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Posts posted by Saferight

  1. Well ive started to work on something else again. I like the russian voices in game but one thing i thought was lacking was some loud bellowing shouts of uraaaaahhhhh and za stalina etc. coming from my pixelsoldaty. I immediately thought of the awesome voice work from red orchestra 2.

    Kinda intended just do that but after digging around in the sounds and seeing others have only taken bits and pieces i figured what the heck. Theres a massive amount of audio in that game so i have to sorta control myself from packing way to much into the mods im making from it.

    Im uploading i think all the soviet theme music to GaJs now and probably the german ones after i trim it down a good bit. The voices and everything else are going to take awhile.....

  2. i kinda understand where waclaws coming from if someone did a mod for a game in the region where im from and something is in the terrain but isn't really it would stand out to me. if that thing doesn't suit your tastes for whatever reason don't use it. but really i think waclaw was just giving his opinion and didn't mean anything by it. so don't take it to heart kieme all your work is great.

  3. I used the stock as a base (although heat richochet has the only stock bits left), then dropped photo reference over the top, then photoshopped/painted bits in and out and then married the colouring. Then I made some normal maps.

    I don't think I used any bits of yours, excellent though they are.

    same sources i guess then. anyhow i like how they really blend into the game. i might have to try something similar for mine. great work

  4. Thanks agusto you filled in the blanks on this one. I don't exactly understand his decision to be taken prisoner. I realize death is a scary thing to have to face and finally accept. i know i would not want to be in those shoes ever, but against a enemy like he was facing the better choice is clear.

  5. Wasn't my intention for this to go in this direction but what the heck here is my 2 cents. A war in Syria would be very different than Iraq and Astan in both the symmetric and asymmetric aspects for the US. In very few good ways i presume.

    I believe our country could beat just about any military in the middle east and just about the whole world, but i don't think we have the money and stomach now or will any time soon for anything but a very limited conflict anywhere even for the noblest causes.

    So lets see how much longer and honestly what good this insane defense spending does us. I think being top dog in that department is putting a strain that shall come to a head at some point in the near future.

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