is basically a scaled down PTRS, ironic to see them used side by side almost 70 years later... PTRS takes a shot at a BTR-80 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=caf_1401811608 Some more photos of SKS in the separatists hands
  14. Updated Russian voices Pt.2 with the corrected speed on Russian Chatter 39 thanks for catching that von Schweinewitz...
  15. I wouldnt know all i can say is its from the darkest hour mod for RO1... Not sure how accurate it is but its one of my favorites. If youve played DH youll know it really makes you put your head down once someone rips a burst your way.
  16. Lol i think that was from the hamster version... Ill check it when i get home thanks.
  17. The Soviet voices you combine with the previous one, the DH-RO firearm sounds are new and different from the previous RO2 ones. Those i really didn't like so i took them down these are much better. thanks again for the skull and crossbones Erwin!
  18. @FIzou Thanks im uploading more of those in few... In the mean time heres some imho much better firearm sounds than the crap from RO2... http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5327/details I was able to get all the weapons sounds no problem, but the soviet and british voices are giving me some problems exporting... strangely i get US voices for the brits and german ones for the russkies using the RO editor.
  19. I'm finishing up the RO2 Russian voices i'm pulling about 30 more for that. Its a nightmare going through those files its all named randomly and there's like 900 of em. Might grab some of the US voices from RS as well at least the ones that aren't corny or mentioning japs. I really want to dig into the sounds from RO1 and Darkest Hour i prefer those sounds much more but... you have to do it using the Unreal editor and so far the German voices are the only ones working after exporting.
  20. i've been looking for this as well, someone on here has to have it....
  21. Ya in just about all the videos ive watched on it either side its trying to put their own spin on it so hard i just dont bother. I just stick to the vice news coverage they seem very un biased about the conflict just showing the all round bs of the situation.
  22. I believe that was at yanukovich's modest abode so im assuming that guy might have taken it from his private collection. He had a huge collection of weapons and ammo so it might be 7.92 kurz.
  23. As far as ISIS goes they have a huge amount of foreigners in their group last estimate i came across was 3,000. Members from practically every western European nation, probably every arab country, a ton from the Caucasus and central asia as well. For this reason the local Iraqis will look at them as invading oppressors not muslim brothers at some point in the future.
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